The detainment of Lt. Caron Nazario

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Space_Time, Apr 10, 2021.

  1. HurricaneDitka

    HurricaneDitka Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2020
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    No, I don't expect people to react perfectly all the time. But it's worth noting, and learning from, where he might have reacted better. Doing so might have saved him a face full of pepper spray, and learning that might one day save me from a face full of pepper spray.

    I agree that it's easier to sit back and analyze these things in the calm of my home office while sitting comfortably in a robe than to react with perfection while the cops (one of which had a gun drawn) are shouting at you.

    I agree that the cops did not handle the situation well. There's plenty to criticize in their behavior. I particularly disliked the "ride the lightning" threat and the "you should be" response.
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