We need a total reset, 3rd party and separation of business and state

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by The Mandela Effect, Sep 23, 2017.

  1. The Mandela Effect

    The Mandela Effect Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2017
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    My thread title is maybe bold, but also it's what I honestly have always thought. Trump being elected seems to be a signal along with more people by the day becoming independents that come 2020 we might actually see a real solid run for someone that isn't part of the GOP or Democratic party.

    What the United States needs is a party that is bold yet will stand for unity while understanding it won't or can't please everyone. I have come up with 5 key issues that could be the core of a 3rd party:

    1) Amending the constitution to include separation of business and state for the same reasons we have it for the church. People like to believe the reason this was done had only to do with holy books, but the reality is the true root of the evil was the money they had collected to sway government officials. The only difference between business and church is one claims to do it in the name of morality while the other does it in the name of profit.

    This change to our founding documents would fix so many issues, including but not limited to the ending the federal reserve/being able to regulate banking, donations and stopping businesses being allowed to sell the government weapons. This idea includes also businesses not being classified as legal persons.

    2) Social policy reform. Issues of gender and race have inflamed in recent years, this is an issue that needs to be addressed in a fair, just and effective manner. The goal as I have always believed is creating a society that is blind to color and doesn't even think in terms of gender when talking about a fellow human being. We are all human, related to each other somehow even if it's 1000's of years back in time as racial hate groups are finding out with DNA test.

    We need to make the old saying that Justice is blind a reality, how court rooms in the future should be handled is for the Judge to not be in the same room as those he is to make judgement calls on or ever see their face. Instead all courtroom cases should be done by phone with the suspect out of sight so that the jury and Judge can't possibly be swayed by sexism or racism of any kind. This also includes a policy of purging gender and race from everyone's official records in order to insure it's nearly impossible for people to base their thoughts on subjective non important features.

    Lastly just to repeat, we need unity and so instead of trying to artificially use AA programs to create a different kind of inequality, instead we should be trying to help all of the poor no matter what gender or race they happened to be born as. The fact is humanity can be a united coalition with personal differences if the hate could be put aside. Instead we have extremist fighting in the streets on both sides wishing to oppress those that they hate and as a rational, caring society it's time we rejected calls to commit political violence. I will take this a step more though and say we need to learn again how to come in peace with understanding when discussing what personal beliefs we have are. The media has not been helpful in the slightest of trying to unite people and while this has been angering me, I have realized it doesn't help me or my point to tear down what some people still trust in. So with a change of thinking, seeing the issues I think it's best to take a different approach to what those living in the Untied States are facing.

    3) Energy policy: I have thought about this issue for quite some time and I think what likely would work best in the short term is to build modern nuclear plant's for the power grid to replace coal and oil. Modern designs are so safe that a meltdown is all but impossible and really other types of green energy are still behind what can be done with the much more mature Nuclear power plant designs.

    In the longer 30+ year term it would be good to look forward to other sources of power for the sake of air quality and possible impacts of greenhouse gases being omitted by our current "dirty" sources of power. In any case I think both shorter term and long term Energy policy is a must have even if it's not the plan I had in mind.

    4) Tax reform/Min wage: Basically we need to lower business taxes and raise the upper personal income brackets while removing a fair number of deductions in the tax code to get them to pay a real world percentage that is higher than the working middle class. I also think the min wage should be set to $10 an hour and then be raised by %2-4 per year inline with inflation. Going from $7.25 to $15 would be a total system shock and many would likely lose there jobs for no good reason if such a sudden change were to be put in place.

    5) Healthcare: Having made a thread on this issue before and reading how people reacted to the issue it's clear to me that bridging the gap between the right wing and left wing here is quite hard to imagine. But here goes my best effort, I think the government should provide all life saving screenings/treatments for free but anything else that isn't life threating should come out of pocket if the person isn't insured. I base this on the right to life in our founding documents. This system I realize will come at a cost, so some things will need to be cut such as overseas spending.

    We also must commit to taking care of our veterans by giving them the same healthcare plan congress gets. The VA has been a total failure to those that have served and this horrible wrong must be corrected.

    Closing statements and a confession of sorts:

    I hope the above is enough to start a debate on what a politically center 3rd party could run on. One thing that has stared at me down to the core as of late is the amount of hate society seems to be embracing in entertainment, news media and our leaders including Trump.

    For me personally it's time I really said what ego wouldn't let me acknowledge fully, Trump was the wrong force to bring change and more importantly it was wrong to allow my hate of current affairs to so deeply impact my vote. It didn't really hit home until I really detached myself from all the current events instead looking back with a train of thought clear of the latest Trump tweet or media reporting something in a way designed to stir up hate.

    It was more than ego though, as my background truly is defined as having something to prove due to no expectations from anyone having been dealt a bad hand in life. When one kid would be told to do better next time I would be told it's okay that I couldn't ever understand how do it right. Right out of the gate my parents were told I would never learn to speak due to how severe they said my autism is or was at the time. People trust those that are professionals and often treat their word as though it were the word of god and final. I did later learn to speak around age 5, but people setting low expectations didn't end there. It followed me for many years, cementing in me a deep anger against those who had so controlled the tone of the very thoughts people had about my expectations not even thinking to say try again when I failed or fell short.

    I didn't even like Trump, but with many professionals that began to bash him I slowly but surely changed my mind. Not because Trump tapped into my darker side, but because the media did with what they said about his odds of winning. Mostly though I blame myself for allowing my hate of the corruption in the system to warp my judgment on Trump.

    Lastly I am sorry fellow forum members for my less than ideal conduct on this site. I won't ask for forgiveness as I don't deserve it, just an understanding and hopefully a more peaceful and civil path forward.

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