Women are typically inferior to men

Discussion in 'Women's Rights' started by Yant0s, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. Yant0s

    Yant0s Active Member

    Oct 11, 2018
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    Emotional maturity, women are childlike when compared to their male counterparts. Women tend to view the world through an emotional lense rather than a rational and logical one.

    They are very feeling based and how they feel in the moment takes precedence and solipsism is present in abundance.

    It's a very childlike and immature way to interact with the world. It's problematic.

    This is why women find it so hard to take accountability for thier own actions because of how holding themselves accountable will make them feel negatively.

    Which is also problematic because without taking responsibility personal growth is extremely difficult.

    Women tend to be terrible communicators, men very direct with communication, factual based and efficient. Women on the other hand use indirect and covert communication. Lots of passive aggressiveness (cold shoulder , "what's wrong? I'm fine" , silent treatment e.t.c.,,) , not saying what they mean, leaving openness to interpretation..

    This is very childlike.

    Career wise. Equal opeetunies for women have been around for long time!!!

    I have a background in aerospace engineering the is a MASSIVE drive to get women into.engineeeing.

    Literally companies are desperate to recruit women. They are even giving women candidates presidence over more capable/qualified males.

    No matter how much jobs/training are being offered up on a plate to women.

    Women are not taking them or excelling in careers.

    Literally all the key industries that are essential to the world's infrastructure and key to keeping the cogs turning are dominated by men.

    Top businesses are business started by men, Top paid jobs are held by men.

    If women were wiped off the face of the earth tomorrow, the world would keep turning just fine.

    If men suddenly went we would be plunged straight back into the dark ages.

    It's SHOCKING!!! despite all the opertunies women are being given!

    Women literally have more than equality over men in the job market, society is literally giving them a boost up, a helping hand (which men don't get) and women are still failing!

    Women are being handed it all on a plate and they are still failing.

    What's even more laughable is they still can't take any accountability for failing to succeed.

    Equality is literally showing us is that women are in fact inferior to men.

    The gender pay gap??? Yep. It's because of women's inability to compete with men, who are just "better".

    Perhaps we need to recognise there is a difference between men and women. Or is that too old fashioned?
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024

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