Walking the talk Vs. talking the talk.

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by robini123, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. robini123

    robini123 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Walking the talk Vs. talking the talk... which is better at attracting people to religion? Both? Neither? Subjective?

    Talking the talk; As a non Christian, when someone is standing on their soap box preaching down to me, it just makes me think "wow, how narcissistic" and I walk away. Why does preaching to me mean so little? Because I could grab my own soap box and preach right back at you... throwing out Bible passages left and right... anyone can do it. Because of that I am not impressed by the Bible thumpers who come across like used car salesmen.

    Walking the walk; When I come across people who live good clean lives, don't judge others, are loving and tolerant, day in and day out... those people are the ones who impress me... no matter their faith or lack there of. People like this pique my interest and 9 times out of 10 when I ask them "how do you stay so centered?" their answer is "God". I have had many enlightening discussions with men and women like this... people who I have seen as spiritual advisers... people like that make a lasting impression on me.

    I suspect it is subjective though as some probably benefit from being whacked upside the head with the Bible, while others prefer to observe a persons actions before making an inquiry of their beliefs.


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