Sweden in flames: Migrants riot for five nights, multiculturalism turns to ashes

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by MolonLabe2009, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I am not a big Hillary fan but given the choices we have right now it looks like she will win the U.S. Presidency.

    Being the President of the United States is without a doubt the most taxing job existing.

    You look at pictures of a President when he firsts goes into office and then look at him 4 years and then 8 years later if he wins a second term and he looks like he aged 20 years!!

    There are Classified Secrets that a U.S. President is given on a NEED TO KNOW BASIS.....as some U.S. Secrets are just so overwhelming that even a President cannot be trusted to know them all.

    I know just the tinniest amount of 2.

    I wish I never had the need to know.

    It changes you....it changes a person in ways I cannot detail.

  2. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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  3. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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  4. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    This reminds me of an episode of Family Guy when Peter say's...."What we need to do is get rid of all the people who are not real American's like the Muslim's, Jew's, Blacks, Hispanics, German's, Polish, French, Asian's....anyone who isn't a white male.....like from the U.K. and Ireland....but just parts of the U.K....not the Scots....and screw anyone from Liverpool....and no Blue Blood English....actually forget the U.K. completely just the Irish....well some Irish....no one from the North...or the south....actually no Irish....


  5. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    (*)(*)(*)(*) country.
  6. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Chaos is real now.

    Green Party leader threatens to leave parliament if Sweden does not fully and completely open their flood gates to let the whole African continent together with half of Middle East take over the country and finnishes it all by sheding a few tears. Meanwhile PM Löfvén is as clueless as he has always been and Sweden Democrats are adapting the Trump-ness and wants to surveil all Muslims of Sweden and says he does not care if this results in them losing votes. :)

    And the December Pact is still intact and for the imbeciles who could not see it was sh-t already day one, it is now becoming more and more evident for each second. :D

    Sweden is going down. For realZ. :applause:
  7. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    What the HELL?


  8. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Seriously worrying, I'd say because it could destroy Sweden as we know it.
  9. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    What the HELL is wrong with Sweden!!??

    You know...in the U.S. our political parties and groups debate and fight and complain about each other but when it comes down to it and when the National Security of the United States is at risk....we all come together and get things done!!

    Why is Sweden not doing this?

  10. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Collective national suicide by compassion overdosing? [​IMG]
  11. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    You know.....sometimes people have to stand up for what is right.

    I understand that women and children leaving Syria is something they must do.

    But if a man loves his country he does what needs to be done to make things better.

    We are going to fix this.

    But people from other nations need to start helping themselves.

  12. lunecat

    lunecat Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    This is why Anders Behring Breivik killed socialist youth, they were the future advocates of multicultural Europe that will one day destroy Europe by allowing the over running of Christian society by Islam.
  13. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I have been all over Europe and Europe absolutely is NOT like the United States.

    There are VERY strong feelings of preserving Cultural Purity in Europe and this is sadly why it will be perhaps another 100 years before Europe comes anywhere near to being as ethnically accepting a culture as the United States.

    For all the claims by European's of being Progressive.....they are not even close to being as Progressive as those in the U.S.

  14. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    In the great words of the great Julius Evola :

    "America ... has created a 'civilization' that represents an exact contradiction of the ancient European tradition. It has introduced the religion of praxis and productivity; it has put the quest for profit, great industrial production, and mechanical, visible, and quantitative achievements over any other interest. It has generated a soulless greatness of a purely technological and collective nature, lacking any background of transcendence, inner light, and true spirituality. America has [built a society where] man becomes a mere instrument of production and material productivity within a conformist social conglomerate”
  15. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    The Swedish Social Dems used be very good and reasonable up until the 1980's then Palme was killed and things started going ape(*)(*)(*)(*).

    Back then they were not at all even close of being as immigrant-loving as they are today. The current Social Dems would actually call their former selves "Nazis" and "Baby-easter" if they had a debate today.
  16. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    We live very comfortably in a peaceful society of over 320 Million American's and have the worlds longest unprotected boarders with Canada and Mexico.

    Canada and the U.S. are effectively one nation.

    We will be around for a long time.


    - - - Updated - - -

    By the way...there are Millions upon Millions of Swedish American's.

  17. lunecat

    lunecat Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Of course they are .... NOT !!!

  18. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    In the United States there is complete separation of Church and State.

    This calligraphy assignment is in direct violation of such separation and although it should have been handled better....students should NEVER be given any assignment in a Public School that would be Religion Specific.

    Hey.....if parents want....there are all sorts of good religious schools here be they Christian, Muslim or Jewish...etc.

    But this was crossing the line.

  19. vonDöbeln

    vonDöbeln New Member

    Oct 24, 2015
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    The seperation of Church and State has happend in Sweden as well. At the beginning I was glad since I was more or less an atheist, as the vast majority of swedes are.
    But then I realised that the cultural superiority of the west is spawned in the minds of christians, even when it was reforms against the church.
    Europe is the home continent of christianity, and I for one, would rather like it to stay that way. It should remain without political power though. But the power of traditional direction, it should most resiliantly uphold.
    To let the state abandon the Church, while under freedom of religion, will guarantee the decline of the west, since the average low birth rate and the mass immigration of muslims.
    I mean, isn't it ridiculous that Saudi Arabia is paying for the construction of mosques around Germany, because the new "germans" must have place to pray don't you know?
    Homogenuity among the people is the key to a socially cohesive society, which is way more important than wealth. But the one doesn't have to exclude the other.

    I'm pretty sure Mr. Trump will be your next president because of similar reasons. If not, I can't really see if there is going to be an other republican president without he or she adapting to some kind socialism, that could take some voters from the democrats.
    I have absolutely no idea of what the avarage republican have in his mind, but I'm pretty sure he finally hears some of his thoughts and opinions outed by Trump.
    If I were an US citizen, I would be shocked to see that even though every kind of restrictions made to the second amendment during the 20th century, the murders by gun have steadily increased. Even by per capita. With exeptions to the prohibition era.
    Isn't it obvious that there is a clash of cultures that can't coexist by eachother? There is so much unessessary coflicts in the US, and it seems that they are mainly spawned because of racial and/or religious differencies.
    You guys shouldn't have changed your immigration policies back in the 60's.

    I would think that the average republican voter is part of the silent majority who doesn't really approve of this degredation of the USA.

    If you have Facebook you have probably seen some smug liberal friend linking to that clip of the actor Jeff Daniels doing a monologue. A take-out scene from the HBO series "The newsroom".
    The scriptwriter of the show, which I can't remember the name of, and is obviously a liberal, says the absolute truth about the contemporary USA through Jeff Daniels' mouth. Although I'm pretty sure he has the why-analasys wrong.

    Here's the clip, but I'm linking to it from an identitarian's point of view.


    Also, Merry Christmas! :)
  20. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    There is something I don't think you quite understand about the United States and it's Citizen's.

    Now I am saying this from experience because I have been all over the world and some people say they have although in reality the only places they have been in North America, Europe and the Caribbean.

    I on the other hand have been on every Continent on the planet and that includes a flight into McMurdo Air Force Base which is the largest research station in Antarctica.

    I can tell you this....the United States and the citizen's of are basically a cross section of all the people of the Earth upon a smaller level of 320 Million Citizens....40 Million Guests....and 38 Million Illegal Guests.

    I find it funny when a few Nordic Members were trying to tell me how....MULTICULTURAL and PROGRESSIVE nations like Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland are and I have been to all these Nations although I spent more time in Finland for obvious reasons considering what I do....and I KNOW....that what Nordic Folk think is Multicultural and Progressive is about 1/200th of the level of such things in the United States.

    EVERYONE HERE comes from somewhere else!!

    Now I am 5th Generation American as one of my Great Grandfathers was born here and as my Great, Great Grandfather and Grandmother became U.S. Citizens when they came from Europe in the early 1800's they became 1st Generation American's.

    2nd Generation was my Great Grandparents.

    3rd Generation was my Grandparents.

    4th Generation was my Parents.

    5th Generation American is me.

    But unlike Sweden which is experiencing it's first large scale immigration of Muslim's....the United States already has 3rd and 4th Generation Muslim American's living VERY PEACEFULLY in the United States in numbers of Millions upon Millions.

    And so it is for every Culture...every Religion...every Nationality...they exist in the U.S. in the multiple millions.

    FUN FACT!!!


    There are only 9,723,809 Swedes.....the population of just New York City is 8,873,239 U.S. Citizens and another 765,383 Guests and 547,200 Illegal Guests thus the total population of New York City is 10,185,822 People!!

    Thus there are over 400 Thousand more people living in just the small area that is New York City than live in all of Sweden!! LOL!!!

    In fact as of 2014...4.1% of the total 321 Million U.S. Population has direct Scandinavian ancestry.

    That's over 13 Million people.

    9.6% of all American's have indirect or partial Scandinavian ancestry.

    That's 30.8 Million American Citizen's!!!

    As far as Religion...I personally am not Religious as I am Agnostic but there are Churches, Mosques, Jewish Temples, Buddhist Temples....and even Satanist Churches and Satanism is an officially sanctioned and registered religion in the U.S. along with the Wicca's.

    Basically...as long as no one is hurting anyone else it's all good and fine.

    But this is the part you don't understand.....things like what happened in San Bernadino....that's RARE IN THE EXTREME for an American Citizen to be brainwashed by a Radicalized Spouse that got into the U.S. on a Fiancee Visa or Green Card.

    Yes....we need to make sure assault weapons background checks are done better but also understand this.....

    Every year when it was the Soviet Union and now Russia...and China does this as well every year....both Nations just like the U.S. does put's out a GRU or PLA Report upon the current Military Assessment of NORTH AMERICA.

    Now here is what is funny.....Russia and the Soviet's before them and China ALWAYS lump the U.S., Canada and now even Mexico together a a SINGLE INTEGRATED MILITARY FORCE.....but they always separate every other nation existing.

    Now why do you think they do that?

    I will tell you why.

    Because in the beginning the United States and Canada decided to have a SINGLE INTEGRATED MILITARY and this is known as NORAD....North American Defense.....and there are Joint U.S./Canadian Bases all over Alaska and Canada.

    Now we are bringing in Mexico as the United States is the ONLY NATION IN THE WORLD that shares 2 of the longest Non-Military Guarded Boarders on the Planet.

    Canada and the United States are essentially ONE NATION and we share everything from trade to sports teams and sports leagues and just about every American and every Canadian has some relative who is either U.S. or Canadian so we are connected by BLOOD.

    Pretty much the same thing with Mexico as there are millions upon millions of Hispanic American's and Mexico...although not quite as close to the U.S. Militarily as Canada...is becoming so.

    And here is the last thing......when the Soviet GRU and Chinese PLA as well as the current Russian GRU....come out with their yearly Military Threat Assessment.....#1 of course is NORTH AMERICA.

    But what many people do not know is that all the way back to the day's when STALIN SIGNED A NON-AGGRESSION PACT WITH HITLER.....the GRU and Soviet Military were asked by Stalin to develop INVASION PLANS OF NORTH AMERICA VIA ALASKA!!

    The GRU, Soviet Military Planners and the Chinese Military Planners all came to the SAME CONCLUSION....their assessment was and still is....."Invasion of North America by our Military Forces is not possible nor could it ever be considered a viable Military option as even if our Military Forces where able to use Nuclear Weapons to destroy the American Navy at sea and destroy NATO due to the fact that the United States and Canada as well as Mexico ARE THE MOST HEAVILY ARMED POPULATIONS ON PLANET EARTH ANY INVASION OF OUR FORCES SHOULD A FIRST STRIKE UPON THE U.S. MILITARY BE SUCCESSFUL WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SUSTAIN RESUPPLY LINES AND INEVITABLE DEFEAT OF OUR INVASION IS PREDICTED.

  21. Doberman1

    Doberman1 New Member

    Oct 28, 2014
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    If they convert you into an instrument of the correct causes which conform with your personal convictions then it's no biggy. Many Russian retired labourers said back in the 50s and 60s they would have worked for free if asked in light of many national successes such as the space program, scientific and technological progress, the working class political domination as well as some other malevolent things such as militarization and world domination. If they turn you into a slave to destroy your own culture then it's a contradiction and a paradox, and they must constantly feed you and dose you up on the MSM drugs to convince you it's for your own good.
  22. Doberman1

    Doberman1 New Member

    Oct 28, 2014
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    Speaking of, the liberal establishment even seems to contradict itself. On one hand, they constantly justify the unchecked flooding in and takeover by the illegals by mocking the Christian values of helping your neighbour and loving your enemy (Pope Francis for instance). Subsequently they turn the argument around and Chancellor Merkel (and an army of other career politicians like her) justifies her resettling of unlimited illegals policy by mocking the ethnic Europeans for not observing the Christian values, which is what she said. Therefore she considers herself the wrath of God to punish the Godless. All said and done she and her kind are crazy and schtitzos and unfit to hold their posts.
  23. Gaius_Marius

    Gaius_Marius Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 12, 2015
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    Ehm... Merkel is the leader of the Christian Democratic Union... Maybe there is a clue for you in there? Oh... And her father was a priest. Yet another clue for you.
  24. Bastiats libertarians

    Bastiats libertarians Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2014
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    Since this thread has completely derailed into a topic comparing Europe to the US. Shall we move back in the right direction. Can we here from some actual swedes what the temperament of native Swedes are on this topic as of today?
  25. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    For a very long time now there has been a very evident trend of increased rapes in Sweden and most figures point to a direct correlation between the raisen rape numbers and increased migration. The same trend has also been emerging in Germany for quite some time now and the atrocities committed in Köln on New Year's Eve is further evidence for this correlation.

    The Swedish (mainstream) debate that has followed this incidence is a rather dishonest, misleading and ambidextrous one where the parole has come to be "No to Racism! No to Sexism!" The question that one naturally asks here is what the heck these two concepts has to with anything at all here? (Although the rapists most likely were racist it is clearly not what they are pointing at)Especially the latter (racism) is rather displaced in the given context and for the uninformed reader of mainstream media it will appear as if the rapists in this case were white men. A very disgusting and most certainly intentional move from Leftist media :banana:

    Of course questioning migration and migrants themsleves is waaaaaaay to "fascist" in a Swedish context so when phenomenas that clearly are the result of migration emerges it results in a debate that leads nowhere and does not solve any issue whatsoever, but rather serve to cement the debated problem even more.

    What happened in Köln is obviously only just the beginning. What happened there will become a given part of everyday life in Northern Europe very soon if things continue in the same manner as now. The most honest debate one can have right now is one where the questions of:
    1. Responsibility of the state
    2. Migration policy and integration
    3. Ungrateful immigrants

    Are all raised and honestly discussed. In the case of Köln (and Sweden as a whole too) what we are seeing is states that clearly are failing at their primary and most important duty: Protecting their members. An important part of this responsibility is also to control migration in such a proper way. The most proper way in handling migration policy is of course by controling the numbers. When the influx is out of control the state gets a very hard time protecting its native civilians as well as its new ones.

    Additionally it is also important, for a successful integration and migration policy, for the immigrants themselves to show gratefulness to their new host. Clearly many immigrants are highly ungrateful and take their freedom to violate the rules and institutions of their new home that has spent centuries in building them to create a well-working and peaceful society. The thank they show for their passport is to rape white, native women- Disgusting pieces of crap. This is of course much easier because of what was mentioned in (1) that is a "failed state".

    How the (*)(*)(*)(*) can these journalists now be so stupid to raise discussions about how to preent racism against migrants in a scenario where the migrants are the racist ones and, more importantly, the criminals? Even more laughable- but not unexpected- is that the Feminists are nowhere to be seen.

    If one cannot discuss migration and its problems in a serious way it is a clear sign of a state/society that hates itself and wants to kill its own members.


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