Russia making sure nobody will sneak up on them via the North Pole

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Jazz, Mar 11, 2018.

  1. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

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    11 Mar, 2018 14:54

    Putin says,
    Russia won’t threaten anyone in Arctic, but will ensure national safety
    Russian nuclear icebreaker '50 Let Pobedy.'

    Russia will expand its presence in the Arctic to ensure the safety of its citizens, President Vladimir Putin said. While Moscow does not seek to intimidate anyone, it will continue to develop the vital region.
    “We won’t threaten anybody, but, using our advantages, of a territorial nature in this case, we will ensure the security of Russia and its citizens. In this sense, the Arctic region is extremely important for Russia,” the president stated in a new documentary titled ‘Putin.’ The film was made by VGTRK reporter Andrey Kondrashov and shared on social media.

    Moscow has already “reestablished itself firmly” in the Arctic, but other countries, including the US, are also seeking to expand their military presence there. US Ohio-class submarines, capable of carrying 24 Trident nuclear missiles, are very active in Norwegian Sea. The estimated time of arrival for such munitions from the Norwegian Sea to Moscow is only around 15 minutes, the president added.
    . . . .
    "The Arctic has a very fragile ecology, it should be treated with great care. One should create infrastructure which ensures environmental safety,” Putin said.

    I'm glad he has some sense that way. But if it comes to warfare with the US, the fragile environment will go to pots. Already without the explosions, the icebreakers do enough harm and the military bases are even worse. Wherever man goes he leaves destruction and filth behind! For instance, what will they do with human waste? There is no earth to bury it and let it rot. O.k., they could fly it out.
    Is mankind really already so desperate for survival that we have to drill and exploit the Arctic? Where will we dig after that? I guess we will have to shoot down the moon! We could make do without the moon as long as we leave the sun alone.:sun:

    Has anyone here in the forum been to the arctic? I have! Been to Yellowknife, and stood on the North Cap in Norway, looking north for the Midnight Sun.:-D
    These places are not yet the real arctic, just above the Arctic Circle.
    L610 likes this.
  2. zoom_copter66

    zoom_copter66 Well-Known Member

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    RT....great Russian propaganda.
    "we wont threaten anyone".....sure they wont , ask Baltics, Ukraine, Georgia, UK poisonings, etc, a bit rich to make that assumption...and wrong.
    I honestly doubt the the kremlin/Russians care about the environment much, considering they pump out millions of bbls of oil per day.

    yeah ive been to yknife....great town, friend of mine was a teacher at Wm Mac, another was employed at Giant Mine there.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2018
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  3. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

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    The Baltic countries are fine now; they were occupied under the old regime. Things have changed, in case you haven't noticed. Corrupt Ukraine is still o.k. It is the Eastern Part that wanted to separate and Putin supported them and why not? The West is supporting and arming the Kiev Junta. That you don't mention. And Georgia was saved by Putin from the claws of the West.
    UK poisonings are only a speculation, no proof Russia did it.
    There I have no idea how their laws are. But I trust Putin to ensure the arctic doesn't get ruined.
    I was only up there on vacation for two weeks.... did some canoeing north of Yellowknife and then took a camping trip south through the Wood Buffalo Park to Fort Smith. The landscape is a bit boring, nothing but trees on either side of the road or burned out areas.
  4. zoom_copter66

    zoom_copter66 Well-Known Member

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    It's the far north...what you expect?:)).
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2018

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