The well used stat 97% of scientists yadda yadda, is a lie.

Discussion in 'Science' started by Guyzilla, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Guyzilla

    Guyzilla Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2016
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    It turns out, it is 97% of the scientific papers that mention it, believe in Anthropogenic Global Climate Change.

    That is like some kind of quickie, nexus search. Google returns or some such voodoo. If you polled Climate Change related scientists, working in their field, and discount the troll corporate fauxsscientists, it would likely be 99%.

    But, risk assessment should NOT be a popularity contest. Nor bait for red meat to base.

    What we might as well conclude is, all but the corporate apologists believe in anthropogenic climate change. There, simple.
  2. ChemEngineer

    ChemEngineer Banned

    Jun 8, 2016
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    Ah so "simple." It must be true then, because you called it all so "simple." Is that what you call "science"? Current consensus?

    1 part per million annual increase in total greenhouse gases, on a base of 15,500+ parts per million?
    And humans produce only a small fraction of that 1 part per million?
    So we're the bad guys? And Hollywood hypocrites, politicians, "scholars" and "activists" who are eternally "concerned" and "alarmed" who fly and drive all over the place in limos and private jets can dictate to US that we groundlings should cut back on our travels and carbon emissions?

    While China is building hundreds of new coal based generating plants which will bury any cutbacks made by gullible Americans?

    You first. No more vacations for you. No more eating out, or driving to parties, family's houses, events, concerts, movies, anything.
    Stay at home and raise food in your back yard. If the earth is rapidly coming to a close, you practice what you eco-extremists preach.
    Then MAYBE some will start to believe you.

    Meanwhile, your pretense of "99%" is absurd and outrageous. Disgraceful.
    Google global warming fraud or global warming scam and read HUNDREDS of papers, see HUNDREDS of videos refuting your 99% claim.
    Money going to enviro-wackos from the US government far surpasses the money from those nasty old oil companies enviro-wackos always whine about.

    Oh the hypocrisy. The hypocrisy.

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