The "Horserider Thesis" and the Origins of Japan

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by ThirdTerm, Nov 6, 2016.

  1. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Ojintennoryo (Emperor Ojin's tomb)

    Emperor Ojin, who founded the Yamato dynasty, is also known as Homutawake. Emperor Ojin is believed to be a Korean prince named Homuta who was on a mission to conquer Japan, according to various Korean sources, and the suffix '-wake' denotes a prince in Japanese. The Japanese royal family prohibits any historical or genetic research on royal tombs and we will not have a definite answer for their genetic ancestry for many years to come. There were several known succession crises for the imperial clan prior to the Heian era, in which royal heirs were mysteriously discovered, probably adopted from noble families. For instance, Emperor Keitai who is believed to be the fifth generation grandson of Emperor Ojin may not be related to Emperor Ojin at all. Emperor Buretsu died without a son and Emperor Keitai is thought to be hailed from the powerful Okinaga clan from the Omi region near Kyoyo, based on ancient Japanese sources.

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