The Cult of Political Correctness – Part VII

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by independent american, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. independent american

    independent american New Member

    Jan 20, 2012
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    “To establish the free fruition of such liberties, immunities, and privileges as humanity, civility and Christianity call for as due to every man” – The Massachusetts Body of Liberties, adopted in 1641

    “The Puritans almost in despair, resolved to flee to the wilderness of America… [they laid their foundation] on the Bible and common sense… one generation of darkness succeeded another, till God in His benign Providence raised up the champions who began and conducted the Reformation” – John Adams, Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law, published in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and The True Sentiments of America, p. 118.

    “Resist with care the spirit of innovation upon its principles, however specious [deceptive and alluring] the pretexts. Cunning, ambitious and unprincipled men…attempting to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion” – George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

    “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but on the inside they are ravenous wolves” – Jesus Christ, Gospel of Matthew 7:15

    “A people that become morally corrupt will soon be looking for masters” – Benjamin Franklin

    “Woe to them who call good evil and evil good!” – Isaiah 5:20

    “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports” – George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

    “In the 13 months that I have been in Washington, I observed one thing that stands out more than anything else. If there’s one thing Republican and Democrat politicians in Washington hate the most, is when they have to tell the truth to their constituents”. - Senator Ted Cruz in a radio interview, February 2014

    Welcome to the seventh and last part of “The Cult of Political Correctness”.

    As we saw in the previous parts of the series, political correctness is not what some people think it is. It’s not “respect and tolerance for all points of view, all people, all religions, and all cultures”. It’s simple to see that this is not true. Leftist Liberals have respect and tolerance for all points of view, except those that challenge their own. They have respect and tolerance for all people, except people who don’t think and act like them. They respect all religions, except Christianity. They thump their chest that they respect all cultures, except traditional American culture, including traditional Western culture which they hate and demonize. Liberals even respect and praise some economic systems, except free market capitalism.

    Their war on the US Constitution (which many of them see as an outdated and irrelevant document), on good old capitalism and private ownership, and on the traditional family, is actually part of a larger war on the Judeo-Christian foundations of Western civilization. It’s the war started by Marx and other degenerate extremists in the 19th century. And their irrational and unjustified rebellion is part of Satan’s war against God and against humanity, since humanity is God’s most sacred part of creation. Before some of you laugh at this, don’t forget what Alinsky said. He said Satan was the role model for Communists or Marxists. Saul Alinsky was the mastermind behind the degrading of American culture through revisionism, relativism and cultural Marxism.

    As we will see, politically correct liberals try to imitate certain traditional values and principles, by borrowing or stealing them from the Judeo-Christian tradition and then presenting them in a secular socialist version.

    If there’s one thing most secularist liberals, progressives, atheists, left wingers, don’t know or don’t realize or don’t want to acknowledge, is that most of the aspects of the civilized society which they and all of us enjoy today, are the result of Jesus Christ’s work and ministry.

    The sanctity of human life, a concept which did not exist in Greek, Babylonian or Roman society, is a biblical concept. The fact that we don’t burn widows when their husbands die, like they did in India for thousands of years, is also because of Christian teachings. Even today in India, widows are still discriminated and treated worse than animals. Cows get more respect in India, than widows and children. In most families, widows are considered to bring bad luck to the family and they are blamed for the husband’s death, it’s a Hindu superstition. As a result, many families, the husband’s relatives, kick the widow out of the home. Many widows can’t marry again, because no one wants them, and they end up as beggars on the streets. There are currently 47 million widows in India. We don’t practice infanticide because in the Judeo-Christian tradition, children are seen as a blessing and a gift from God, as it says in the Psalms and in the New Testament. During the time of the Roman Empire, Roman fathers had the legal right to kill their newborn children. They had three days to decide if the baby lived or died. Two professors of ethics from a university in Australia, want to reinstate the Roman pagan tradition of infanticide. They want parents to have the right to “abort” or kill their babies even after they are born.

    We also have hospitals for sick people because Christ Jesus healed people with the power of God and Christian monasteries were the first hospitals in parts of the Middle East and Europe.

    Before the influence of Christianity, sick people usually lay around on mats in markets and public squares or lived on the outskirts of cities, in areas designated for lepers and outcasts.

    Remove these Christian aspects from our society, and you destroy Western civilization. The “enlightened” and self-styled open minded progressive liberals and left wing secularists, are taking us back to the dark, primitive and tyrannical paganism of the past.

    It’s very interesting to note, folks, that although liberals and atheists use every opportunity to ridicule and attack the Christian faith and they say we don’t need any Christian influence in order for society to function well, they use biblical concepts of morality and rely on them, when they need to. For instance, liberals who are self-proclaimed moral relativists, will call the police and will file charges if somebody walking by them on the street, punches them in the face out of the blue, calls them some offensive names and then steals their wallet. They do rely on “You shall not steal”. They don’t consider stealing and random violence to be relative, when it happens to them.

    Also, when it comes to economic principles, liberals say one thing in theory, and do something totally different in practice. Although rich liberals lecture everyone on redistribution of wealth and the supposed virtues of the welfare state, they don’t just give away everything they own to homeless people on the streets. And they certainly would be shocked if a mob of homeless people would attack their million-dollar mansions and try to take away their property from them, in the name of wealth redistribution. Rich liberals don’t give up their private property rights. They only demand that other people, especially the middle class, give up theirs.

    There is a clip from an interview with economist Milton Friedman on the Phil Donahue show, in the late 1970s. I don’t remember where I saw this, you can look for it on youtube. Donahue, the liberal Marxist that he was and probably still is, told Friedman that capitalism rewards greed, and all that bs you hear from left wingers who don’t even understand basic economic principles.

    Friedman responded by saying that capitalism is not a perfect system and asked Donahue where does he think, he would find the perfect system. “And you think the Communist commissar or bureaucrat is not greedy?” Friedman asked. “Who would you entrust the control of the economy to? Where are these angels that you speak of?” Friedman’s questions are the common sense questions that expose that fallacy of Communism. The myth that somehow, if the private sector is eliminated or reduced to a small portion of the economy and a group of self-styled “compassionate” statists would be in control, then there would be no more poverty and economic problems. If anything, history proves this wrong.

    Politically correct secularists say that biblical moral values are outdated. They certainly don’t believe there is anything morally absolute about adultery. But if society would follow their "logic", it would have to eliminate adultery as grounds for divorce. A woman could not get a divorce from her husband because of adultery or vice versa. The judge would tell either of them that adultery is an ancient moral concept, that is no longer considered valid grounds for divorce.

    As you can see, political correctness destroys everything, by redefining things.

    Political correctness is an imitation of God’s way of doing things. It’s a counterfeit of the real thing. The real thing is God’s way of dealing with poverty, greed, racism, and so on. Jesus is the real deal. It’s his personal example and his teachings, and the miracle of being born again (John 3:3) through faith in Christ’s sacrifice and personal repentance, that get to the heart of the problem. Anything else is just treating the symptoms. God’s solution gets right to the disease. And the disease of the human condition is sin or evil. Some secular liberals deny the existence of evil, because they are relativists. But evil is real, it is caused by people, and it doesn’t go away just because a left wing college professor denies its existence in a philosophy class or writes a book about it.

    The cure for racism and prejudice is not in political correctness. It’s in a new mentality or perspective. And that perspective is found in the Bible, through faith in Jesus Christ and the God of Abraham.

    “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28)

    That’s God’s remedy for prejudice and racism. It is shown very well in the movie "Woodlawn". It’s a true story of a high school football team in Alabama.

    Political correctness tries to imitate that. It proclaims equality, appeals to compassion, even uses God and the Golden Rule to justify its destructive political agenda. But at the end of the day, it produces the opposite of what it proclaims. It opposes freedom of thought because it does not allow people to challenge or criticize politically correct doctrines and norms. This is most common at the workplace. Most companies discourage their employees to talk about politics and religion or to question politically correct doctrines when it comes to abortion, the definition of marriage, illegal immigration, and so on.

    The reason political correctness is a failure, is because it opposes God and tries to accomplish something that only the Spirit of God can accomplish, in people who are willing to humble themselves, repent, receive forgiveness through the sacrifice of Jesus, and ask for God’s help in battling their demons. You can’t change the human heart through politically correct indoctrination or through a culture of entertainment. Only God can do that, and only if humans are willing to let Him change their hearts. God respects individual freedom more than all the self-styled liberal “freethinkers”. Jesus never used manipulation or coercion to get people to follow him. He never said, “I’ll heal your child if you acknowledge me as the Messiah and believe in me”. He even healed the servant of a Roman centurion. Jews didn’t have any reason to like the Romans, since they were under Roman occupation. Christ helped people unconditionally.

    God, as the Creator, is the originator of human freedom. He wants us to use our freedom for good, but He doesn't strike us dead when we don't. That doesn't mean there is no accountability and responsibility before God, there is. But God doesn't force us to accept His ways. He created us with the ability to reject or disobey Him. Jesus giving people the choice to follow him, God the Father allowing Adam and Eve to have access to the tree in the beginning, it’s all proof that God believes in freedom. God didn’t program us to blindly believe in Him. He wants us to freely choose Him as our Lord, Savior, Friend and Father and to be aware of what we believe about Him. Apparently, he values freedom in the relationship He wants to have with humans.

    Benjamin Franklin said that people who become morally corrupt will soon be looking for masters. That has happened already. Many are so morally corrupt, so immune to evil, that they don't care how corrupt their politicians are, as long as they [the politicians] give them what they want. They have become incapable of being self-reliant and industrious, as they are ruined by their own vices, and they need government bureaucrats to give them what they can't provide for themselves and even give them things for free. Many middle class liberals would accept any "free" service from the federal government, whether it's healthcare or something else, even if they are not on food stamps and have full time jobs.

    The only alternative to the false and tyrannical religion of political correctness is a return to the values and principles that are part of this country's foundations. Freedom can stand only on these foundations.
  2. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    The internet has killed political correctness and helped to expose it, at this point it's just "Custer's Last Stand" and simply trying to claim what few remaining victims it can.

    Even the left is tired of it, hence the popularity of shows like Bill Maher and South Park.
  3. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    "Leftist Liberals have respect and tolerance for all points of view, except those that challenge their own. They have respect and tolerance for all people, except people who don’t think and act like them. They respect all religions, except Christianity."

    This statement is not true! Not all Leftist Liberals have tolerance for only their own views. Many Leftist Liberals welcome diversity of opinion. Also, many Leftist Liberals are Christian and respect Christianity.

    Political Correctness is here to stay in America. This is the 21st century and PC is now the norm.
  4. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    It's been steadily decreasing since the 90s

    - - - Updated - - -

    to the point that nearly 75% of Americans are tired of it according to the polls

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