Is America on the Verge of Theocracy? - Alternet Opinion Piece

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by NateHevens, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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  2. NateHevens

    NateHevens New Member

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I love how not a single conservative responded to my point that Planned Parenthood's abortion revenues makes up barely 15% of their total revenue.

    Guess facts are bad for those kinds of beliefs, huh?

    Society. As a whole.

    Is that what y'all call the Bible nowadays?

    How? And please provide unbiased, peer-reviewed evidence.

    Insofar as they kill themselves because of the torment they face by people who simply perceive them as gay...

    The average age of consent in the US is 16. That said, in California the age of consent was 18 and the law was rather strict. The issue here is national legal perception. Since the average age of consent in the US is 16, Harvey's relationship with the 16-year-old was likely ignored.

    But do you know what he said to his volunteers about Jim Jones's Peoples Temple?

    "Make sure you're always nice to the Peoples Temple. If they ask you to do something, do it, and then send them a note thanking them for asking you to do it. They're weird and they're dangerous, and you never want to be on their bad side." (Source... Page 139)

    Religious liberty? Are you telling me that "religious liberty" means you have the right to bully homosexuals into committing suicide? Does it mean you have the right to blame rape victims? Does it mean you have the right to tell atheists that we're committing treason because we're atheists? Does that mean you get tell public school science classrooms that they have to teach Creationism (which, BTW, is a violation of the separation of Church and State, an ideal ratified unanimously by the federal government in the Treaty of Tripoli)? Does it mean praying over a child dying from cancer in place of the actual treatment given by doctors, even if it means the child dies in the process?

    Because if that's what you mean by "religious liberty", then you don't deserve Religious liberty.

    I provided evidence here.

    Apologies. I worded that incorrectly. It is true, they do not provide mammograms and other such screenings directly. But they do refer patients to clinics, and pay for the services, so the person who needs it doesn't have to:

    Source 1
    Source 2
    Source 3
    Source 4

    I really don't understand the point of this statement.

    And mistreatment is best taken care of by making it illegal? That would just make it worse, since making abortion illegal would not actually stop abortions.

    Has marijuana prohibition stopped marijuana use? Has prostitution prohibition stopped prostitution? Did alcohol prohibition stop alcohol use?

    No. Prohibition makes things worse, not better.

    I guess you feel the same way.

    You really are naive, aren't you? When has prohibition ever worked?

    I want evidence that it's the entire industry. I want to see proof that this is an industry-wide conspiracy to hurt and kill women. I don't want isolated incidents. I don't want anecdotes. I want numbers. I want statistics. And I want the evidence for those statistics.

    This will surprise you:
    Abstinence-Only a Failure, Research Shows

    Oh... and it's two years more recent.

    Right. Because like God, abstinence-only education just can't lose... not when you've invested everything into it...
  3. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    It does not surprise me that advocating abstinence and simply doing nothing, does what you suggest more effectively than proper use of adequate birth control measures.
  4. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    Some facts that are bad for your beliefs: 38.4% of Planned Parenthood’s 2009 “Health Center Income” is from Abortion

    Sure. Here's some numbers from the CDC: post #46

    The suicide rate for homosexual men is high even in the most gay-friendly societies.

    Gay Men Differ From Heterosexuals In Suicidality: Netherlands Study

    quote: This study suggests that even in a country with a comparatively tolerant climate regarding homosexuality, homosexual men were at much higher risk for suicidality than heterosexual men.

    Not very inspiring.

    I am as opposed to bullying as anyone.

    Always these hysterics over Creationism! Such nonsense! First of all most Christian churches accept evolution. Second, has any public school district in the U.S. forbidden the teaching of evolution? (I'm guessing you'll duck the question.)

    I'm sure you'll agree that noted anti-science celebutard (and atheist) Bill Maher is far more dangerous: Bill Maher gets the Richard Dawkins Award? That's like Jenny McCarthy getting an award for public health

    His anti-vaccine idiocy endangers many children's lives.

    You claimed: "Planned Parenthood, whose abortion services take up 3% of all their services," I asked for evidence which you failed to supply. Please admit your error.

    I appreciate your honesty.

    By this logic we should make everything legal: rape, cocaine abuse, etc.

    Prohibition certainly limits the harm: German's legalized prostitution brought more exploitation than emancipation to women

    What's naive is trusting the abortion industry to put profit over women and children's lives.

    Why does it have to be a conspiracy? Looks like no amount of evidence will sway you. You seem to think the abortion industry is staffed entirely by angels who are indifferent to anything as sordid as money.

    quote: Moreover, within the past 18 months, state officials in at least 14 states launched investigations into the abortion industry, resulting in criminal charges against a number of abortion providers, the closing of clinics, fines and other punitive action.

  5. Anansi the Spider

    Anansi the Spider Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2010
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    Astonishing that anyone wants to force gay activist propaganda on young children.

    Should Harvey Milk be reverenced by our children? He was a big fan of Jim Jones.

  6. Kaliyo

    Kaliyo New Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    The alter net article is farther to the left than I believe but yes America is in danger of becoming a theocracy. But telling religious fundamentalists that they have no right to enforce their beliefs on everyone doesn't work. Logic is not something most of these people posess. After all they do things like burn Harry potter books and condemn secular music for having "subliminal messages" telling kids to smoke pot.

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