Some History Of The Job Creators Worshiped By The Right Wing

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Brtblutwo, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    this isn't a republican/democrat thing, it's about reducing the impact government has in our lives. that the republicans increase the size of government more slowly that do the democrats is a plus, but it simply isn't enough. the duties of the federal government were fairly well delineated when this nation was first conceived and those duties, along with the power to inflict damage on the individual, have been growing ever since. wealth will always be able to buy power, the point is to make government's power over the individual so slight that wealth cannot buy the people themselves.

    a government with the power to take care of the people also has the power to enslave them and this is precisely where we are headed. our decades long "war on poverty" has stripped away so many of the protections of the individual that we are nearly asking the wealthy to walk all over us. we have built a "ruling class" that is in bed with corporate powers, one of the practical definitions of fascism, and we have allowed it to happen for mere table scraps thrown to the masses as if they were dogs. this wasn't done to us, we did this to ourselves. we forgot that the american dream entails effort and sacrifice, that it isn't something we can take for granted. we forgot that life's failures will always outnumber the success stories and that force can never replace an ethos of willing generosity. we live in a nation whose people willingly give more of themselves than any other nation on earth, a nation that has amassed more wealth in one place than ever before in history, where the poor live in unprecedented luxury. we forget all this and demand that the state equalize the inequalities that are simply a matter of due course. such foolishness is practically crying out for punishment.
  2. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Hundreds are in my pocket. Does that make me bad if my intentions are good? 400K salary plus perks really isnt a lot compared to what I do. No one has yet to answer why I am villified by the left simply based on my income.
  3. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Damn when I say it I am accused of being an Obama butt buddy and the enabler. When you say it, it means you understand wtf you are talking about and everybody is morons. (???) So far the only thing we disagree with is that "we" have built a "ruling class" that is in bed with corporate powers.

    What has actually happened is the 'ruling class' (rich/elites) has developed a two party scam that works in their favor doesn't matter which one is in charge, and the sheeple argue amongst themselves over idiotic social issues, then these same idiots, the enablers (as you insinuate) are anybody who actually believes one party is less evil than the next, when they are both working the same scam from every angle possible.

    Yes we need to get back to the basics, we also need to curtail the corruption and the cronyism capitalism that is the real culprit in our economic demise, and yes government needs to be placed back in the category of the people's employees, not their overlords.

    This can't/will never happen as long as either party remains viable and/or in power.
  4. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Yes it is bad, they are not there for you individually, they are there to represent all the people, and, and this is the important part, "there to do what is best for the nation as a whole". Making us a welfare state, or a cronyism capitalist plutocracy, is not in this nations best interest. Period!

    Don't know what the left (or the right for that matter since they are both extremist nut jobs) thinks, or why they think that way (other than the fact they are pawns for the rich/elites who own them therefore the government itself), all I was wondering is why you bunch yourself in with a bunch of lying cronyism con artists who control the government and actually run the plutocracy?

    Maybe if people would actually stop all the accusations and actually listen to what they are saying a lot of this could be resolved. Of course that is the entire premise of the divide and conquer tactics of the two party scam. I see you are doing your part to assure it's continued success. :roll:
  5. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    once again you fail to grasp the most rudimentary concepts. where we part ways is which party in the melding of economic power and political power is the most dangerous to the rights of the average citizen. wealth attracts wealth and uses it to its own benefit, this is something even a child can understand. economic power is merely one of passive coercion, it can never force anyone to do anything. political power is of an entirely different order. the power of the state is one of violence, it holds a gun to the head on the individual and forces them to do its bidding. a government stripped of intrusive powers is of little use to an unscrupulous economic power and it is the puling masses that have given those intrusive powers to the state. we have demanded that we be taken care of and ceded our power as individuals in order to make this happen. our "representatives", as filled with greed as any man, have taken that power and sold it off to the highest bidder. of course wealth will attempt to purchase it. wealth, seeking to attract more of the same, will take the easiest road to increase itself. it will use its coercive power to multiply itself because that is easier than creating wealth, what it must do if the state's violent powers are not available.

    the two party system has been perverted not by corporate powers, but by the demands of the citizens themselves and by the natural tendencies of our "representatives" toward avarice.
  6. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    So let me get this straight, the people who want to rob a bank, infiltrate the bank by providing the bank with an employee they cannot get out of hiring, to turn the alarms off, leave the back door and the safe unlocked, and when they successfully steal all the money in the bank, it's the bankers fault he allowed himself to be scammed, and the thieves share no responsibility for their part in the con. :roflol: Seriously? :blankstare:
  7. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    There isn't "2 parties". There is no "which party". There is only one party, with 2 masks. Until people like you grasp that, nothing will change. That is what Joe is trying to get across.
  8. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Seems so obvious. It is amazing how they have brainwashed the public so much, even the people who should know better are completely clueless. :confused:
  9. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    I know right. 90% of Washington DC isn't elected, and the major players stay there for decades, regardless of what D or R is moving in or moving out. Kissinger whispered in what, 5 presidents' ear? Greenspan, 3 or 4. Bush gets elected and Greenspan welcomes him at the door. Obama gets elected and Greenspan welcomes him at the door. It doesn't matter which politician you elect when only people who will do what they're told are pushed to the public as viable candidates.
  10. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    I did answer your question, you are just not listening because you cannot discern the particular answer you expect.
    Here's the thing:
    What you are doing is not helping the world to be a better place for your children.
    Your children are likely to be better off in the world but if most of the people in the world they inherit are less better off than they are now then what is the worth of that?
    If you are just grabbing as much as you can without regard to its negative effects on everyone else just so you can make a lot of money then you are just creating a place that will become ever more problematic and dangerous for your children to navigate.

    And you are completely incapable of seeing that because you cannot see an inch beyond yourself. Everything beyond your immediate sphere is subject to disregard of everything except the benefit it brings within your myopic vision.

    Vilification cannot be more explicit than that.

    Btw, this is not really a leftist perspective unless you believe that the future does not matter. The conservative perspective used to be long term investment for the long term growth but somehow the right has abandoned that for the far more dangerous thinking of short term profit at the expense of medium and long term economic growth. This is not an economic situation I would wish on my children but thanks to people like you, yours will get to live in a world where the asset stripping for immediate profit reaches such new heights in redirecting the planets wealth to speculative markets that even developed nations will experience huge declines in living standards. This last recession is just a hint at what the future will be like.

    You better hope that you get your kids into the top 0.5% or they will be toast. Good luck with that.
  11. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    At this point I should point out that this has been a very interesting experiment.

    I do not make 400,000 per year.

    I do not have any of the lavish perks I described.

    The leftists immediately vilify any obvious conservative like myself who is making a large salary and identify them with being part of the problem with this nation even though I repeatedly stated all I've done was work hard and try to create jobs. I am now interested to see the reactions of those same people when you are told.......that is not my job description.
    It was the salary and perks of the President of the United States.
  12. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    lol see my last post.
  13. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    you couldn't get it straight if you tried. this half-assed analogy you've concocted may help you feel better about yourself, but this self-pity is extremely unattractive.
  14. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    no, what joe is trying to get across is the same denial we've all heard a thousand times before. y'all want to blame others for what the people have done to themselves. no one forced the masses to go whining to government every time they had to work too hard. no one forced them to hand the state more and more power over our daily lives. they did it for a bit of free stuff, some pie in the sky garbage my senile grandmother would have seen through. it wouldn't matter if there were a thousand parties as long as the masses are so easily bought off.
  15. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    1) Personal attack.
    2) My false persona was Obama (thanks for proving my point)
    3) What exactly have I lost track of? LOL the fact you were willing to bash me for making a lot of money then when you found out I inserted Obamas job description instead of mine you get angry? LOL The anger you feel is the anger that your hypocrisy was exposed. Angry when you thought a conservative was making a large sum of money but now that is was really Obama.....not so much. Did you even ask yourself why you were angry with me but not Obama? Nothing has been changed except who you thought was making all that money and perks.
    4) Personal attack. - I like these it tells me your argument has shot its wad.
  16. Til the Last Drop

    Til the Last Drop Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 14, 2010
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    Do you acknowledge both parties are big government parties, or not?
    Do you acknowledge both parties agree on 90% of platform, or not?

    Unless one is gay, or cares about the abortion argument, I don't see how they couldn't grasp both parties are the same in 2013. Maybe you're young? So you haven't seen 20+ years of voting garner zero results. Anyway, the D vs R debate is over. The new discussion is what we do about having only 1 party to choose from. If you want to be relevant in future discussions, come to the table with that in mind.
  17. patriot43

    patriot43 New Member

    Aug 12, 2013
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    Something to aspire to? Lazy liberal with no ambition? What a load of bull (*)(*)(*)(*)! With the things going on today you think these are people to aspire to? You're right though, it's pointless to continue explaining anything. You've said all I need to hear.
  18. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Your opinion isn't very pretty when it is placed in the proper context is it?

    It's not the masses who have been bought off, it is corporate owned politicians who have infiltrated the government. Follow the money troll. The people neither control or dictate to the best government corporate money can buy. Obviously this is a fact you wish to remain stifled so the looting can continue. The poor working class/middle class are not getting rich off this government scam. But you know this already.
  19. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    All the rantings aside, are you proposing a law change that would prevent the investors from buying and selling?
  20. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Yes and the right wing extremists do the exact same thing, only they demonize and vilify the poor and the working class, and they each have their cheerleaders who jump on the bandwagon immediately without thinking.

    When somebody says a general statement like the rich own the government it isn't a statement that means anybody who makes over a certain amount of money is stock holder in government interests, or that it is the same rich 'forever' who hold that interest. Although many are firmly planted within the scheme, not likely to be out of the loop in the near future, unless people actually wake up and realize both parties are working the same scam from different angles, therefore are the problem.

    Look at the two political movements that have come forth in the past few years that have become ineffective by allowing the two party scam to infiltrate their cause.

    OWS's main goal from conception was to see to it that the criminals who in the past 30-40 years have deregulated the banks, allowed the housing bubble to become a reality, and the crooked politicians who enabled this madness to succeed without holding a single benefactor from the fraud and cronyism accountable or responsible for their part. It made sense, until they allowed the democrats (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) bags to infiltrate their ranks and turn it into a hippie fest trying to get their own free stuff from the government.

    The tea party makes perfect sense, stop waste, fraud, and government cronyism so taxes can be lowered to a realistic level. But then they allowed known republican (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) bags to infiltrate and now the republicans are pretty much allowing the democrat agenda of sustainability to run amok. Their message has become convoluted and distinctly republican, not conservative.

    Any and every political opinion is slowly adopted into the two party scams philosophy, so no other viable opponent can be allowed to exist, so the regular cast of characters will remain in power, and the cause will be cast to the way side. Hell if OWS and the tea party would have spend more time maintaining their original concerns, without being distorted by the two party scams presence a viable third party just might have emerged.
  21. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Who is this directed at?
  22. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    Whoever wants to answer.
  23. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    OK, doesn't have anything to do with anything I have been discussing, so argue among yourselves. My problem is bought and paid for government officials and a government that thinks it has power it does not and should not.
  24. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Insider trading lawsuit filed against Valeant, Ackman...
    Valeant, Ackman must face U.S. insider trading lawsuit
    Wed Nov 11, 2015 - A U.S. judge said Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc. and activist hedge fund manager William Ackman must face a lawsuit accusing them of insider trading in Allergan Inc before making an unsuccessful takeover bid for the maker of Botox.
  25. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    You do realize that Clinton and Obama are members in good standing in the 1% club? Do you think they are willing to give it up? Look up George Soros and Tom Steyer to name two others who are hedge funders. Look to your own party because it looks like the Democrats have become the party of the rich. Keep your articles coming. They are my chuckle for the day.

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