The Dark age of science 2012 or God did it~

Discussion in 'Science' started by RevAnarchist, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    You are correct until PR%OVEN true no scientist believes anything thats the scientific method ,and it stops god belief from infecting it ,as god is still to be proven plenty of Disproof ,no proof not a scerick of EVIDENCE they have had long enough and now Higgs boson disproves and dispells that god can exist at all .

    When the particle collisions take place in the CERN collider guess what no photos of god have been taken ,gee i wonder why the particle that explains the black hole and the point where energy becomes matter and no God needed.

    gee, and the particle and field that explains the big bang and what was before it and no god,gee how so unsuprising outside backward primative thinking human god faith thunkers god dosen't exist !

    Hum dinga ,we will shortly be understandinjg Gravity more exactly .
  2. Windigo

    Windigo Banned

    Jul 8, 2008
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    There is a difference between wrong and fraud. You have to assume that the experiment and the data collected is correct. In a peer review the peer reviewer doesn't perform the experiment over again. The reviewer looks for errors but the peer reviewer cannot find fraud or a willful attempt to mislead. That is now what they are there for. If a study takes 5 years to complete what makes you think that a reviewer who has their own studies that they are working on can replicate and confirm the findings of the original study? Peer review is not what it is sold to the public as. It catches very little which is why most peer reviewed studies are ultimately found to be wrong in some way at some later date.

    When the (*)(*)(*)(*) did I start talking about god. I think you need to check my other posts before you start bringing religion into this. You don't know what the (*)(*)(*)(*) I think about religion.

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