What is your idealized America?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Daybreaker, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    People who ate too much treats and have excess energy?
  2. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Here is a list of things that would have to happen to form my ideal America.

    1; Private organizations (Businesses, Unions, religious organizations, special interests, ect) banned from donatiing to policial campaigns.

    2; Corporate bailouts made illegal

    3; All funding to Israel ceased.

    4; Marijuana legalized and taxed

    5; All non-violent prisoners arrested over marijuana possession would be released with full pardons and their records expunged.

    6; A nation-wide bullet train system would be built. The tracks and depos would be owned and operated by federal and state governments, but the trains would be owned and operated by private businesses.

    7; America would give money to Mexican businesses to help them grow and expand. This would lead to more jobs being available in Mexico and illegals would be less inclined to come to America. I also believe that many of the illegals who are alreadfy here would be inclined to return to Mexico.

    8; All tenure in public schools would be abolished.

    I have more, but I can't think of them all right now. I may add them as I do.
  3. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    I have a vision that America and no national boundaries exist. All power would be in the hands of international corporations and authoritarian bureaucrats, vampires who feed on the productivity of the livestock. Any and all uprisings would be squashed in a moment's notice. When the technology is available, the elite would merge with machines and become immortal. The oxygen-wasters would then be disposed of as they are no longer needed.

  4. Funktopia

    Funktopia New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    1.) Universal Health Care for all Americans.
    2.) Weaker military to deal with modern threats.
    3.) Stronger regulations on banks and Wall Street to avoid another 2008 meltdown.
    4.) Higher taxes for businesses and richer Americans.
    5.) Stronger civil liberties including gay rights and the repeal of the Patriot Act.
    6.) Banning corporations/unions to donate $$$ to politicians.
    7.) Weaker ballot access laws to allow third parties to gain popularity.
    8.) Marijuana legalized for adults 18+.
  5. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    1. We're bankrupt
    2. Stop the aggressive militarism, but I'm not so sure that we should allow ourselves to fall behind anyone as far as military strength goes.
    3. They buy the regulators. The banks need the regulation called "failure" when they screw up.
    4. We're already losing all of our jobs to cheap labor/low regulations overseas

    I agree with the rest.
  6. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    1; We are not bankrupt...it's that our money is being used to pay for BS things such as bailouts and other such stuff. We need to add more revenue by legalizing and taxing pot, outlawwing all bailouts, and cutting all funding to israel......That would give us enough money to afford many of the things we can't now.

    2; Cutting military spending would not do anything to our strength...90% of all the money given to the military is used to line the pockets of military leaders and contractors.

    3; I completely agree......"To Big To Fail" was started to protect the corporations who give the most money to corrupt politicans. It's completely contridictive to what capitalism is supposed to be. When a big corporations goes bankrupt, they fall.....Then smaller companies grow and expand to replace them....That is capitalism.....What we have now is corporatism....

    4; We need to cut all fudning to corporations and give the tax dollars to small businesses instead....Let small businesses grow and expand to replace the jobs that corporations send overseas and then companies like Walmart and GM will die, like they deserve.
    I also support forcing corporations to pay foriegn workers the same minimum wage as american workers....That would end the main reason foir outsourcing....cheap labor....
  7. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    I agree with most of what you say here. I'm not completely sure about what would be needed as far as military spending to make sure we don't fall behind a China or Russia.

    As for universal healthcare, I'm not so sure about the ramifications of that either, but often when the government gets involved, prices skyrocket. It's easy to see why, you're shoving a bureaucracy in the middle of everything. I think that people should forfeit some superficial possessions to purchase healthcare, and that we could still have healthcare for the elderly and the disabled/those in real poverty provided by the government.
  8. cenydd

    cenydd Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Evidence that it is possible for healthcare to be delivered more cheaply by a UHC system is simple to gain - healthcare under the current US system is more expensive than every UHC system in the world, and by a very long way. Yes, there is beaurocracy in the system, but arguably less than is involved in administrating the whole insurance system, and the cost of the actual profits is removed too. I'm not suggesting that UHC is perfect, or perfect for the USA, but it should be considered than assuming that it will inevitably be more expensive than the current system would seem to fly in the face of the evidence.
  9. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Like I said, I'm open to the idea and don't take a strong stance against it. Why is it that Obamacare is presumed to cause everyone's healthcare insurance to go up? Because it is forcing people to buy from private insurers and so many more people will be on the health dole?

    What about the quality of the healthcare? Seems like universal healthcare would be better for a smaller nation without a large percentage of people in "poverty" who would weigh down the system. Maybe state healthcare would be best or states should handle it however they see fit? Which nation has the best example of universal healthcare?
  10. speedingtime

    speedingtime Banned at Members Request

    Jul 8, 2011
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    I actually agree with you. Smaller scale projects are always inevitably more efficient, and people are more likely to trust their leaders because they will be coming from a similar background. (America is one of the least trustworthy nations in the world) It works both ways too, you would think they would be more responsive to then needs of their constituents, but nobody can ever tell with politicians...

    As for everything else, well, I'm still balancing the need for principles and personal freedom with a desire for "social justice".
  11. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Missed this post, it's a great one. I also believe that power on larger scales is disastrous. Too bad it seems like the world is heading in that direction, and people accept it as necessary because of some perceived grand worldly "changes" requiring authority at higher and higher levels.
  12. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    if universal health care was applied in the US it would be the biggest form of it and a huge undertaking

    it would probably be better if the federal government mandated every state to provide its own universal health care to keep a more efficient system

    is that how they do it in UK? wales has its own UHC and the brits, scottish, and the english in their seperate lands or are they all connected ?
  13. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    The reason for this is the pro-corporate free trade propaganda being taught in the universities under the guise of non-partisan study of economics. When all the economists in the country have been indoctrinated from the beginning, there really is no hope of economic change. Just visit the "economics and trade" section of this forum and you will see what I mean.
  14. cenydd

    cenydd Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2008
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    When the system was created, there was only one parliament, and the NHS came under the central control of that central government. After devolution, when Wales, Scotland and NI each gained their own parliament or assembly, the running of the NHS was devolved to those institutions (with England's remaining under the control of the UK parliament, because for some bizarre reason they don't have their own central parliament). Quite alot of the day-to-day running is done at an even more local level, with various systems of local health boards, hospital trusts and GP surgeries that manage alot of their own affairs, budgets, and so on.

    It would be a huge undertaking for the US to do at a federal level, but as i've already said I'd remove that federal level anyway, so that wouldn't be a problem - there's no reason why it wouldn't work at state level. There are various models for it, with various advantages and disadvantages, but all of them are massively less expensive than the current US model.
  15. JIMV

    JIMV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 19, 2009
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    My America is a land of strict obedience to the Constitution, capitalism, personal freedom and personal responsibility with a very small government and a balanced budget..

    All things the political class despises.
  16. JIMV

    JIMV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 19, 2009
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    Parasites on parade...no thanks
  17. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    So your Utopian dream for America is a bunch of freshman in college, hanging out, only with no classes to attend. A wasted, pointless lazy life.

    very revealing.
  18. Teutorian

    Teutorian New Member

    Mar 8, 2009
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    So naive. Obviously a system wouldn't work and everyone would just end up dirt poor and ultimately starving while the superior citizens either escape the nations walls or die trying.
  19. DeathStar

    DeathStar Banned

    Aug 28, 2011
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    No suffering, no pain, no deaths would happen unless everyone who cared about them agreed upon it, in fact, eveyrone would be happy and not want to die until a certain time came, which they freely accepted and decided to go to a suidice service provider and end it (since it'd be impossible to die any other way, or feel pain)

    EDIT: This post may seem out of character for me, but I'm high..on life...well y'all know what I'm subtly hinting :D
  20. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    That's some alternative universe you live in.

    We're not bankrupt, 90% of military spending is lining some pocket, give tax dollars to small businesses. Heh, it's still Crony Capitalism, only it's spelled crony capitalism.
  21. jhffmn

    jhffmn New Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    A world without moral hazard. That's what I'd like to see.

    Also happy husbands and wives raising children to respect themselves and others, driving their hummers to work with a ar-15 in each hand.

    I'd also like to see better public schooling. Most people can't do basic math and have a smaller vocabulary than my smart pug (they barely win out against my dumb one). We need customer service to stop being so polite to people. The customer is always right attitude needs to go and be replaced with, if you can't be polite I will pepper spray your face. I'm tired of being stuck in line behind someone who is arguing with some poor employee over whatever. I'd like to see the pepper spray wipped out at the first sign of confrontation. I might actually go to walmart on the 1st or 15th of the month!

    Also, an end to all food stamps and public federal aid. If we need aid, the proper level of government to disperse it is your state or local government, not the fed.
  22. jhffmn

    jhffmn New Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Heh, I hear you. My wife's at work and I'm onto my second glass of scotch neat.

    Also, I'd like to see a movement to restore our right to private property and our right to contract. And we need hover cars.
  23. CitizenKane105

    CitizenKane105 Banned

    Dec 15, 2011
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    I agree wholeheartedly, that's an America I'd love to live in.

    No thanks, comrade. It's not possible even in a fantasy.

    I can agree to that right up until the 2002-2006 Foreign Policy. We need 1890s Islolationist policies if we can afford it. Another internet boom like during 91-98 is a welcome boost.

    Me personally here is the America I envision...

    1) All the illegal aliens are deported from the nation. Have laws more strict and stiffer than those in Arizona and Alabama to deter further "invasion".
    2) Defund liberal institutions such as the ACLU.
    3) Get rid of lobbyists in DC. Have networks in place to shut them out completely, cut them off from all federal or state funding.
    4) Term limits in congress. Redraw all district lines.
    5) Relax regulations on markets, businesses and corporations.
    6) Cut or defund all Public Unions on both state and federal levels.
    7) Get rid of redundant federal departments.
    8) Cut off all special interests between Wall Street and DC. Make it impossible for big corporations to lobby politicians and vice versa.
    9) Recall all our military assets from overseas except in places of Taiwan and South Korea.
    10) Audit and shut down the Federal Reserve.
    11) Secure boarders with recalled military assets. No one gets through.
    12) Cut off ties with NATO, leave Europe to rot.
    13) Tell the UN to take a hike and remodel the UN building to be put on lease.
    14) We pay off our debt and cut off all Trade with China.
    15) Start drilling for our own oil in Anwar and other places. Tell the environemntalists to eff-off.
    16) Anti-American activists such as Occupiers put on the Terrorist list.
    17) Get rid of the 9th Circuit court and all other far-left entities within the Judicial and legislative branches.
    18) Exile Jimmy Carter to Cuba.
    19) Cut off all foreign aid except for Israel and Taiwan.
    20) We stop poking our nose in everyone else's business.
    21) The Communist parties of America are to be deported from the country to Russia with no due process. They're traitors, nothing else.
    22) Revamp the 14th Amendment to shut off the anchor baby loophole.
    23) Ban Gay Marriage from the region entirely.
  24. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    1. Hold interest rates artificially low and influence banks to relax lending policies, creating a massive property bubble. Get rid of Glass-Steagall
    2. Use a terrorist attack as a rallying point for a decade-long, trillion(s)-dollar war on Iraq.
    3. Establish the Patriot Act, and strike-through a few lines in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
    4. Increase federal spending at a greater rate than any president since FDR, while cutting taxes
    5. Give banks the idea that they are "too big to fail" with the Greenspan put, essentially guaranteeing that their risks are guaranteed by the public.
    6. Elect another incompetent liar as president.
    7. Bail out the banks (including foreign ones) and hold no one accountable for the economic destruction.
    8. Continue striking lines through the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
    9. Pile up more debt
    10. Attack Iran using the same propaganda that was used for the war on Iraq.
  25. MannieD

    MannieD New Member

    Dec 19, 2006
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    An America that has a "government of the people, by the people, for the people" instead of a government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations.

    An America where teachers, police, firemen and military are valued more than athletes and movie stars.

    An America where religion has absolutely no say in laws passed nor public school curriculum; where religious myths are taught in church and science is taught in school.

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