What will 2016 bring to the world?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Spiritus Libertatis, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. Spiritus Libertatis

    Spiritus Libertatis New Member Past Donor

    Mar 20, 2013
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    While many people felt 2015 was kind of a (*)(*)(*)(*) year, people still pay lip service to 2016 being better. I doubt it. Most of the issues 2015 produced were not dealt with and all possess the capacity to become worse rather than better in the coming year.

    Jihadists are a bigger deal than ever. More Muslims than ever are trying to build their heavenly cred by blowing up God's enemies. Masses of people from the 3rd world are flooding Europe to escape their own (*)(*)(*)(*)hole homelands. The Middle East is a warzone. Ataturk's legacy is being obliterated by Erdogan. Czar Vlad I is prowling for victims. China is filling the power vaccum in Africa left by the end of the Cold War, and is, uncharacteristically, being territorially assert8ve against Japan f9r control of East China Sea shipping lanes. And the US is on the verge of electing either Bush 4.0 or an internet meme. None of these problems have been resolved and all will likely get worse.

    This is the closest since the end of the Cold War we've ever gotten to WW3. In the 20th century, a stunt like Erdogan pulled on Putin would have started a war.

    I dont see anything getting better.
  2. haribol

    haribol New Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    The new year comes with a ray of hope but there are clouds of doubt on the horizon. There is unrest in the Middle East and America along with its allies is consolidating itself and Russia at the other extreme. We can see their games in Syria. But the floating black clouds appear though we can visualize droplets of hope on the horizon and that may end up in cooling raindrops. Let us see to a beautiful and peaceful year ahead.
  3. Penrod

    Penrod Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Another crash
  4. pakuaman

    pakuaman Active Member

    May 14, 2008
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    Another terrible president for the USA
  5. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    2016 will be better!

    Seth Bullock likes this.
  6. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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  7. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    2016 will usher in even more astounding tornadoes, windstorms, and snowstorms.
    Global warming freaks will indulge in saying "I told you so" so many times that frenzied ultraconservatives will secretly release several jihadists to take out the worst of them.

    During a cluster of summer hurricanes, innumerable coastal homes will be destroyed, and Walmart will as usual be the only hope for thousands of the homeless. This will unfortunately prove insufficient, as the planetary axis will tilt, causing enormous tsunamis planetwide and wiping out whole coastal regions. People living next to mountains will be covered by them, and active volcanoes will appear where there had been none before. The seasons will also be reversed, causing great confusion and anxiety among the survivors.

    Survivors will include several active duty submarines and crew of several nations, an overworked mine inspection team and staff, numerous miners, most of the top tier of the US government (which happened to be touring an emergency shelter facility designed for them), an astounding number of Kansas farmers and their families, numerous Canadians working in the tar sands, several swamp dwellers in Louisiana, and most of Australia thanks to a magical spell placed on the continent by their Bushmen. One mine radio operator will swear he heard Putin talking in Russian with the roar of a lion behind him, but the radio then went dead and therefore that could not be verified.

    Many in the Mideast will survive, cushioned by sand. No word will be heard from the EU for the rest of the year, although at the very end the same radio operator insisted he had again heard Putin, this time arguing with Angela Merkel.

    Al Jazheera came online on a JHS student's website in Canada (he had been taken to work by his father at the tarsands the day of the Tilting) in October to announce that several Greek islands had relocated in such close proximity to Turkey that they now touched its borders, and hence would become a permanent part of that country.

    During the whole year people spent most of their energy digging out of the mud and repairing their lives as best they could, although almost every home and modern convenience had been destroyed. Someone tried to start another war, but no one really had the energy for it. In November, a Chinese nuclear submarine docked on the coast of California believing it had finally found China and refused to leave. They spent several weeks subsisting on grapes from a local vineyard before repairing their radio and finally heading home.

    The Americans first determined that their presidential contenders were still alive and then continued their partisan battles. However, the Democrats did poorly because all the banks had been destroyed and most of the money along with it, so Donald Trump won. His main promise was to build an enormous hotel-wall along the Southern border with Mexico for farm workers to live in when they were finished with farming for the year. The farmers were to be allowed to accept roomers if they so wished, and numerous people took advantage of this possibility.

    Hillary Clinton went insane and tried to assassinate Trump before he could be sworn in, but was stopped by Obama, in an attempt to prove he was the Second Coming. Dick Cheyney grabbed the limelight instead, claiming he was the Antichrist, and encouraging anyone who cared to join him in a jihad against Trump. Trump, however, was saved because all of his Trump Towers had collapsed and no one knew where to find him.

    Just as people began to believe they had experienced the worst, a bat living in Dallas, Texas that had eaten several bugs that escaped from the first Dallas ebola patient's home bit several people and ebola began to spread through the country by people fleeing the outbreak. Soon the only safe place left was Utah, where the Mormons were busily recording deaths and repairing their Church.

    Millions of Americans also died of starvation while they continued to try to get their dead cell phones and tablets to work so they could find Apps telling them how to survive.
    Mobs raided the remains of local libraries for lifesaving information but were unable to find anything useful except for immense stacks of romance novels. The fallout from this was severe, resulting in almost every surviving adult female becoming pregnant.

    Surprisingly, many did not starve, thanks to the abundance of rats, which were found to be quite tasty, and ebola free if well cooked. Another unexpected resource was the progeny of numerous fish that had escaped from fish farms that had repopulated the ocean and rivers.

    God had allowed all this to happen despite his rainbow promise, because his rainbow symbol had been stolen for another use without his permission.

    The surviving global warming activists initially resisted the use of open fires, until they received threats that if they did not desist they would be roasted over them. Conversely, many former members of PETA decided dogmeat was tastier than rat, and justified this practice by reasoning that, now that spaying was unavailable, it was the only way to keep dog numbers down.

    A surprising number of billionaires survived, as they had been swimming in their bombproof gyms when the Tilt occurred. Unfortunately, they were essentially worthless in terms of leadership, as they had programmed their now-useless computers to do most of their work--which was in any case in areas having little to do with the production of food, shelter, or clothing. Knitters, however, were in great demand to produce warmer clothing in formerly warm areas.

    The sun began to rise in the West instead of the East, and the Pagans took this as a sign that theirs was the only true religion. They began to recruit new followers, and joined up with the SCA to return as much of society as possible to the amenities of a feudal lifestyle. Donald Trump, however, made it a social priority to at least restore indoor plumbing in a few buildings in each city and town, with hopes of more to come.
    He also vowed to contact Putin to find out, "What the Hell is going on?"
  8. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    2016 is the year I become supreme ruler of the universe so I am looking forward to it.
  9. democrack

    democrack Banned

    Sep 16, 2014
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    Let's start with a stiff prison term for Hil LIAR y !!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping:
  10. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    We need more predictions.

    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    You got it right I am afraid that is true. Satan's Czar Putin will continue to cause trouble. The cesspool of the ME will continue to bubble up an the stench of Islamic extremism will flow to the civilized world and to Russia. China is the next evil empire to rise up and will be a major problem for years to come. The only hope for the world is to get Russia and China into a hot shooting land war all along the Siberian border and aroung Kamchatka ..... It will take a prolonged war with hundreds of millions of casualties suffered by those two evil countries to make the world a safe place again. Meanwhile us and the Europeans wipe out the ME terrorists.
  12. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    Another hurricane free season for FL, after the experts told us we'd be hit by multiple huge storms. Yeah that was 10 yrs ago😊. And the funny thing is if we get hit this year these dumb fracks will say "SEE I TOLD YOU!!!!"

    Muslims will kill more people in the US and liberals will excuse it AGAIN as an anomaly.

    Hillary will lie.

    Incidents of blacks killing people will be ignored as usual. Black on black crime will be ignored as well but any mention of it will get you labeled as a racist.

    If a cop or white person kills a black person we will hear 24/7 how it's an epidemic, regardless of how statistics disagree.

    BLM will cause much property damage.

    More women will graduate from college but less men will be offered scholarships. Male only scholarships still won't exist. Yeah makes sense right?

    Diversity will increase and productivity will continue to decrease. Lack of women in tech and programming will continue be seen as a huge problem but lack of men in education will be ignored. Care to guess why education has worsened as more and more men have left? Not a stretch to put 2 and 2 together.

    In the NFL there doesn't seem to be a diversity problem with QBs anymore. It's never been a problem that other positions have barely any white guys though😉. The disparity will go unresolved.

    Millions more illegals will infest the nation. Citing this will make you bigot. Switzerland barely has any diversity due to insanely strict immigration policy. They will AGAIN BE PRAISED for their lack of violence and low crime. Ooooh wonder why?
  13. doombug

    doombug Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
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    In 2016 I will still be dominating debate champion and will be correct many times....
  14. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I am an optimist, so, I hope 2016 will be better.
  15. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    What will 2016 bring to the world?

    Ask me again in January of 2017 and I'll nail it. Those making world predictions only make fools of themselves.
  16. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Let me give this a stab:

    1) There will probably be a Paris-Style shooting in the US by for realsy terrorists that will make it impossible for the GOP to beat back gun control.

    2) Space X will probably lose at least 1, possible 2 vehicles on launch.

    3) There will be an earthquake that damages another nuclear power plant.

    4) A human clone will be carried successfully but die thereafter.

    5) There will be a huge break through in the treatment of lung cancer, causing people to ditch their New Year's resolutions and fire up again.

    6) A famous celebrity/musician will be killed in a car crash caused by fans chasing them based on twitter information that will lead to a huge debate about social media.

    7) There will be inner city rioting after Labor Day that dominates the general election.

    8) A second interest rate hike by the fed in April will cause a recession.

    9) A failed Irish Unity push will result in the rise of the militant wing of the IRA again in the UK.

    10) Israeli intelligence will be caught in an Iran-Contra type deal in which they are discovered to be secretly funding an Islamic militant group.

    Now, Let's see if any of these things actually happen. If at least 5 of them do, then I will be starting me up a psychic hotline and talking to your relatives from beyond the grave.
  17. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The Syrian government will be in a better position than today against the IS and the other rebels, thanks to Russian help. Also Assad will still be in power.

    There will be another terrorist attack in the US resulting in the deaths of at least 10 people.

    There will be another terrorist attack in France resulting in the deaths of at least 80 people.

    Oil will be back over $40 bucks a barrel.

    Trump gets the Republican nomination.

    Hillary will NOT be indicted.
  18. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    We need more predictions!

    And feedback on the ones written!

    C'mon, guys, these are our New Years Predictions!
  19. Quantum Nerd

    Quantum Nerd Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2014
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    Okay, here are my 10 cents:

    -Total private debt will continue to go up.
    -Public debt will continue to increase.
    -The election won't change a thing, no matter who is elected.
    -We will continue our addiction to fossil fuels.
    -Temporarily low oil prices will set the push for renewables back by years and will accelerate fossil fuel depletion because people buy massive SUVs again.
    -There will be plenty of mass shootings in the US, but the vocal minority will manage to prevent additional gun legislation.
    -The population of the planet will continue to grow, but at an ever lower rate.
    -3D printing will become mainstream.
    -Wealth disparity will continue to grow, continuing to hamper economic growth.
    -Economic growth will stay in the 2% range.
  20. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Well we're almost half way through the year so let's see how I've done so far:

    The Syrian government will be in a better position than today against the IS and the other rebels, thanks to Russian help. Also Assad will still be in power.
    -Assad is still in power, but I'm not sure it's in a better position against ISIS. Maybe so since the IS has taken some major hits lately.

    There will be another terrorist attack in the US resulting in the deaths of at least 10 people.

    There will be another terrorist attack in France resulting in the deaths of at least 80 people.
    -Just 3 deaths so far this year, so France is beating my projection.

    Oil will be back over $40 bucks a barrel.
    -Check. Over $48 as of today

    Trump gets the Republican nomination.
    -not official but in the bag, barring last minute shenanigans.

    Hillary will NOT be indicted.
    -she's still out.
  21. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    The major portion of my post has not happened yet because the trigger event has not yet occurred, but it is all still valid, I swear.
  22. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    OK so far, all of my predictions have come true, now that the casualty count for the Bastille attack tops 80.

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