Young earth vs old earth theory?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by DennisTate, Nov 18, 2020.


Do you believe in a young earth or old earth theory?

  1. Old earth... up to five billion or so years old.

    26 vote(s)
  2. A somewhat old earth... perhaps tens or hundreds of thousands of years old

    0 vote(s)
  3. A relatively young earth.... less than twenty thousand years old

    1 vote(s)
  4. I believe that the earth is roughly seven thousand years old.

    1 vote(s)
  1. Pro_Line_FL

    Pro_Line_FL Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 16, 2018
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    I see. Must have been exciting for Moses to read a book about his own life and death. Well, I suppose it was disappointing for him to read that was God going to shut him out of the promised land.
    DennisTate likes this.
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    What I heard is that all the books before Isaiah.....
    were edited by Isaiah.......

    You might find Dr. Kevin Zadai's guest quite interesting........

    Kevin & Friends with Ex-Warlock John Ramirez
  3. Ravenhawk

    Ravenhawk New Member

    Feb 16, 2021
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    Kinda scary when you run across someone with the same twisted thought processes as yourself?? ;)

    I’m not offended. It takes a lot to offend me and if you do, I will let you know it! I am a bit confused, but that’s ok, it’s difficult to jump into the middle of a conversation (or the end in this case), especially of a long thread. I may not fully get all the references.

    I like what you said about a person, even with some understanding of the world, one can’t honestly call oneself an atheist. At most one is an agnostic and that is expected on the basis of the skepticism of science. One can be a believer, but that is based on personal knowledge, not empirical proof. GOD cannot be proved or disproved on empiricism. I think that the effects of GOD on this world can be seen as can the effects of gravity, but that still depends on perspective. Very much like Ellie Arroway. Only her senses recorded her experience.

    Looking in another direction, I think we have enough visual proof of alien activity on this planet. It exists in plain view. There are many places that show evidence, but one of the most obvious is the Band of Holes in Peru (Pisco valley just outside of Humay). That pattern is mechanical. Only a large machine could have carved that. The holes are uniform and the terrain accounts for the variations. The width is about 21 meters with maybe 10 holes in that width. The machine would have the function of ripping up the surface for breaking up the side of a mountain for mineral extraction (like open pit mining). It would look like a road roller/compactor with spikes to rip with, instead of compacting. It was probably sitting up on top (of the mountain) when there was an industrial accident. It broke lose of their control and rumbled downhill leaving what we see today. It was probably so catastrophic that they shut down that job (maybe that was the only such machine they had and it couldn’t be repaired). People need to be looking for buried parts of that machine in the valley floor. If this were a depiction of a serpent, there would be more rhythm in the pattern to be like a serpent. It doesn’t, it looks like runaway machinery. As intricate as the Inca were, this was a sloppy serpent. Sorry for the long-winded example, but I wanted to show that sometimes, the truth is as plain as the nose on your face. No one knows who built them or why. The various other theories don’t hold up.

    I know who Roger Penrose is. I just didn’t know his religious beliefs. It’s hard to believe that the possibility exists that he could share the title of Nobel winner with the likes of BLM?? That would taint the prestigiousness of the institution. He has stated that he is an atheist and that he doesn’t believe in organized religion. He makes the same mistake most do. Faith is not an organized religion. As I brought up Carl Sagan’s novel, Carl has said that he was an atheist, but only someone who understands faith could have written such a story. Sagan comes close to merging science and religion as it once was.

    In Genesis 2:18, we see where Adam invents science. GOD brings all of the animals before Adam to see what he would call them. Isn’t the most basic function in science is to identify all the parts, to establish a terminology so you can communicate ideas with others? Man’s science then is just an explanation of GOD’s universe. We have a long way to go. This concept that if you are a believer, then one doesn’t need to question GOD’s plan. I.e., if GOD says something is true, it’s true and we don’t have to understand why? That is so much of a falsehood. I think GOD wants us to crack the code to his universe. That is part of why he created us. And to see this happen with the people all over the universe. After all of these millennia, we are just now beginning our journey.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2021
    DennisTate likes this.

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