What Rick Perry does right!

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Smartmouthwoman, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. FearandLoathing

    FearandLoathing Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    If that was non-partisan I am a Marxist. You still have not cited anything to substantiate your previous claims and instead introduce more straw man arguments.

    Add one to the 'ignore' list.

  2. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    No .I want real debate.
    I showed how Perry operates..I dont care if it was the devil himself bringing the stats.. The truth is the truth no manner how its delivered.

    So I'll go back to your 1st post.

    ' Jobs
    •The U.S. gained 103,000 nonfarm jobs in September 2011 compared to August 2011. The U.S. unemployment rate remained unchanged at 9.1 percent for September 2011.
    •Texas’ September 2011 unemployment rate was 8.5 percent, unchanged from August.
    •Texas total nonfarm employment increased by 15,400 jobs from August to September. Between September 2010 and September 2011, Texas gained 248,500 jobs.
    •The Texas unemployment rate has been at or below the national rate for 57 consecutive months.

    •Thus far, Texas has weathered the national real estate crunch without significant damage to property values.
    •In September 2011, the Texas foreclosure rate was one in every 985 mortgages.
    •This was substantially better than Nevada’s one in 118, California’s one in 259, Arizona’s one in 305, and Utah’s one in 408.

    •Texas sales tax receipts for August 2011 were 11.9 percent higher than for August 2010.

    Stimulus Package
    •In Texas, an estimated $18 billion in federal stimulus money is flowing to state and local governments. The Comptroller’s office is tracking the $14.3 billion that comes through the state Treasury. The Comptroller’s analysis is ongoing. For the latest information, visit our ARRA Web site, A Texas Eye on the Dollars.


    End quotes..

    So now ..you must answer ..

    How did Perry do any of that..explain what he did different that led to this crapola as being something more than was already there.

    Perry didn't sign into law any ground braking legislation creating jobs.. Companies and businessmen created jobs following the existing tax codes and taking advantage of those codes.

    The Stuff Perry did do lessened the Texas quality of life ?
    Did Perry increase the graduation rate of children ?
    Did he increase health care coverage and lower cost ?
    Did he make his border safe for Americans ?

    All this job creation Bs is the same as Obama.
    These crony political hacks don't create nothing but money for themselves.
    GUILTY as charged.

    Go ahead ..search FOR 1 single instance Romney did that he received MONEY for political favors..OR GAVE JOBS FOR SUPPORT.
    His so called abortion switch..any money for votes..? NOPE.
    His climate Change ideas..anyone get a job because he says what he thinks ..NOPE.

    Its been 6 years of close looking and not a single deal like what I've shown on Perry and others ,
    Not I .

    No wonder they call Romney a flip flopper...a cult follower...they cant beat his ethics.PERIOD.

    and then these same PHONY people question Romney 's character and principle ?
    I wonder why?
    I wonder why Perry and Newt question his conservatism ?
    A true conservative doesn't believe in this type of Obama/Chicago style politics.Or attack someone on religious grounds who doesn't do it.
    That just aint right.
  3. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    You haven't provided an iota of proof Rick Perry's done anything wrong... yet you expect me to prove Mitt Romney has?

    Sorry, BB, I'm not into bashing members of my own party. Barack Obama is the opposition... you'd do good to remember that fact.
  4. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Bs..what do I need to show ..FINGER PRINTS..GLOVES..DNA ?

    Funny ..The other so called conservatives certainly dont mind bashing Romney.
    This is the playoffs..
    Hardball. The stuff that the opposition will use.

    I provided the evidence..the link..The Rolling Stone Attacks Romney also..but I could destroy their argument because it is just an opinion.

    Romney leads Obama because for months and even years he has been against Obama's policies.
    He led all republicans as usual for months until IOWA and religion got played again and again.
    1st Bachmann..Then Perry ..Newt..Santorum..and that libertarian old fart Paul. All better because they are MORE CONSERVATIVE and worship the right way.
    None are more electable or better in politics..so the right invents another businessman a Cain..who is the right religion ..and as good in business as Romney?
    Except he doesn't know a thing about politics.. governing or balancing a federal or state budget.
    But he's funny..and the anti- mitt

    I wonder why someone needs to be the anti mitt ?


    Perry' s stuff is real.. tangible and Known in Texas.
    My friends in Texas know it..and I bet deep down most others know it.
  5. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Perry is the poster boy for the CFR.He is buddies with Buskwacker and is in favor of the death penatly just like Bushwacker,thatsays it all about this evil scumbag.
  6. birddog

    birddog New Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Closet liberals and liberals like to tear down Perry for acting little different over the years than most politicians do. Perry is a stronger Christian, and is a stronger people person than others, so some just have to try to bring him down to their level.

    In March, it will be between Romney and Perry, and Perry will win the nomination, and later the presidency. :)
  7. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    "Acting different..??? "
    Hell, he takes bribes just like most politicians..he gives jobs and government positions to friends and big donors.

    Find anything like that in any Romney history..go and search..
    Stronger Christian ?
    How ?
    Did he do more work in God's name than Romney ? Give more % to his church ?
    Show it .
    Perry and other right wingers use their religion as a shield and a weapon against others.Others who look different..pray different.

    He Cheats and lies..
    Stronger Christian ?

    Well the bar as been set low ..since Newt is back and religion is used against Romney on a daily basis.

    The dog goy sick and :puke: all over himself..

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