Streamlined Society: Why we create standards and expectations.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by AmericanNationalist, Sep 13, 2023.

  1. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    In spite of the internet and technology and all of the vast things that are brought to our attention. We actually struggle as a whole(including myself in there as to be fair to this opinion piece) with some of the more fundamental aspects of human civilization. Why are things the way that they are? We tend not to ask ourselves that question.

    The answer is in the OP title: We streamline society. But what does that mean essentially in a nutshell? Well, to begin the discussion let's get the confirmed definitions of the words 'streamline' and 'society' so that we're all on the same page. And by conforming to these definitions, it will neither be left nor right wing but the truth.

    Used in context, it's the verb definition which is to "Bring up to date: Modernize" and/or to "put in order". Now, let's look up the definition of the word society.

    Merriam gives a lot of definitions, much of which inseparable from the other but let's choose the least wordy one: " a voluntary association of individuals for common ends"

    So combine the two, and essentially we bring up to date or put into order a voluntary association of individuals for common ends. This is pretty basically simple, correct?

    Except, we struggle to see society streamlined this way. In part because of our own individual bias's and opinions on how that ordering structuring should be, differs from the voluntary association. Also in part, because it doesn't feel as voluntary if our efforts ultimately do not harvest any fruit in the society.

    As a collective, since society has been streamlined(whether we agree or disagree with how it had been streamlined) we more or less go along with that society. But we do so while feeling underpins and undertones because from an individual prospective, it hadn't been streamlined to our desires, our interests.

    Sometimes it's just not possible or feasible to do so. Other times, it's because it's not the desires or interests of other Americans to streamline it that way. So we strive as a society to meet in the middle, as much as we can. To give everyone the breathing room they need to coexist in society.

    If we recognize this truth, we also recognize there's no such thing as 'structural' racism or class privilege. Because to assert that would mean to assert that a group has achieved at streamlining society exclusively to their benefit. And that just hadn't been the case, at least it's not the case since the end of slavery and the end of racial-based laws and policies in government.

    What we have now, is all of us as individuals struggling both individually and collectively to make it. And in this country in particular where we've failed to streamline society acceptably for everyone, people will naturally fall through the cracks. Funny thing is, because it is such a society that meets in the middle, more people of all divergent groups have fallen into the cracks.

    Sure, some more than others, but if it were selective or systematic, such randomization would never occur. It didn't occur prior to the end of the streamlined society before that did prioritize those groups of interests.

    I want to streamline society for everyone. I want to give everyone an equal chance and an opportunity at a decent living. In order to do that, I believe that personal empowerment is the first step in the right direction, and the first step in that direction is to combat the lie(which is always sweeter than the truth) of systematic oppression. We're not systematically oppressed.

    Actors within the system may be acting inappropriately, but the system does not create those actors, or their reasons. They do. And that's a good thing, remove the inappropriate and corrupt actors, and then you'll remove the corruption. Ah, which begs the question: Who are the corrupt actors, and that slippery slope.

    Alas, another tangent for another time. Perhaps this can be a series called 'AmericanNationalist's social views'.

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