Wells Fargo, TD Bank turn over Trump financial records to House Dems

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by MolonLabe2009, May 23, 2019.

  1. The Mello Guy

    The Mello Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    They aren’t the president. Why do I need to explain this?
  2. The Mello Guy

    The Mello Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    Did they ask for this before he got elected?
  3. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    He means Democratic Congressmen, while they theoretically banned insider trading, we all know that's only 'rhetorical'. No doubt they still have a little moneymaking scheme on the side.
    PrincipleInvestment likes this.
  4. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Yes, actually. It's been the talk of the 2016 elections once the Fraud(Russian Collusion) was first spread through the media with the infamous 17 agencies line. We all know his tax returns will save the Republic as we knew it!!!!!!!

    Seriously, take a step back for one second and realize the utter absurdity of it all. If it weren't Trump, would there be this collective insanity?
    PrincipleInvestment likes this.
  5. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Trump and Clinton were toxic candidates. It was ALWAYS going to be all about them. Trump is a Kardashian President and HE set the tone for his Presidency, not the press.
    TomFitz likes this.
  6. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I agree that Trump causes drama, but here's the thing: In presidencies prior to Trump, we disagreed solely on political issues. No one was rushing after tax returns like it was some freaking gold mine(It was rather, a boring 'rite of passage' that was never adapted into law.) Now some states want to adapt it as law, not because it's useful but because it's Trump.

    That actually sums up the resistance in the nutshell: We would not see a 'resistance' of Joe Biden, or any other future president. We only see it with Trump, and that is in part why I had been 'somewhat' in the President's corner: It's unfair.

    Seriously, take a step back for a minute and ask yourself if we've conducted ourselves this way to ANY prior administration. Sure, Democrats called Bush Hitler, but the UN has confirmed war crimes and the FISA Court is one of America's most darkest sins and is a crucial part of the taint of the 2016 elections.

    Other than that, most criticism of presidents from both parties was legitimate: Carter presided over the stagflation, the only time we ever reached that economic situation. Nixon was indeed a crook, and a crooked one at that. FDR abused powers just like his war time opponents, we just happen to brush it over. And so on and so on.

    But with Trump, it's a moral and religious obligation to oppose him. Hell, look on dating sites and it's one of the key questions for women.
  7. The Mello Guy

    The Mello Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    Russian collusion was so obviously fake that even you believed it lol
  8. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    The last time I looked at a dating site, most of them were still printed in newspapers.

    “Seriously, take a step back for a minute and ask yourself if we've conducted ourselves this way to ANY prior administration. Sure, Democrats called Bush Hitler, but the UN has confirmed war crimes and the FISA Court is one of America's most darkest sins and is a crucial part of the taint of the 2016 elections.”

    Folks like you loudly defended all of that, and bought every spin line from the talk radio and Fox that tried to defend it or distract the critics.

    It’s the same pattern with Trump now.

    Bush, for all his faults and his willingness to be led by criminals like Cheney, Rumsfeld and the neocons, was not a morally defective creep, indifferent to his duties as President, and not morally bankrupt, incompetent, and did not conduct himself like a five year old child.

    And, under no circumstances, would George Bush, or any of the people around him given a moments thought to getting involved with Russian intelligence during a presidential campaign, much less inviting them into campaign headquarters.

    If you’re trying to suggest that Trump is a special case, he is.

    All the more reason.
    Last edited: May 25, 2019
    AZ. likes this.
  9. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Actually, I was a Liberal prior to 2013. While I didn't buy the hyperbole of Bush being Hitler, I was anti-Patriot Act and definitely anti NSA-spying, which only increased ironically in Obama's administration. When he voted for the Act as a senator, that's when I knew Obama was hot air.

    It was that betrayal that made me a Nationalist, as I could never be a neo-con and more specifically, I'm jaded about all aspects of American Life. The response to Trump has shown the flaws of our entire system. People with robes and a gavel cannot effectively settle disputes. They can only affirmatively rule on them and leave the situation to settle and fester in the hearts of men. This is what has led to the Civil War, it's what created the equally ineffective affirmative action and the failed busing situation(yes, Biden's right about that. But it's not PC).

    Because after all, the resolution is not by and for the two parties involved in the dispute. It's a resolution by a superior 'independent' with a gavel. It *could* work if the judge were impartial, but any impartiality is left when he hears the merits of the case. In essence and closing, conflicts can only be resolved by those inside the conflict.

    Beyond this, as most of the conflicts are political, the political interference by the judges undermines an entire philosophical approach to government. In other words: What if the courts decided to agree to reverse Roe V Wade? It would be absolutely crushing to Democrats and to pro-choice women. Likewise, a curtailing of the 2nd Amendment would be crushing to pro-gun right owners and would almost certainly result in a revolt.

    These things called a Court, are anathema to America's democracy. Nay, they are anathema to any conflict resolution in human history. They keep the conflict going perpetually, unless and until we accept its rule(which is a rule we didn't ask for, or a resolution we came to.)

    In comparison, a singular Authoritarian state is preferable. And even lately, I'm beginning to reconsider the benefits to an Anarchic state of government. If a fiat device cannot appropriately solve conflict, then man must be enabled to resolve the conflicts that impassion him. Of course, we are not yet at a conscious or a spiritual state to do so(without killing and robbing from others), but it would be preferable to the current state of affairs.
  10. TomFitz

    TomFitz Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
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    That’s good to hear. The rest of your fellow Trumpsters cheered loudly for it and questioned the patriotism of anyone who dared oppose it, Cheney pushed it hard.

    BTW, Barack Obama was still in the Illinois State Senate when the Patriot Act was passed.

    Your blind faith in dictators is both Un American and foolish in the extreme.

    There is no more obvious example of that then you long standing blind devotion to a weak mental defect named Donald Trump.
  11. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    I don't have long standing blind devotion to the guy. I simply see more damage in destroying the Presidency(which Trump presently occupies.) It's more damaging that Nancy Pelosi looks like a fool. If she were in the UK, she'd be given the Theresa May treatment.

    See, incompetence propelled by an ideology is no better than simple incompetence. The voters voted "leave", not maybe leave, "leave". If May couldn't do that, she shouldn't have been prime minister.

    In much the same way Speaker Pelosi CHOSE the role as speaker. Democrats didn't choose her. It's HER responsibility to get her caucus together and get bills sent to the Senate that they can pass.

    Let's say you impeach Trump, the governmental crisis that is our Congress(what I've consistently called the worst Congress in American history) will still be unsolved. That's where I agree with AOC the most. She's right, right there. Their institutional failure won't change post-Trump.
    PrincipleInvestment likes this.
  12. PrincipleInvestment

    PrincipleInvestment Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2016
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    Absolutely they do. Nepotism & cronyism in campaigning. 23 DNC "hopefuls"? They're "hopeful" that they can grease many palms with campaign funds.
    AmericanNationalist likes this.

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