Trump doesn't remember what he said yesterday about the Berlin attack

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Cdnpoli, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. Thehumankind

    Thehumankind Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2013
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    but it's okay there's no harm done, no incitation for religious conflicts made.

  2. Recovering Conservative

    Recovering Conservative Active Member Past Donor

    Dec 14, 2013
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    What does that have to do with the price of Tea in China?

    I've been to Berlin too, back when it was bifurcated into West Berlin and East Berlin. I can say that I sure didn't see people in East Berlin wearing signs saying "Christian" back then! How ironic that you try to stereotype a large group of people, especially when many were denied that freedom of religion!

    And once more you are totally beside the point. Those "Democrats" that you blame unilaterally did not exist in a vacuum. The ACA passed the House by only 5 votes, and was threatened with a filibuster during the 110th and 111th Congress, when "Democrats" did not have 60 votes to override a filibuster. It was a minor miracle that the good American people got the ACA passed at all, no thanks to the evil Republicans, who opposed health care at every turn. So yes, the Democrats do deserve all the credit, and Republicans all the blame, because that's how the vote was split. The fact remains that the original bill had to be watered down to get past GOP opposition. Your non sequitur misdirection does not alter that fact.

    No doubt. And you will own your share of the blame for that too.

    When you force all Americans to take up arms in order to get any kind of health care, you will indeed reap a bitter harvest.
  3. Recovering Conservative

    Recovering Conservative Active Member Past Donor

    Dec 14, 2013
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    Especially so when those who cite obliviousness to the meaning of homonyms as the reason why they think that they're allegedly infallible. It's like a rubber stamp embossed with "I think, therefore I am." Everyone else knows exactly why that doesn't work.
  4. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Effin amazing.

    Great, we both were in Berlin during the time the Wall separated it into two cities. I have been on both sides when the Russians were the actual rulers over the Germans.

    And you tell me what does that have to do with the price of Tea in China then apparently believe, except for you. You did the same thing I did, describe Berlin to those never being there.

    I was fortunate to see the hearings on the ACA when all of it was going on. And don't think I missed how the Democrats froze the Republicans out. Any alleged filibuster by republicans was well earned by Democrats.

    Look, I happen to have the single payer system. I pay nothing at all for medical care. The hated (by democrats) Bush drug plan though nearly free to me, still has a very small co pay I must pay. I notice in a lot of cased, my co pay comes fairly close to the full cost of the drug. Lucky me I suppose.

    We republicans do not plan to stop the gravy train. We are going nuts trying to figure out how to end this habit, I call hateful, of depending on other nations to give us money to pay the bills of goverment. States do not have that luxury.

    My single payer system does this to my doctor

    Dr. K billed $100 for his services during the office visit. Medicare "approved" $81.89 of which they paid him $64.20

    I happen to also have state medical coverage and they pay the $16.38 as shown on the paper Medicare sent to me. I don't have an explanation why Medicare is off by so much. I have a number = $17.69 as the difference of what they approved vs their payment to him. They gave me a figure of $16.38 I may get billed. (picked up by state health care)
  5. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    I find it useless to engage because it is impossible to have a sane conversation. The truth is that I have a (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) list a mile long with the Democratic leadership, but the right wing makes it impossible to make a choice based on issues. They are too busy going off the rails and right into fantasy land. No matter what source you cite, they deny it as a liberal lie; even to the point where I saw righties dissing Fox News whenever they don't agree with Trump.

    It is truly the stuff of tyranny. And Trump's own son was even bragging about it. Facts don't matter. Trump is clearly not qualified to be President but he knows exactly what he's doing. The question in my mind is which dominates, Trumps short attention span or his ego. Will he get bored and want to leave, or will his tyrannical ego take over and drive this country right into a civil war? Luckily, there are far more liberals in the US than there were Jews in Germany.
  6. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    No doubt that some on my side, called by Democrats, "the right" don't grasp reality.

    This pales in numbers vs Democrats. I have been both sides. I spent more voting years as a Democrat than as a republican and apologize for my then hostile nature to republicans and for trying to verbally beat them up.

    I wish all Democrats were so honest. If I could reform, you too can reform.
  7. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    Sorry to intrude on your conversation, but I'm just curious, have you looked at recovering conservative and my conversation that was going on in page 6 of this thread? I just have to asked because of the bloded parts of your post and the fact that you are talking to HIM about that.
  8. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Almost everyone I know except the die hard far left friends/clients/coworkers basically tunes out these types of consistent attacks that are now a daily theme. It's just going to be interesting to see how long it takes them to change, how long will The Right have all three houses and what crazily biased thing can they do? The Republican party was pretty chill and listened to the people and took back at least a bit of control fairly quickly I don't the Democrats will unless they can control their fringe.
  9. Recovering Conservative

    Recovering Conservative Active Member Past Donor

    Dec 14, 2013
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    I did not claim to be able to "see" religion, as you did. Nor did I claim that an entire city is one single religion, or that it has some magical significance. If you want to make a case for a religious hate war, you'll have to be a LOT more specific.

    So you're saying "screw ALL Americans, because I hate Democrats." No sale. You cannot blame Democrats for your hatred, or as an excuse for being anti-American. Your desire to harm Americans is all on you.

    And you should be thanking FDR, LBJ and other Democrats for your unearned good fortune. I think it's shameful that you boast that you have yours while telling the rest of us that we're out of luck. I went for 12 long years with no health insurance, and was nearly bankrupt because of your kind. And because you're bringing that back, I am now faced with the choice of going broke and dying of cancer soon. No doubt you'd just love to dance on my grave. Your mother must be so proud. Pop the cork, you killed more Americans...

    Of course not. Because Big Business deserves a guaranteed paycheck. :roll: "Fsck 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' all that matters is profit!"
  10. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Look, your post is like a corncob to me.

    So many places for me to bite on. In the end the cob will be gone.

    I do not believe for one moment I said that in 1963, the entire city of Berlin, both sides, was any particular religion. I did call Berlin a Christian city. Definitely today it is. At that time. I have no way of figuring out what the East Berlin part was. But these are supposed to be just conversations among posters, not some bloody war. Based on your own words, you totally did not get what i had said to the forum about Berlin.

    Here is rage. And complete BS.

    You said
    No, not what I said.

    There is that rage again.

    Is it my fault you have cancer?

    Says you:
    I do not know your age. I do not know how you got cancer. But I know this much, I never caused it.

    The Trump team will not remove existing conditions part of ACA. So stop whining. We can chat if your fear actually happens. I for one won't wish it does. I don't have the rage you have.

    We have two major entities funded by we the public.

    We have Government which as you even should admit makes your decisions for you.

    Corporations depend on your good will or you won't buy from them.

    Government forces you to pay for their products.

    Corporations pay a lot in advertising to get your attention.

    When Corporations vote at their board of directors, it does not raise your taxes.

    Big difference.

    Be angry at government, not corporations.
  11. Recovering Conservative

    Recovering Conservative Active Member Past Donor

    Dec 14, 2013
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    Welcome to the post-truth world. Except it's not the whole world (or even the whole USA), and since people can't eat fantasies, the lifespan of this one will be pretty short.

    We agree that there's no use in reasoning with them. That just leaves how we choose to resist the tyrants. Should we be George Washington of Mohandas Gandhi? That's a choice that I can't make for anyone else. But I do urge all good Americans to start resisting as soon as possible, while there's something left to save.

    Let's not exclude any group that Trumpists seek to oppress. The number of good Americans far outweighs the number of tyrants. And those who didn't deserve to be counted as good Americans because they failed to show up for the democratic process in November can redeem themselves by showing up now. Let them redeem themselves now by taking on the greater risk. Let's reach out to our allies around the free world, just as the Trumpists are reaching out to the Russians and European neonazis.
  12. Recovering Conservative

    Recovering Conservative Active Member Past Donor

    Dec 14, 2013
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    You sure are boastful for someone who goes on to provide so little substance. If all you have is the argumentum ad hominem, than all you are is a lowly troll.

    And your motivation to paint this as a "Muslim vs. Christian" was what, if not to spark a hate war? You sure weren't concerned with the topic, which is Donald Trump's bad memory. Tell me again why your clearly intentional changing the subject is just "innocent" agitprop. :roll: No such thing.

    No thanks to you! And beside the point. You're the one who decided to make this a religious conflict, not me.

    When you take actions that cause other people harm, it is your fault. I know that you Republicans evade taking personal responsibility for anything, but actions do have consequences. And if there is a greater power looking, you will have to account for those actions whether you like it or not. Even if it's just to a guilty conscience, you cannot escape reality.

    There you go again, attacking the person and not the issues. You must think that you're slippery as an eel, but I see through the misdirection.

    Of course it will not be Trump who repeals the ACA. But when the GOP Congress does, he'll sign it. Now go ahead and claim that the GOP won't go for 50 after trying 49 times. I dare you.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see if you don't run and hide when it's your turn to explain. Based on the past performances of big-talking Republicans, I'm not holding my breath that you'll hang around after the damage is done. When it comes to accountability, your party is batting .000

    Not when there's a monopoly. That's what we have with unregulated health insurance companies, conspiring to reduce their risk to zero, and their profits to infinity.

    :roll: What "products" does "government" sell? And what's stopping you from buying from a different "government"? The only thing wrong here is how you arbitrarily define things. Do you really think that we haven't noticed that every one of you GOPs who uses the "government bad" mantra wants nothing more than to be that government?!?!?
  13. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    First, I did not start in calling you names.

    Do you recall the term Troll?

    And the proof of my substance is your long winded reply back. I am not complaining though.

    To cause you to recall, I never mentioned Muslims. I said the city is Christian. Here is why. Germans essentially have to christian churches. The Catholics and the Lutherans. They don't do as we do in the USA and feature hundreds of splinter groups. Now it's been decades since I was there and I open to proof they now have the hundreds of groups found here in the ?USA. They believe in tradition.

    Donald does have a memory. I do not see it as a bad memory. Did Obama claim Trump has a bad memory? Other than trolls talking on the internet, who believes that Trump has a poor memory?

    I am fairly certain I had more to say on Berlin than the troll topic of Donald and his memory. But I don't have to post to you or others.

    I don't believe my saying that Christians are in Berlin constitutes some religions conflict. I am certain in fact that today, you will find a lot more Muslims there raising hell than when I was there. Germans back then ran a tight ship as to who they allowed into Germany to work.

    You seem to want to sell that by being bankrupt, there are more things to take from government than you think I offer. I am in no condition to offer you a thing. Who knows if I will get cancer and need help. But one thing is clear. We do not live into eternity as mortal humans. We die in other words. I suggest those with cancer check out how Gwen Ifill handled her situation. I have seen little kids handle cancer far better than some adults do.

    I think you jumped the gun on the ACA is all. Maybe you are right and on Jan 21 they boot you out of medical treatment. But per what I read and hear from republicans, that is one thing they plan to hang onto so I suggest you stop whining and you act offended after how you have talked to me from the first of your posts. Amazing how one tries to run from their own poor behavior.

    I suggest you smoke the peace pipe. I offer one to you.

    Corporations are not remotely close to being the monopoly as government is.

    Were I the CEO of any insurance firm, I definitely would want my investors to believe I did a good job running their company. It is good business.

    I believe you now see Government in a bad light. So long as it is Trump. Did you think that when Obama banned all the oil fields off shore? Is that how a dictator works?

    Government offers things you say you want. I am amused a person tells me government offers nothing.

    You generalize so much I am defending things you blame others for. Funny innit?
  14. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    I say that you worry too much. It must be another slow day in Canada...
  15. jrr777

    jrr777 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Absolutely, I completely agree!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Not sure why, but ok! We all have opinions.
  16. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Isn't quoting from twitter to start a thread against the rules?:confuse:
  17. shades

    shades Active Member

    Jan 22, 2010
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    And he said he was going to ban "ALL" muslims, and ALL Mexicans were murderer's and rapists right?

    context dear boy, it goes a long way in being taken seriously
  18. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Well, why you worry about that, the rest of us will worry about Quran 9:29 and how likely we can peacefully assimilate those who take seriously this command:

    Fight against those who:
    (1) believe not in Allah,
    (2) nor in the Last Day,
    (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger
    (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

    We roll out the red carpet with our social safety net and rather than reaping goodwill by those on whom we bestow freely, from our need, they see simply as our paying of a rightful tax owed them demonstrating our willing submission to them.
  19. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Well, the Left thought that Hillary still had a chance to win after she lost. Talk about not having a grasp on reality...
  20. ChiefSeattle

    ChiefSeattle New Member

    Dec 15, 2016
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  21. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Yes, it will be replaced with an even worse system written and passed into law by Republicans. Thus proving once and for all that neither party really cares about. the majority of Americans who have too little money to buy a politician.
  22. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    OK, to kick this into a genuine discussion, not rants

    What in the ACA did Democrats love?

    1. Age 26 and children declared as adults
    2. Current or past illness no bar to insurance (not certain if the cost was = to the well)

    But that is it.

    Republicans plan to keep both

    Was it the public forced to buy insurance even totally healthy and unwilling? I sure hope not.

    But the promises made by Obama were broken.

    Innocent people now pay a huge premium. They did not want to have rates jacked up sky high.

    So tell me what is good about super high rates?
  23. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    And how do you think the Republicans will pay for both without requiring universal insurance?
  24. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Were it up to me, I would outlaw insurance policies.
  25. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    I think that might actually be a good way to reduce costs if there was actually transparancy. Of course all medical would have to be pay in advance and there would still be the issue of catastrophic illnesses. And the issue of health ccare for the poor would have to be delt with.

    None of this is easy. Will be interesting to see if the Republucans can actually come up,with something thatbwill work.

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