Some parts of the GOP are finally starting to get it

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by raytri, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. raytri

    raytri Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    Last year, in Illinois, the GOP party chairman, Pat Brady, began saying he supported gay marriage, and that the GOP was on "the wrong side of history."

    In response, 7 members of the state GOP committee sought to have Brady removed from his post.

    Brady has since resigned for personal reasons. But as a broader indication that at least some parts of the GOP are starting to get it, six of the seven committee members who sought to oust him lost their jobs in party elections last week,

    They weren't the only committee members to be replaced -- 5 of the remaining 11 members were also replaced -- but the massacre among anti-gay members suggests the Illinois GOP is ready to drop its most odious wedge issue and focus on non-social-issues.

    That's only one state party, and in a blue state. But it offers hope that the GOP may be able to move from the wrong side of history to the right side.

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