Ted Cruz reacts to latest - Dismissal or Acquittal - what's best for DJT & the GOP going forward...?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Sahba*, Jan 26, 2020.

  1. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    These Politicians are the tip of the iceberg - Establishment Puppets on the stage for our entertainment. It is the bureaucratic elite (who mostly remain regardless of who is elected) and who are also puppets - and the big money interests that pull the strings of these puppets that are part of this corrupt pay to play system.

    Everyone talks about how corrupt and sleazy Washington is - even those that are part of this system talk about it - our MSM jokes about it.

    If you play - along with the Establishment agenda - you get paid - and everyone knows it. Some lobbyist position or seat on a BOD - there are many ways to get paid - just go with the flow - and you will be taken care of.

    You want "Quid Pro Quo" ? How about Trump appointing Wilbur Ross to Commerce Secretary - the dude who - while working for a Rothschild bank - was the guy who bailed Trump out of Bankruptcy.

    but if those "Foreign Interests" are involved - its all good in the hood.

    The purpose of the Establishment politicians and bureaucrats is to maintain the status quo - sure there is some infighting over "Hot Button Issues" - abortion, immigration, gay marriage and so on - and the big money interests are not some monolith - some "Cabal" or Star Chamber. There are many interests and the compete and conflict at times.

    The Establishment is not much interested in these Hot Button issues - other than they serve to keep the people divided and partisan.

    It is where the Establishment is in agreement - that the devil is to be found - not in where there are disagreements.

    Red or Blue doesn't matter - the systemic issues that exist within our system do not change - and the status quo is maintained.

    Take Healthcare for example - the 2017 spend was 3.5 Trillion - near as much as the entire Federal Revenue for that year. Obamacare was lipstick on a pig- there was no real effort at substantive change to our system of Healthcare Extortion - all to pad the pockets of the healthcare and insurance Oligopolies.

    Every other first world nation delivers UHC at roughly half the cost - and we are middle of the pack in terms of care. It does not take Einstein to figure out that we could just adopt one of the better of these other systems - straight across the board - and in fact improve upon it - and there is 1.7 Trillion or more sitting on the table. Economies of Scale should dictate that we would be cheaper.

    Our system is so obscene that even some conservative groups are calling for UHC.

    That is just one area - the Military Industrial Complex is another.

    Sure from time to time you have a lone voice calling out these issues - everyone then points and says "Look Look - we have freedom of speech - what a good system we have". That lone voice then gets quickly drowned out by the cacophony on the take.

    Remember that in a democratic system you only need a majority. Would you be the one to shoot the golden egg laying goose ? - run against a herd of stampeding bulls ? - good for you if you are - but that is not how the majority acts - so a few lone voices do not matter - the status quo is maintained.

    It is the natural outcropping of self interest and greed - it is human nature.

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