
Discussion in 'Education' started by RoanokeIllinois, Jun 24, 2022.

  1. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    Why do Democrat Politicians want to teach Grade Schoolers, (Kindergarden-5th grade) about sex education at such a young age? It's quite simple, just ask Bill Clinton, or Jeffrey Epstein(oops they killed him), or several prominent Politicians around the World, that Epstein taped with underage girls, at his fantasy island.

    The Epstein case has been swept under the rug, and hidden from most of society, because it involves so many prominent men with power, and prominent politicians. Not only in America, but around the World. And that is why they killed Epstein. It's not a "conspiracy theory", it's more like common sense. Nobody is allowed to talk about it, because it's that sick, it's that illegal, it's that immoral, and the majority of politicians in the U.S. That were going to Underage fantasy island, were Democrat Politicians.
  2. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    Democrat Politicians kept paying teacher unions, during covid. You know, whilst other Americans were getting fired, for not getting the shot. Because, they want to raise your children, not to help them, but to criple them, and call good Parents, Terrorists, for not wanting their children to learn CRT, and about Trans, and sexual education at a grade school level.

    They want to know what is happening at home, mainly so they can control the parents. Your father raised his voice to you? You better all go to counseling(which is just the same as going to a very liberal college, Counseling. is part of the liberal Agenda).

    They want to raise children their way, Especially, so the Next Generation always has to Count On the Government. They're not helping them, nor do they want to. They wish to cripple them, so they have to count on Big Government, and the Democrat Politicians Policies.
    James California likes this.
  3. James California

    James California Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 25, 2019
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    ~ This is how Communism works. It is pushed into place with a type of psychological warfare.
    See the history of Chinese Communist Party for examples.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2022
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  4. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    Owe, I see Slick willy Clinton. He only "flew" over under age sex human trafficking over 33 times, but never "landed". that sick f***!

    Owe, and Joe Biden. He liked to take shower with his daughter. You know, when I think of taking showers, I think at an age over 6 at least. Cause 4-5 takes baths don't they? anyways, I guess it was in his daughters journal. The one that Biden had his was it the FWB, I mean FBI take from the owner of Project Veritas. Or was it the CIA, that biden stuck on him? It's hard to keep tract which national safety organization that the Democrat Politicians have breached and currently run. Even though, they're suppose to be non partisan.

    and democrats wonder why there are so many republicans arrested and put in jail and accusations against??? well, this and that, and bad people. Well, if I had the FBI, and or CIA in my corner, that I could stick on my opponents politically, I could get all sorts of things as well to try and stick, or stick in general on them. It's called corruption, and being evil.
    James California likes this.
  5. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    Nothing is off limits to Democrat Politicians. NOTHING!!!

    The more they destroy morality, and innocence within America, the more Evil, manipulation, lies, Ungodliness, Anarchy and lawlessness they can bring to it.
    James California likes this.
  6. RoanokeIllinois

    RoanokeIllinois Banned Donor

    Jun 24, 2022
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    I do wonder...................? Is anything off limits when it comes to American Democrat Politicians and children?

    little girl illegal immigrants are put on birth control, because most of their parents know that along the way they will be raped. Democrat politicians know and so do their voters. Is anything done to stop it? no!

    Democrat Politicians and teachers are ok with showing pornography to grade school children, and teaching them sexual education.
    It use to be that you had to be 18 at least, to be considered an adult, and buy porn, or smoke cigarretttes. Maybe, dem politicians can just start sending grade schoolers packets of cigarrettes, whilst they're at it. I'm sorry, pot, because they love illegal drugs even more so.

    That's why they had Jeffrey Epstien murdered in his cell. Becuase the guy had too many tapes, of too many Democrat politicians, raping underage girls, and they had to get rid of him, and the evidence ASAP!

    The thing is, so many of the people who do illegal drugs, at least men wise, couldn't get a woman, unless they slipped a mickey, or drugged up a woman anyways. Which, is simply just a form of rape.

    Why do people think that the current supreme court black woman justice went so soft on rapists? Why do you think that rapists and murderers, can get special treatment in prisons with special more taxpayer money things added?

    Why do democrat politicians allow rapists and murderers and felons to vote in some states? It's because, they're just like them.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2022
    James California likes this.

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