" We're in the news business "

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Foolardi, Jul 31, 2016.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Says the United States version of Baghdad Bob.That would be Trotskyite
    manipulator and creator of The Young Turks,Cenk Uygur.
    Just look at his eyes as he talks.They shift.That's a key indication of
    spinning the truth.That is why Judge Judy makes sure a person in her
    courtroom looks at her when answering a question.If that person shifts
    their eyes down at the floor or at the desk,Judge Judy quickly says ...
    No no no.Look here.Look at me.
    Cenk,the hero for certain commie type,also relies on technique like
    saying " RIGHT! " after a comment.As if it's Right,so don't bother to question
    further.Makes it so much easier to get away with false Info.Like when
    Baghdad Cenk debated Dinesh D'Souza.He refused to answer simple
    straight question.Even when talking numbers like the National debt.
    Or the 1964 Civil Rights act.He refused to answer the most basic of
    facts regarding the National Debt and Deficits under Obama.
    Or who was more responsible for the passage of Civil Rights.
    He is not about the Truth,which is his selling point at The Young Turks.
    That his TYT is about being In the News Business.
    I guess that explains why when debating Ann Coulter he kept
    saying after a Coulter comment ... " In other words " a favorite debating tactic
    by Uygur.Meaning he'll explain the comment in his Words,not that of
    his debater.He does that all the time ... RIGHT!
    See how that works,
    But the clincher is his Take on the Benghazi hearings and the relevance
    of our Government { Obama,Hillary and Susan Rice } insisting
    for days that Benghazi was due to some Video.This Cenk thing,thought
    that was all much ado over nothing.Oh yeah.Kinda overblown to have an
    take serious our Ambassador to the United Nations going on all the Sunday
    Talk shows { 5 of them } and looking into that TV camera and LYING.
    Just the biggest bald-faced Lie imaginable.And this Cenk thing who prides
    himself on the seeking of News and the truth behind the news.And he
    said and I quote { *I can't because it's all typical Cenk going literally nuts
    with Cuss words and F this already and f that and who gives an F }
    Like the Adm. actually colluding to give as excuse a Video is so Unimportant.
    Of course,because Cenk and his crew of malcontent disinformation freaks
    can defend the indefensible.So they blow it off.
    But they have No problem going after Conservatives with a passion
    looking for any tiny ***** in a conservatives Achilles heel to attack,relentlessly.
    They go out of their way to find the tiniest Achilles heel of a Republican
    or Conservative and then Wham Bam ... Gotcha !
    It's Gotcha News." Doing what the People wanna hear,actually."
    If people is what The Young Turks play to ... " RIGHT! "

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