German female rower is sent home amid claims her boyfriend belongs to the "far right"

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Polar Bear, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    Both parties do favor expanding government. The left vs right paradigm is a false choice distraction presented to the masses to make them think they have a choice in governance.
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    You tell me.

    That's what I ask myself.

    It does raise a v good question, one which *they* will hate you raising...


    During World War II, Lehi initially sought alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.

    On the belief that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis

    During World War II it declared that it would establish a Jewish state based upon "nationalist and totalitarian principles.

    After Stern's death in 1942, the new leadership of Lehi began to move it towards support of Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union.

    In 1944 Lehi officially declared its support for National Bolshevism.

    Lehi assassinated Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East, and made many other attacks on the British in Palestine. It was described as a terrorist organization by the British authorities.

    Former Lehi leader Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel in 1983.



    Although the attacks will come for you unwittingly asking that question, and for my explaining it to you, what we can take from that is that DURING WW2, like when everyone and their bleedin' dog knew what the score was, for Jews in Europe, you had this ZIONIST group, demented to have a state, willing to fight WITH NAZI GERMANY, against Britain.

    Then their leader becomes a future PM of israel.

    Only a total iditot would just dismiss that.

    Bottom line.

    Zionists did not give a crap about Jews of Europe, save for to use them, and their suffering, as a means to secure what they set out to secure.

    They will deny it, but then they would...
  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I see.

    Well, if that be your measure, then let us ask, is it not distrustful of outsiders, and even elitist, to have an immigration policy that said 'whites only'?

    I am sure you would see it, as such.

    But while you may find that wrong, do you also find it wrong that you cannot go live in a bit of bloody land, unless you are a Jew?

    Is that not, in practice, the same thing, really, when you think about it?

    How would they feel if the nations that Jews lived in reversed that, and said, okay, well, according to the Jewish state, you can only go live there, if you are a Jew, therefore, you can only live here if you are a non Jew?

    Would that be acceptable? And why not? And if it is unacceptable in one instance, it must be in the other, or one is a hypocrite, right?

    Then we move onto your country.

    No offence to you, and a few other Americans not like this, but generally speaking, you are the most racist, xenophobic, and ill informed about other culture, people, that anyone speaks to.

    In the WORLD.

    That is not personal against you, but if you took a tour of the world, the image that they have put on you all, by they I mean your puppet Gov and those behind them, is of a terrible, arrogant, ignorant war like, disrespectful people.

    Instead of people getting all defensive, or attacking me for that fact, they should maybe ask....why?

    Why in 2012 do Americans have an awful rep across the entire world, except for in Israel, maybe.

    Did the people of the world suddenly have a meeting, to FEEL LIKE THIS FOR NO REASON?

    Or is it something else...
  4. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Are you alluding to some, almost orchestrated attempt, to create a series of gun related crimes, that will act as a cover for removing guns, from Americans?


  5. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Thank god it's only that.


    Why did I ever worry.
  6. Join-The-Dots

    Join-The-Dots New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Zionism is merely a tool of the grand scheme. It's not THE grand scheme. It's not a Zionist NWO, it's just a NWO. A plan that has been in existence for centuries. Zionism happens to be a part of the plan, mainly to demonize a people and start a WW3.

    You'll find out soon enough that you've been led down the wrong path. It's nice to see you awakened but, you're barking up the wrong tree. It's not a Jewish conspiracy. It's about the evolutionary struggle between good and evil. The people of the world vs elite. We've had the struggle since the Roman Empire, or are you going to tell me the Roman Empire was also the work of the Zionists LOL

    So tell me Jack...

    Was it the Zionists that overthrew the democratically elected govt in Iran, 1953? or Guatemala in 54?

    Was it the Zionists of Israel, that conducted countless human guinea pig experiments on US soldiers, unsuspecting patients and children? - including testing radiation on soldiers, injecting plutonium into patients, nerve gas testing on soldiers?

    Was it the Zionists that conducted unethical, horrific mind control experiments through the CIA, as seen in MK-ULTRA - including successfully demonstrating that they could create assassins, spies and terrorists through hypnosis and mind control

    Was it the Zionists that started the Eugenics movement way back in late 1800s?

    Last time I checked, the Rockefeller family IS the leading poster boy of the eugenics movement. With all the funding they poured into it in the early 20th century. Not to mention the fact that the Rockefeller foundation, planned parenthood and other world health bodies are now following a eugenics, world depopulation model crafted out by the Rockefeller family and their institutes. Last time I checked, the Rockefeller's are not Jews or Zionists.

    So where in your Zionist conspiracy is global warming included? or you actually believe in that Club of Rome fabrication. Or is the Club of Rome now a Zionist organisation? LOL. Widen your scope.

    Show me the Zionist connections there...
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Naturally, there are various ways, through various political constructs, that can be evil even, in their goal.

    And are then dispensed with, when they have served their purpose.

    That said, you start citing 'the Romans', and make no account of the fact that, you know, in the year 2012, we are sort of meant to have mentally moved on from there, eg; people no longer behave in the same way, that they likely could have, back then.

    You may as well cite Medieval England, the fact is, just because terrible things were done then, does not mean we just accept them now, like a cloud drifting.

    The reason we do not behave how they did then, is that we grew...psychologically.

    Maybe today's leaders didn't, and maybe the goons whose minds they infect haven't, but not everyone is like something from Shawn of the Dead..
  8. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    Wrong. There are right wing and left wing people who vote in right wing or left wing policies. That is just a fact. We do have choices.
  9. Join-The-Dots

    Join-The-Dots New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
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    And suddenly, your belief that the Zionists are behind everything in the world, crumbles before both our eyes. LOL

    I give you the floor...

    explain to me how the Zionists created global warming? and what purpose does that serve Israel?

    Explain how eugenics is a Zionist creation? how does this movement serve Israel?

    Explain how and WHY the Zionists decided to get the CIA to perform mind control experiments, and in what way did this serve Israel?

    Explain how and WHY the Zionists decided to perform unethical tests on US citizens, including radiation, bacteria and nerve gas tests, how did this serve Israel?

    How does any of this serve the Zionist conspiracy? Do tell.
  10. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Don't be so obvious and silly.

    What they have managed to do is more than sufficient.

    Usurp a once super power.

    That is a fact, one can evidence that for themselves, by virtue of the volume of Zionist influence, in the US.

    Your version, on the other hand, sounds like some sort of NWO fantasy, of the Alex Jones kind.

    I bet you believe in FEMA death camps..

  11. Subdermal

    Subdermal Banned

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Can you point out for me what part of the Neo-Nazi political platform sounds "far right" to you? Their platform is virtually identical to the New Black Panther Party, but replace the word "black" with "white".

    So point it out; I cannot see it.
  12. Join-The-Dots

    Join-The-Dots New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Your response PROVES beyond any doubt that all you do is pick on the aspects of the evil that entertain the Zionist conspiracy, which you so deeply want to attribute to the Jews. that's your mission, blown to smithereens in plain view of everyone.

    You're hand picking the bits that suit you. You failed to link the global warming, green agenda. you've failed to show how the Zionists are behind the actions of the CIA and NSA, you've failed to show how the Zionists are behind the eugenics movement, and there reason you couldn't find any link to Zionism in these aspects, is because there ISN'T one. As a result, it should now be clear that the global tyranny we face is not JUST a Zionist tyranny, that your small reality so badly wants to believe.


    The sooner you wake up to the truth the better, I mean how ridiculous is this guy? that he actually believes the evil we are up against came into existence a few years before Israel was established? just crazy.
  13. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    And you 'know' this big truth.


    Run it past us again, and speak in the here and now.

    Then project forward two decades.

    Let's hear your stance.

    Go for it.....
  14. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Yes it would be.

    But, DUH....I have never stated that.


    But you bash away with your made up BS...
  15. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    We're the biggest target, but we're not the most ignorant by a longshot. Do you really think the average Third World citizen knows more about the world than the average American?

    Consider this for a moment -- a large portion of the world isn't even literate.

    Now, among first world nations, we might lag behind in terms of worldliness, but that has to do with the fact that most of us don't have much of an interest in traveling. If you live in a European country, travel is pretty easy if you're looking to experience a different culture from your own, since you most likely have a handful of neighbors that significantly differ from your own culture.

    If you live in Kansas, you have to travel quite a distance to experience a significantly different culture from your own in terms of actually immersing yourself in a different nation.
  16. Join-The-Dots

    Join-The-Dots New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I'm certainly not quite myopic enough to believe Israel and it's leaders are the source of all the worlds problems...

    takes a special kind of person to believe that.

    Erm, we've been captured by a global elite. Captured and run by global corporations and financial elite. An oligarchy of fascist plutocracy, so to speak.

    They exist in all forms of industry, from media, banking to Oil and pharmaceutical giants.

    The left/right paradigm is a joke. It's a war party that's in power.

    Media is totally controlled, look into the membership of the Council on Foreign relations, for all the heads of media giants (NYTimes, Washington Post, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, Media Matters etc) are members. Heads of think-tanks are members, politicians and public servants are members. They push the same policies and agendas.

    War is required for the state to hold on to power, hence the need for external enemies. Be it communism, global warming or Al-Qaeda.

    In the next few months, War with Iran is next on the cards.

    20 years from now, I have no clue what will happen, but I can take a good guess that, we'll be looking at a one world government by that stage. At least, the manifestation of one. The looming WW3 will push us closer to this goal than any other war in history.

    Additionally, environmental issues, global warming and the green revolution (Club of Rome fabrications, First Global Revolution) will be pushed as the best reason for the removal of national sovereignty. It will be pedaled by the worlds ruling elite, even though it's a total fabrication.

    The banking elite have already established the framework for a one world financial control, with the European Central Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Bank and Bank of International Settlements already in place.

    World governments will crack down on those that do not follow the government propaganda. America will crack down on the militia, libertarians and free thinkers. They will label constitutionalism, national sovereignty as the new enemy and aim to fully destroy it.

    Essentially, closer and closer to the 1984 Orwellian vision...

    Of course, you'll still have the eugenics program which is hidden in plain sight, through vaccinations and pollutants (idiots that will challenge me, read the Rockefeller foundation reports - they state this themselves, idiots)

    How about people just read THEIR OWN publications, they think we're that stupid they write books, publications and articles on exactly how they control the world.
  17. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Well, okay, it says something when that is your comparison.

    However, all of that said, I might argue that you may find many of the people in those nations less threatening, or less unhappy, or with less feelings of depression, etc.

    See, Americans are soft really, because they do not know what true suffering is, on their own doorstep, and even when it is there, they call the person a 'bum', and are blind to it.

    But since the US came into WW2 at the tail end, their cities were not turned to rubble in WW2.

    They have never seen a true war time attack, save for Pearl Harbour, and thankfully, the numbers that died there, were high enough, but not huge.

    911 was not a war time strike, no matter how others will say it was, it was not.

    Whatever it was, it was not that.

    And, again, terrible that you have those victims, but what I am trying to say is, that the US have no memories that a British person may have, or a German, or they have no true concept of what it feels like to have shells dropped on them, day and night, as Israel did in 2008.

    Their ONLY concept of it is in films, and really, their imagination.

    But they do not KNOW what it is like.

    If they did, histoically, probably they would be less as they are, for they would have family that had lived through actual mass city bombings?

    Maybe that absence causes an absence of what is reality, if you get me..
  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    ALL the 'worlds problems'..????

    Why do you invent things, then argue against them?

    No one has ever, to my knowledge, said that here.
  19. Join-The-Dots

    Join-The-Dots New Member

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I ask you, what's the point campaigning against one entity with such vigor...

    when it is just one piece of the puzzle, one part of the grand plan?

    Who would waste their time in such a way?

    If you want to go after the tyranny, aim for the head.
  20. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Sure, I can agree with that to an extent.

    As far as happiness goes, sometimes it's a matter of leisure time.

    Even though time off from work is aimed at acquiring happiness, it also gives people time to think about things they may not be happy about. You don't really have time to be depressed if the majority of your existence is spent just trying to survive.

    In a strange Darwinian sense, this often translates to just the strong surviving in poorer countries. Here, the weak can survive with the strong, because we have a social safety net -- although this applies to Europe just as much as America -- if not more so.

    Your argument with regard to what Europeans have experienced is true with the older generations, but the majority of Europeans alive today have never had to experience war firsthand.
  21. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    But you see, it has shaped our psyche, as people.

    It's hard to explain, it just does, a psyche that knows that it is really bad, sets in, possibly because of the damage still being possible to see, or having lost someone during it.

    Therefore, your develop a culture that is not into it.
  22. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I don't doubt that. Still, the U.K., for example, suffered quite a bit from the bombings during WW2, but they retain a foreign policy not that different from our own.

    Doesn't that kind of contradict your theory?
  23. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It is totally different.

    So is that of most of Europe.

    Yeah, we were misled into some conflicts, by liars.

    But that is it, similarity ends.
  24. Liebe

    Liebe Banned

    Apr 13, 2011
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    You will get used to it. Jack makes declaratory statments as if they are facts with no proof of any kind. He supposes this or that and uses it as fact. Of course the picture must be a whole lot bigger because Zionism is relatively new and the world is much more complex than a garden variety anti-semitic would have you beleive. But they cannot help their focus as their bigotry overwhelms logic. Of course your view is also quite an ambitious one. You seem to imply that all of the no doubt hundreds or thousands of people creating this new world are all of one mind. Have you ever witnessed how within one corporation individuals will struggle to win, now imagine that on an international stage involving world wide conspracies that go on for hundreds of years with players coming and going? I do not beleive that your perception is any more correct than Jack's. What I do beleive is that conflicting powerful interests are always trying to push themselves ahead, sometimes one gets a tick further, sometimes another but there can be no sustained victories because human beings are selfish and want their own way. There will never be one world government. You need to witness what is happeing in Europe up close to see that they can agree on very little. They had hoped to alleviate some market concerns and travel/trade concerns with the EU and to make themselves more compeitive with larger markets but that has proven to be false. Your view is simplistc and you fail to nail down who the controllers are.

    There is no one European culture and you sure the hell do not represent it. Stop pretending you are mainstream when your real views would most definately be hidden when you visit the pub.
  25. homerjay_s

    homerjay_s New Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    And you know its true because CNN and Fox News tell you so.

    When wad the last time either party reduced the size and scope of government?

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