The Night that Saved the World, the Apes or Monkeys of the Past!

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by wgabrie, Jan 2, 2023.

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  1. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    One day, a long time ago now, I was talking to a former poster here called @AboveAlpha, and I was having quite the time of it exploring a part of myself that lives outside of my body.

    During my experience, I went back into the past. The distant past before humans came on the scene. Not quite as far back as the dinosaurs, mind you. Just a bit of time before humans showed up to the scene and took root and created civilization.

    I had just gone back in time to study some rocks and a cave system. I wasn't looking for anything special, but I did happen across a group of apes or monkeys performing a burial ritual. But they'were not humans nor human ancestors. They were not on the family tree of modern humans at all, but they were their own species. And they were so intelligent! Very intelligent, even more so than humans. And, they were peaceful too! More so than humans. I was shocked and happily surprised!

    I told AboveAlpha about them, how I had found some monkeys or apes that were very intelligent and they were performing rituals for their dead in a cave. They seemed very smart, I mean they weren't just leaving their dead to rot in the open. And they weren't humans, and I knew that they weren't the ancestors of humans either but their own species. I also checked it out and discovered that they went extinct before humans showed up.

    And since years were passing between moments that I was operating in the here and now, I had been able to teach them English, and whatever I threw at them, speech, writing, basic math, even a bit of algebra and they were able to pick right up on. They had no trouble whatsoever learning and understanding what I taught them.

    I liked them so much that I told AboveAlpha all about them and how I was going to help them become more advanced like us. AboveAlpha wasn't sure about doing that, but I arranged it so that they could talk to each other. As I said, years were passing at that point in the past compared to the point in the present and I was able to teach them English so they could talk normally like any other person. So, as I said, I arranged for both the apes in the past and AboveAlpha to talk to each other across time. Audio only, like a telephone call.

    AboveAlpha, as some of the older posters might remember, claimed to know physics, and he tested the apes by teaching them some terms and concepts. And they debated physics and they put him to shame. They said he had forgotten about something, although what it was I don't remember because the years since this event happened have erased the words from my mind and memory. But, anyway, he was impressed with them and helped teach them more advanced stuff about nature and how to do certain things that I didn't know how to do. Stuff like how to build infrastructure and stuff that makes modern living possible. Because after all that they learned from us (AboveAlpha and I) they wanted to live like us instead of living primitively like what they were doing before I found them.

    After a while I soon became aware that bringing them into a modern standard of living had become strange because I've never heard about artifacts from a past civilization being found by us humans. It didn't make any sense. Then I said "Oh." I realized I must have created an alternative timeline. A parallel universe where these strange monkey people were the dominant life form on Earth instead of humans. While AboveAlpha and I were still around for them to talk to. So, I checked the history of that world, but it turns out that I was still born in the future of these apes even with them being advanced. I couldn't understand it. How could I still be born in the future, where humans had room to start a civilization if there was already a dominant lifeform in its place???

    It turns out they still went extinct even after they became advanced like us. But how did they go extinct? That was the question. And why weren't there any artifacts from their existence? It made no sense. It turns out that the physics model that AboveAlpha had taught them about was sufficient for them to grasp and study physics and learn something that allowed them to reach across the mortal coil and cross over to the other side. Do you know what I'm saying? Because I was upset at the implication. They reached a place that can only be reached by dying! I was so upset when I learned it. But they told me they hadn't committed mass suicide as I feared. They told me to look ahead towards the future, and sure enough, there they were in my future! They had taken their whole group and had come to join us all in the future. I was so happy because they were wonderful people, and I couldn't wait to meet them again someday.

    But would you great an intelligent, peaceful ape from another time so that we won't have to be the only intelligent race on Earth? Only you can answer that question.

    Anyway, AboveAlpha had taught them how to preserve the bodies of their dead, so hopefully, if that time wasn't too long ago, we could excavate the site of their former tombs and get a DNA sample, and recreate them. The intelligence community would certainly like their help uncovering the last unsolved physics that keeps us from a theory of everything, after all those apes are much smarter than us. And, they may already exist in black-budget labs. Who knows?

    P.S. Not to add any stress, but if I had gone to bed early that night like I wanted to do, I would have missed interacting with those monkeys or apes, they wouldn't have transcended, and they would have become the dominant lifeform on Earth, and we humans wouldn't have been able to move in and create our civilization. If I had gone to bed on that night, there wouldn't be a new day for us humans. We would have ceased to exist. It's these sort of existential scenarios that I hate. I satisfied a curiosity one late night years ago that was hit-or-miss, and that determined our fate and destiny for the whole human race.
    DennisTate likes this.
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Near death experiencer and former Atheist Mellen Thomas Benedict was also shown the extremely distant past.......
    all the way back past the most recent major Big Bang event......

  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Near death experiencers have had some pretty amazing discussions on the topic of Theoretical Physics.....

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