the logic that justifies colonialism justifies rape

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by GrayMatter, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. TBryant

    TBryant Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 9, 2011
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    There's a story about a guy who was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. He endured many hardships but eventually became an important advisor to a great king.

    In the end he had the chance to revenge himself on his brothers, by simply ignoring their plight, but instead choose to forgive and save them.

    Everyone has a variety of good and bad things that happen to them. Nothing justifies anything else, as a bad thing happening would not cancel out a favor so neither does a good thing cancel a harm.

    What we make of the situation we are dealt in life is entirely up to us.
  2. WJV

    WJV Banned

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Freddy Krueger was a rape baby. His mother was raped by a heap of lunatics criminals at a mental asylum. I think that maybe it would have been better if Freddy had never been born. There are probably a lot of people in the world that would be better off if they had not been born. Life is not always a gift. Sometime giving life is an act of passing on misery.


    ITS A BOY!!!!

    And there have been plenty of African Americans that have decided to go back to Africa throughout history - and plenty of slaves were happy to be slaves and did not want to be freed - and many of the freed slaves ended up being immediately worse off after being freed from the security of slavery.

    And a lot of people regret having non-rape babies, including unwanted and unplanned children - and even children that are planned for - but I would guess that the women that have rape babies are far more likely to regret having the rape baby - and there would be a lot higher percentage of rape babies that are aborted compared to unwanted, unplanned and planned pregnancies.

    And rape doesnt always have to be bad. Us westerners owe our history to the Romans and Rome was started by a bunch of Romans raping the daughters of neighbouring cities that they had invited to Rome for a party. Everyone arrived in Rome for the party and when everyone and their daughters were there the Romans pulled out their weapons and stole the daughters of their neighbours and raped them. After the Romans had raped their neighbours daughters they convinced the young ladies that it was better for them to become the husbands of the Roman rapists now that they were all carrying Roman babies. So the young ladies agreed and that is how Rome first started. The leading Romans were all criminals and pirates and assorted undesirables so none of the decent families from neighbouring cities would breed with them. So they had to rape them. Even the young ladies that got raped ended up accepting it and moving on. And here we all are now. We are kind of all like little Freddy Kruegers really arent we?

    Australia started the same way. We had a British colony here for criminals and there were no women and the no sex was making these criminals go crazy - so the Pommy in charge wrote a letter to England to ask them to send some women. So England went around to some women jails and picked out some loose ladies to send to the penal colony in Australia - so the criminals and red coats had some chicks to have sex with. The ship that Britain sent the female convicts on was called the Lady Juliana :) but it is also known as The Floating Brothel. When it arrived in Australia the randy convicts raped these female convicts on the beach. This is known as Australias Foundation Orgy. I like to call it - Australias Foundation Rape Orgy. It is just like how Rome started -

    I guess we are all rape babies at the end of the day.
  3. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    not sure I see your point, no one said every slave was better off, none were, but ask almost any black man in America that is a decedent if they are glad they are an American or would of preferred to have been born African, I think you will see the point - good things can come from bad things and visa versa
  4. GrayMatter

    GrayMatter Member

    Aug 16, 2016
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    one could argue that colonization is the reason africa is the way it is today. can you name one african country that was not colonized?

    the better question is, of the untouched tribes in africa, would ANY of them voluntarily move out of their homes to the US...answer is no.

    asking African American's if they would prefer being born in us or Africa ignores the basic bias of home. Everyone has a bias for where they were born because that is where their family is and that is where they are comfortable.
  5. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    that has nothing to do with decedents of slaves in America, they would be in Africa today if not for that, I think most would agree they are better off as Americans

    all living Americans black or white are responsible for slavery in America equally... it's a part of all our past, and that is where it should stay.. our past, time to move on....

  6. GrayMatter

    GrayMatter Member

    Aug 16, 2016
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    The question is not an unbiased question - which I think you are ignoring. Getting people to say they would prefer to be anywhere but home is unlikely.

    further: colonization destroyed africa. so part of the process that created slavery destroyed the natural home of slaves. it makes no sense to suggest black americans would ever want to live in africa...every cultural tie [language, religion, food, music, ritual, family] was severed at the start of slavery. The africa they left doesn't even exist today. And even if it did, they would not recognize it because they never knew it.

    The true question could only be asked to the ghosts of old slaves

    you would ask them this question:

    based on what you went through in slavery, and what you see today in America and Africa, do you think slavery and colonization was just?
  7. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    who sold slaves in Africa, white people? white Americans bought them from Africans...

    they are Americans now, just like you and I, that is the point, they are as responsible for America's past as ALL other Americans

    most love America and would never leave, if some do not love America and want to leave, no one is stopping them from leaving

    if doesn't matter if Africa exists as it was or not, if they were born there, they would be in the Africa that exists today....

    I think the decedents of slaves in America are better off, I do not think slavery was just..... I have said that many times already

    in the same way I do not support rape, but would not hold it against their great great great grand-kids born of decedents born of that rape

  8. GrayMatter

    GrayMatter Member

    Aug 16, 2016
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    Africans that sold Africans to Europeans are still in Africa. So I'm not sure what your point is there. Europeans gave coastal Africans guns to hunt inland africans. They brought them by force to the coast to sell to Europeans.

    The Africans that were responsible for that are still in Africa. Actually, an African state issued a public apology for selling slaves to African Americans.
    so your implication that slaves were responsible for slavery is unsound and completely invalid. The Africans that hunted other Africans are a different group of people from the victims that got caught, enchained, and marched to the coast to the auction block.

    Its funny you say we are all americans. Do you know how long this statement has been true? Perhaps since the mid 60's where laws were passed protecting the human rights of black people.

    wasn't that interested in a historical tangent but i reckon its interesting.
  9. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    my point is, it wasn't Europeans that sold slaves, it was Africans that sold the slaves, and America felt bad for slavery too, thus the reasons Africans are now also Americans, America is better for slavery as now we are better at supporting equal rights (not just for blacks, but for others as well).... doesn't mean slavery was a good thing, means some good did come from all that suffering, something hopefully America has learned from and will NEVER repeat

  10. GrayMatter

    GrayMatter Member

    Aug 16, 2016
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    can agree with all said here.

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