Trump spits on the graves of those who sacrificed for this country.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by david gullikson, May 24, 2020.

  1. david gullikson

    david gullikson Banned

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Those who have sacrificed their comfort and joy, feeling of human connection, to do the right thing, are called fascist, and unamerican. Those with gun zeal, have threatened those leading us to do these sacrifices, with imprisonment, superlegal imprisonment. We have been told that they will commit civil war if we don't stop urging caution.

    These are the folks not yet dead. The dead, have sacrificed every bit as much as a soldier on the battlefield, that gets a leg blown off. Or a fatal chest wound. And yet, they are on their last legs. They are just clogging up the system, with their inability to contribute. Good riddance, seems to be the message towards the dead. 100000 dead, thus far, with the battle still raging. And yet, our leader says, forget the war, let those about to die, DIE. We need to golf, and beach, and party. We need to raise our hands up to god, in packed setting, to show our appreciation for Trump doing this disregarding of sacrificed lives. While the war rages, Trump has skywriting, and towed signs, saying make America great again. ALL WHILE the war still rages. Trump has declared victory, and has checked out. He has said, his job is done.

    There is no more honor. No glory, no ideals, no liberty, just license. We, the right wing, dance on the graves of the fallen. WE, the right wing, speak against those doing the right thing, and shame them. WE threaten to kill them if they dont stop.

    This is the freedom spoken of by that right wing. WE, the right wing, will do as we choose, and call it patriotism. And when the right wing loses political power, SOON, they will CONTINUE to threaten to bury all those that stand in their way. This is what they think of their countrymen. Their neighbor. Kill them all, if they dont let us do as we please.

    There is very little country left. PArtisan scoffing, SEEKS, to show scorn for all protections, and the right wing will act, to buck any rule or guideline. They leave but one path. HIde from the right wing, as if your life depended on it, AND IT DOES. Hide, and keep your mouth shut.

    This, all this belligerence, has cost us our country. The folks that are neonazi and militia, threatening to imprison our elected officials, WOMEN, are very fine people. Those that follow the rules, to ensure safety for their neighbor, are spit upon, and called, unamerican.

    Happy memorial day, feel good, honoring those who died for their country. EVERY one of those who died alone, gasping for air, did that dying alone, in isolation, FOR THIS COUNTRY.

    But they are not honored. They are forgotten. As if they never even existed. Those vulnerables, have been told, they too, are as if they never existed. And if they CHOOSE, they can cower, but that is unamerican. Trump, who abandoned the battle field, has called us all warriors, but in reality, he was ONLY referring to the right wing, the guntotters, the belligerent. Those warriors, have been emboldened, to disregard all the dead. To dance on their graves.

    This is what freedom means to the right wing. Freedom to mock, to flout, to ignore. There is no country for any but the right wing. America is dead. Sure there will be flags waving, but the gesture is also mocking. We DONT honor our dead. There is no ideal left to defend.

    And if, we choose to try to create a country, to see our neighbor as worthy and deserving of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we can expect those right wing, to THEN, and only then, agree, there is no country. To which they will act out against us, physically. To reinstitute belligerent America. By force of arms, as they have warned.

    I dont expect this message to be allowed, as truth, and reality are sacrificed for some EPHEMERAL civility. A FAKE civility. One meant for a country long ago. I will sacrifice my virtual self, in this battle. For there is no truth here, and no honor. Just teams.

    This is a political opinion, and belief. It is heartfelt, and pertinent. FAKE inclusiveness, should not trump truth, and honor.
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
  2. Antiduopolist

    Antiduopolist Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2016
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    Trump: Grave-spitting Satan

    10 million times worse than Hitler.

    Orange Man?

    garyd likes this.
  3. david gullikson

    david gullikson Banned

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Last edited: May 24, 2020
  4. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Amazing Everytime I think you can't possibly sound weirder and more paranoid you prove me wrong congrats on a truly over the top bizarre post.
    struth likes this.
  5. david gullikson

    david gullikson Banned

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Party on. The dead salute you.
  6. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    The honored dead sir resent you trying to use them to further your political agenda.

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