US caretaker to ask President to withdraw.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Jack Napier, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    News just in. The US caretaker has just called the US President in Tel Aviv, to ask if it may be possible to withdraw from the West Bank.


    US President Barack Obama is going to demand a timetable for an Israeli withdrawal from the occupied West Bank during his visit to Israel later this month, a report says.

    The World Tribune quoted on Monday an unnamed Israeli official as saying that "Obama has made it clear to Netanyahu that his visit is not about photo-ops, but the business of Iran and a Palestinian state”.

    “The implication is that if Israel won’t give him something he can work with, then he’ll act on his own,” the report quoted the source as saying.

    According to the report, an Israeli pullout plan could be part of an imminent US push to form a Palestinian state in the West Bank in 2014.

    More than half a million Israelis live in more than 120 settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

    Meanwhile, violent acts are carried out on a weekly basis in the Palestinian territories by Israeli settlers.

    The Israeli settlements are considered illegal by the UN and most countries because those territories were captured by Israel in the 1967 war, and are thus seen as being subject to the Geneva Conventions, which forbid construction on occupied lands.

    The Israeli regime increased its settlement activities after an upgrade in the Palestinian status at the United Nations General Assembly on November 29, 2012. The 193-member General Assembly voted 138-9 with 41 abstentions to upgrade Palestine’s status to non-member observer state.


    It would be bloody lovely if ANY US President grew some ball and told Israel what was what.

    That would be lovely indeed, good for the World, good for Americans, bad for just Israel and it's tiny population, and bad for rich Jews.

    The last US President to try was Kennedy, who wanted to shut the Fed and DID NOT want Israel having ANY nuke, he was clear on this.

    Truman did a lot to accomodate them, but in his private diary, even he was cleary fed up with them.

    Lincoln peed off their Rothschild bankers, when he refused their loans, and issued America's own legal tender, the went on to defeat the Rotchschilds man, at the following election.

    Of course, both Kennedy and Abe were the victims of 'random lone wolfs', who, as if my magic, were both said to have been killed, before they could get to court.
  2. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Usually Jack's stuff is too fantastic to believe, but Hussein Obama stabbing Israel in the back is entirely plausible.
  3. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    How on earth can the US President demanding that Israel go by her word and International Law, if 20 years late, be backstabbing?

    It is still not confirmed but the times of Israel is also coming with this story.
  4. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Nobody forced Jordan to invade Israel in 1967.

    You start a war and lose, it is reasonable to expect territorial penalties.
  5. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Ah not a man then to think it is to be expected he go by his word and a man with no respect for International law I imagine (ignoring the obvious inaccuracies in your statement)
  6. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    There is no international law demanding Israel to unilaterally withdraw...the only relevant law is UNSC binding resolution 242 which expects israel to withdraw to negotiated borders and not unilaterally but in exchange for peace and cessation of hostilities.

    That said, the whole report (based on an unnamed Israeli official) is absurd. Obama already tried to push Netanyahu during his first term, it didn't work out all that well, did it. Even the democratic party would never let Obama go that far, let alone the Republians.
  7. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    1) Jordan started nothing. On 11th November 1966 Israel invaded Jordan, NOT the other way around. They called it the "Samu incident" or Operation Shredder. Check here - - you need to because your knowledge of ME history is appalling.

    2) During this period (well before "Six Day war") Israel was provoking Syria by violating the ceasefire conditions in the demilitarised zone. This is on video record (Jan Mühren, UN Observer force). General Moshe Dayan also admitted this. On 7th April 1967 Israel invaded Syria. This was long before Nasser threatened to close the Tiran Straits which was a consequence of Israeli aggression and NOT the other way around.

    3) In June 1967 Egypt had defence pacts with both Syria and Jordan.

    I also believe that Israel was the good peace-loving guy, provoked by the Arabs. Then I started checking "the facts" and found nothing but a series of MYTHS .... like your one.

    My pleasure
  8. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    The settlements are illegal and Israel agreed to no more building in 93. She has now built to the point that to withdraw would be financially ruinous and probably result in civil war. The blame for this situation belongs primarily between Israel and the US .... and Israel has all but lost support in the world except for the US.

    A situation has to be found to solve the problem and if Obama did indeed say that he would be saying the correct thing. Withdraw to 67 lines. Start negotiating with that in mind.

    I agree it is a bit optimistic but it is not impossible that Obama could get this through. For him it is his last term. The people who support what Israel is doing want Armageddon. Any sane person would call a spade a spade and say from here lets get talking.

    .....also, I was interested in the link with the EU saying the solution was likely to be removed from direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians. It is not impossible sanity will prevail and a fair solution will be implemented.
  9. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Fair enough, you could say that, therefore if Obama asks/demands that Israel stop settlement constructions I can buy that, complete unilateral withdrawal demands on the other hand would be absurd and not based on international law/UN resolutions.

    It's his last term indeed, but the democratic party (which mostly is genuinely pro-Israel in the first place) wants to have more terms, they will have elections in 2 years and in 4 years and after that. They won't let Obama go too far. That's why the report is highly suspicious.

    Oh and March 4, 2013 Abbas to Kerry: Pressure Israel to freeze settlements
    I doubt it very much Abbas would be asking about settlement freeze if Obama had complete Israel's withdrawal on his radar, kinda makes no sense.
  10. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It's probably just a play out, like that time it was 'accidentally recorded' when the French Premier called Bomb Bomb Benny a 'liar'.

    Every so often, they have to make out like 'world leaders are at odds with Israel'.

    Would look strange if they never did that, at all, since it is odd enough looking anyway. So, every so often, you will maybe find they do a bit of a play act, to convince people like us, that there is dissent.

    I cannot see it, somehow.

    For one thing, Obama has been nothing but yet another complaint stooge to Israel.

    For another thing, he has never broken a promise to Israel, despite breaking all promises to Americans.

    Whatever excuses are made, Gitmo is still there.

    He's just a puppet, no better than Bush, that is why I treat this with disdain.

    Let's be honest, if by some fluke he decided that he was going to go against his own financiers, and make history as the President that stood up to Israel, if he thought 'I am not going for election again, so I am going to make history', how long would he last before another 'lone wolf' went 'mad on prozac'....

  11. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    It is not funny it is sad that such venom is uttered on this board...
    What???????????? Jordan did not start the fight in 1948??????????????????????? That man is becoming a nuisance, his disingenuous rhetoric is noxious to say the least...

    We beat the Jordanians and ended the 19 years of occupation of Israeli territory, we kicked their respective arses, we drove these ba----ds behind the Jordan river and they asked to sign a Peace agreement, I took part in this war, is this disrespectful urchin trying to deny that fact????????????? I do not give a fig to what he is trying to proselytize... Myth alert, Myth alert there is a street urchin here do not step on it! It will stink if you do.

    Myth alert Myth alert a moron is inflaming the readers with false rhetoric let us all kick his vulnerable derriere, behind, whatever...

    And to the MONITORS ... if this post is deleted I am leaving because then you would have shown your disrespect for reality and truth!
  12. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    I actually welcome it :) Their lies, distortions, revisions of history, open antisemitism (some not all of them) are out in the open. Their infatuation with Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas etc reveals their true ugly Islamofascist face, their anti-Israel/anti-semitic venom and hatred are the best argument in favor of Israel's right to exist as a democratic Jewish state. :)
  13. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    No that would not be acceptable. By about ten years ago all settlements ought to have been removed. I think it is both Israel and the US's fault for this. The US has stood by everything Israel has done and invested much in settlements (not the gov but individuals) Israel has been able to do as she wished because she had the upper hand. It has got to the point that the people of Israel no longer bother about justice for the Palestinians. Even the non religious now start talking about the need for all Jerusalem and the need for the Temple. Israel's religious and the US's Christian Zionists have a contract from hell.

    Like I said removing the settlements would be financially crippling and likely cause civil war in Israel but Israel must understand that she cannot carry on like that. Obama would be correct to point out to Israel that she will need to withdraw all her settlements. That is law. Of course she would need to stop building immediately. If not, possibly the US will do sanctions as well.

    and awful lot of them seem to let slip it is for reasons of donations they are so pro Israel.
    Oh I agree the report sounds highly unlikely. However you must remember that the US has been speaking to Europe since the building on E1 was announced after the UN vote. You also need to remember that the US is very Christian and not just Protestant and wanting Armageddon. Now that Christian Churches are beginning to speak up we may well start hearing different voices from the US.

    Israel is out of control and the people who have the most say over government seem to be the Nat religious. I have heard it said that the West Bank is good for Israel because she can put her fanatics there but that is no good as it is the Palestinian State. You are either going to have to find two states tout de suite or it will be a one state solution and I cannot see any way out of that. Israel has laid her bed and now she must lie in it. Will Obama start the ball rolling and take the credit? Who knows but it is on the cards

    You have to freeze them first obviously. It would take a few weeks to get everyone out, which I doubt could ever be done. But a fair resolution for the Palestinians providing them human rights and dignity is needed and will no doubt require something dramatic for the Israeli Government to pay attention.
  14. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    They won it, they own it. Maybe Israel should ask us to withdraw from all the states we won from Mexico. And the Quebeckers should ask the other Canadians to go back to England. The rabid Arab rabble should all go back to the desert where they belong. Stone Age clans are incapable of forming a nation.
  15. Archer0915

    Archer0915 New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    All Americans with no native blood need to leave the US!

    Black back to Africa, Spanish back to europe (not most of the illegals as they are really natives), whites back to Europe! Asians back to China and Japan and Korea... PR needs to be given up! The Polynesians get Hawaii back! Alaska back to the Eskimos!

    War has consequences! (*)(*)(*)(*) Jordan!
    Liebe and (deleted member) like this.
  16. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Obama probably got a memo from the Vatican last week saying there is no truth in the 'Chosen People' story.

    Everything rests on that myth.

    Without that they have no support except the whacky pastors like Fred Phelps and the lunatic pastors that post here.

    Game is over
  17. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Obama better watch out or they will do another 9/11 on the US
  18. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    I thought it might be too subtle, Borat, but I understand that people from central Asia might have a problem understanding, so let me curb your mirth.

    I wrote that Jordan did not START anything. That was done by Israel in November 1966. I notice that you didn't dispute that, so for a second I hoped that you had understood.

    What you refer to is a mere continuation. It occurred in June 1967. Capiche?

    No problem. My pleasure. Sorry I interrupted your LOL-ing.
  19. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    A nation that chose a flagburning draftdodger like Clinton and followed that treason by choosing a flagwaving draftdodger like Bush won't appreciate this, but Benjamin Netanyahu served in the Israeli equivalent of our Navy Seals, in which he put his life on the line many times. His brother was in a similar unit and was killed rescuing hostages at Entebbe in Uganda. When it comes to the security of his country, Netanyahu has never backed down in his life, so don't expect him to appease the Arab rabble or ignorant American transnationalists on this one.
  20. skeptic-f

    skeptic-f New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    PressTV is not a reliable source. Given that it would be political suicide to play hardball with Israel except in very favorable conditions (some major crisis invoking a lot of popular support for the President), there is no way Obama is going to do anything so blatant and confrontational. He doesn't like Netanyahu (and vice-versa) but the President doesn't have the political cojones to tackle the West Bank issue in a meaningful way.
  21. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    LOL, not a single person in the world, not even a single person in Jordan, Egypt or Syria considers November 1966 to be the beginning of the war. The 6-day war started on June 5, 1967. and according to king Hussein on June 5 Jordan launched an offensive into Israel.
    <<<Mod Edit: Flamebait Removed>>>

    PS on June 5th Israel's PM Eshkol appealed to king Hussein promising no response if Jordan stopped firing but Hussein did not heed the message.
  22. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    agreed. It is not the source. World Tribune is
  23. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    you sound like Margot

    Press TV are being silenced and pulled off the satellites BECAUSE they report the other side of the story. The part that Western press don't want you to hear.

    If it's reputation was so bad why all the attempts to silence it?

    Anyway they are right as usual

    Website claims Obama to ‘demand timetable for West Bank pullout’
    Unconfirmed World Tribune report asserts president will tell Netanyahu to move peace process forward or ‘he’ll act on his own’
    By Times of Israel staff March 4, 2013
  24. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    kaza kaza kaza

    no one its your typing finger
  25. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    No, it did not, HB. The fight with Jordan was started in November 1966. It was continued with the first ally and reached a new height in April 1967. Then Israel attacked the third ally in June 1967. Only THEN did Jordan attack. Remarkable restrain, wouldn't you say? I am really surprised that you didn't know that. In each case Israel was the aggressor. But she claims that she is just poor peace-loving Israel. And the hasbara repeats this rubbish.

    I am really shocked that you are unaware of such basic facts as the "Samu 'incident'" and Dayan's admitting that Israel was the aggressor along the Golan heights. Regarding the June 1967 attack on Egypt, I know that Abba Eban told the UN that Egypt had attacked first, but the UN had the sense to check the Zionist claim as to "the truth" and he retracted it. [By the way, did you know that he was born Meir, in South Africa? Barney's mom, Mrs Tepperson, would be shocked to know that a good Cape Town Jewish boy lied. She should join this forum to be REALLY shocked]

    You should read more books on the ME, HBendor. On this topic I can recommend Tom Segev's gook "1967". Excellent archival research - any day as good as Benny Morris' "The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee problem Revisited", which also contains much archival facts that you don't know about.

    You could do that by providing facts instead of name-calling and rants. I really recommend that you try that instead of c-and-p of videos by hasbara merchants. You haven't provided a single pertinent fact on this topic, HB. Were you aware of that?

    It seems that the Khazak has learned from you. Name-calling. No facts. No rebuttal. Just *CLANG* empty rants like yours.

    Here, HB and Borat, have a crack at disproving just one of my facts. "Israel invaded Jordan on 13th November 1966"

    Off you go. It will be good practice for the honestly of your contributions to address something that does not involve time-linesnipping.

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