Can We Fix It?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by PatriotNews, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. Omicron

    Omicron New Member

    Jul 30, 2012
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    The Rep's problem was they didn't have any other candidate to offer... sort of like how Putin got returned as President of Russia not because the Russians are particularily fond of the guy, but because there simply was nobody else to choose from.
  2. DivineComedy

    DivineComedy Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2011
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    I am a registered Republican who has argued consistently that we did screw up, have you forgotten irrational exuberance? I wanted that grain put away for seven lean years, but even the Republicans I liked wanted to return the projected surplus of a trillion to the people. Then when irrational exuberance burst they came up with taxes that did not work for a surplus. Please, feel free to explain mathematically with regard to our budget how reducing our deficit, which Obama talked about in the acceptance speech, reduces the Debt?

    You balance your checkbook all the time, if you are running a deficit, you put it onto your debt, so how is reducing the deficit paying off the credit card?

    Hey, you got four more years to reduce the deficit.

    Then who is going to pay off the credit card?

    Freeing the slaves is not always about lowering taxes or making them flat or sales taxes so as to tax the slave as much or more than the landed estate (who makes the whiskey, and sips without paying), the budget must be balanced NOW, and if lowering taxes is NOT working, raise them progressively if necessary. Thomas Jefferson was NOT talking about a progressive income tax, which any multi-millionaire can afford to not pay any for as long as Obama is in there.

    Freeing the slaves is not about doing away with all regulations, it is about reasonable regulations.

    Freeing the slaves is not about establishing religion for all States, it is about rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar's budget and leaving it up the States or to the people if they are sinfully fracking, smoking dope, killing tiny souls, or going naked or not; it is called real diversity, it allows for choices; The Democrats want us to be one big homogeneous family, and philosophically that is the lack of a choice of a preferred cultural state, which when applied everywhere is not consistent with freeing the (*)(*)(*)(*)te slaves but supporting them as a Satanic Wesley Clark "cork in the bottle" forever enslaved in violation of the UN Charter until their tyrant and diseased progeny as Obama said, "falls away into the dustbin of history," and the main reason why we cannot get along with Islam (not a faith, so says the false prophet, a government religion with orders to keep up the prayer to be judged of men as to loyalty), as Democrats are against establishing Nation/States rights and boundaries: "[109.6] You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion," you shall have your State's republican form of government and I shall have mine.

    If one really wants to have Gay marriage for all States, because you really believe the Gay issue is like slavery, amend the Constitution; that is what the Amendment ability is there for.

    If the Democratic Party wants to legislate Gay rights with a tyranny of nine appointed for life justices--Plato's Republic of Philosopher Kings--feel free to explain that to your Republican slaves.
  3. Omicron

    Omicron New Member

    Jul 30, 2012
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    I've been listening to Republican analysts talk about this, and their concensus is forming up to be that the party abandoned the middle ground, leaving it open for the Dems to occupy.

    Independents held the swing, and virtually all organized Independents gave their recommendation to Obama, because he was holding the middle ground.

    Never, ever loose the middle ground... that's where the vast, vast majority of those who vote according to common-sense are standing.
  4. Omicron

    Omicron New Member

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Hmm... normally I don't support offloading everything down to the state level, but same-sex marriage is one of those I feel should be handled state-by-state.

    The US is too big and too regionally diverse for something like that to be set at the federal level. It's a moral-behavioral issue, like prohibition. You can choose to have a dry or wet county, but it didn't work to have booze-morality controlled/forbidden at the federal level.

    (BTW - my personal position on same-sex marriage is that I COULDN'T CARE LESS! Let's see what people have to say about it after going through a divorce.)

    In any case, something to keep in mind about gays and lesbians is that, as a group, they've *never* been guilty of being leaches on the economy. I can see states opening up to gay marriage for economic reasons, just to pull in some talent.
  5. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Being a republic for +200 years and still stating that people who chose differently are mentally ill is stupid.
  6. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    There are lots of honest and decent guys out there.
    The fact that he was so easily labeled as "the rich white guy who shuts down factories and ruins people's lives", was a gift wrapped softball for Obama.
    The republican party needs its head examined for running him. He never had a shot.

    Of course I don't believe they expected him to win anyway. The bankers always get the guys they want.
  7. Omicron

    Omicron New Member

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Towards what?


    Oct 10, 2011
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    So once again we are getting, "I don't like what happened, so I'm going to take my ball and go home." Well, the good or bad news, depending how you look at it, is YOU ARE HOME. Now quite soiling your nest and start figuring out how to compromise to save the country. This is never, ever again going to be the Land of the white guys. You will never again be in the majority. Live with it and figure out how to get along.
  9. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    This election was not a question of race (for conservatives) except for racists democrats who hate White people and Black Republicans like Mia Love and Alan West, who both lost to OLD WHITE GUYS. I love how only people of color who lost elections this year were Republicans, so the hypocrite party of racist appears to be the democrats.

    If democrats want to compromise, fine.

    Want to raise the debt ceiling? Fine. First pass a Balanced Budget Amendment.

    Want to raise taxes on the rich? Fine. First repeal obamacare.

    Want to reform immigration? Fine. First secure the borders.

    Want gay marriage? Fine. Same Sex Marriage/Right to Life Amendment to the US Constitution.
  10. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    I always know when people didn't watch the video. Clinton was going on about how to balance the budget in 10 years, which would be 4 years after he left office. Even though republicans in congress cut taxes, revenues went up which balanced the budget 2 years before he left office. The dot com boom went bust at the end of Clinton's term which led to a recession just before Bush took office, and followed by the 9/11 attacks. The Bush tax cuts kept the recession from being deeper and unemployment averaged under 5%.
  11. Not The Guardian

    Not The Guardian Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    And I'll bet you listen to Rush every day.
  12. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    You have just described exactly how out of touch the far right of the republican party is. But of course don't recognized any of that. No, blame everyone else.

    Your guy got out campaigned. Dems got out more of the vote that republicans.
    Your messages weren't being bought by the electorate.
    romney's vascillations and flip flops and refusal to answer any number of questions did major damage.
    All that ROVE money and the super pac money spent overwhelmingly on the republican side came to naught. Rove;s backing didn't get one of his candidates elected O for $395 million.

    Then, why did Romney change his message from the primary to the convention to the race? The media euphamistically calls it a "pivot" but most people percieve it as saying whatever it takes to get elected.

    That is a total mischaracterization. Many voted for the guy that said, we are going to retain those good manufacturing jobs, we are going to save the pride of american manufacturing, we are going to ensure their future is solid - and you'r just pissed that it worked out. IIRC, the republicans were jumping up and down about how it was a terrible investment in the american worker and that it was going to be a big failure. When it wasn't you have do find something else to complain about. It had nothing to do with buying votes, but keep telling yourself that. Keep operating in that little bubble, talking amongst yoursleves and you'll get crushed again in 16.

    I guarantee they won't, unless you have some sort of ephiphany in the next four years.
  13. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Don't try to rewrite history. He most definitely referred to the 47% of obama supporters as not taking responsibiity for themselves, of wanting handouts, of being lazy. the words are there for all to hear.

    He also said it wasn't his job to convince democrats, but to win the independents. I guess he failed big time on that one. He failed to get the vote out. He failed to excite his base. He demonstrated to the entire world he was prepared to say anything to get elected and reversed any number of positions from the primary to the convention to the campaign and even during the campaign.

    Of course the media played it up. But that was in 2008. Saying Obama had many more gaffes is not the same thing as actually making more gaffes. I don't think you want to get into a schoolyard "your guy screwed up more than my guy", when its all after the fact and no longer has any relevance. romney is gone Obama is president.
  14. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    YOu have no clue what compromise actually means.

    from wiki:
    To compromise is to make a deal between different parties where each party gives up part of their demand. In arguments, compromise is a concept of finding agreement through communication, through a mutual acceptance of terms—often involving variations from an original goal or desire. Extremism is often considered as antonym to compromise, which, depending on context, may be associated with concepts of balance and tolerance. In the negative connotation, compromise may be referred to as capitulation, referring to a "surrender" of objectives, principles, or material, in the process of negotiating an agreement. In human relationships "compromise" is frequently said to be an agreement that no party is happy with, this is because the parties involved often feel that they either gave away too much or that they received too little.

    guess we shouldn't be surprised that you confuse compromise with horse trading.
  15. 1ceman1

    1ceman1 New Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    Honestly you're the guy that looks at a standardized test that says, "choose the best answer out of the following" and you write in your own answer if the question doesn't make sense for you. I really don't know how to get through to you but we can start by assuming that most people work off of stereotypes. Here is the difference between what Obama said and what Romney said.

    Obama is a Democrat. Democrats are stereotyped as left-wing liberals so they should be against the NRA and religious fundamentalists. So a liberal said to liberals that he doesn't like the NRA and religious fundamentalists.

    Now let's look at what Romney said. He is a a Republican who (and I hope you go back and really watch the full video with an open mind) marginalized 47% of the nation because they are too poor to pay income tax. He threw them out of his electorate assuming that they were somehow liberal and left wing. Most of those 47% are registered Republicans who would have voted for him anyways. But, in this case its not the choice of words used by both candidates but how they said it that's important. And that's up for interpretation and people do interpret it differently but in your case its like you're reading The Great Gatsby and interpreting it as a book that describes the extravagances afforded to 1940s Japanese internment camp prisoners. Most people are probably asking whether neuro-plasticity has been affected in you somehow?

    In my opinion Romney played into a self-imposed trap layed out for him by his own conservative media, i.e. Fox News. Fox spent too much time trying to destroy the reputation of Obama but somewhere along the line they crossed a fine line when it became more of an attack on the office of President. And Romney played into it, I'm sure you saw the 2nd debate and how the audience gasped when Romney told the President that "you will get your turn!" While most moderates may not like Obama they still expect people to respect the office that has been held by such greats as Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and FDR. Romney time and time belittled not only Obama but also the Presidency and that lack of respect for the office cost him this election.
  16. Ernie_McCracken

    Ernie_McCracken Banned at Members Request

    May 12, 2012
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    One of these days, maybe all the white conservatives on these boards will wake the (*)(*)(*)(*) up and realize that your votes don't matter anymore. Your voice in national elections is now all but gone. You thought Mitt Romney was going to be the savior of this once great nation? What a joke. Look at the demographic trends in this country. Look at the stranglehold the liberal media now has. Look what feminism has done to white families. You spend the weekends wasting time sitting on your couches worshiping athletes. You check the news everyday hoping for a scandal to rock the White House and get Obama out of office. What a joke. Why don't you act like men, quit pretending you don't care about race, grow some balls, be PROUD to be white, quit letting limp-wristed effeminate little pricks brainwash your families, quit letting your kids act and dress like blacks, and realize that White Nationalism is the only hope for our future.
  17. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    It is you who is rewriting history. I noticed that you didn't use a direct quotation. Why? Because he didn't say it.

    It is sad that he lost, and who knows all the reasons why. I thought he wasn't tough enough on the Kenyan guy in the first debate that he won, and he definitely went soft in the second and third. He also let the Liar in Chief call him a liar and didn't call the marxist president on his lies. Thirdly the media is so in the tank for the incompetent, inexperienced nincompoop from Chicago.

    I can name about ten different things that demonstrate how stupid obama is, but my favorite is how he explained how important it was for his daughters to kill his grandchildren in the womb so they wouldn't be "stuck with a baby".
  18. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Dude, it was a gaffe, just like obama made a gaffe. If we went off of who made less gaffes, the Romney would be president. The media made a big deal out a little deal. What about obama saying he would want his daughters to kill his grandchildren rather that have them get "stuck with a baby"?
  19. 1ceman1

    1ceman1 New Member

    Aug 16, 2012
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    As a medical doctor I already know from your comments that you have no idea what services are offered to women through planned parenthood. Quick open google and find out! And I also know that you have no idea what Roe vs Wade truly means.
  20. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    Don't hide your racism.
  21. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Definition of gaffe = Rush Limbaugh

    I can see tuning in for a laugh once in awhile for those with a twisted sense of humor, but it is sad commentary on humanity that there are actually people that buy into the Rush mindset.
  22. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I don't rewrite history. Here is a link to the video. You can apologize later.


    Kenyan marxist, liar, nincompoop. My my you really have a handle on reality,

    Obama never said anything about killing grandchildren in the womb.

    Its sad really. your version of patriotism is pretty (*)(*)(*)(*) myopic. You may not like your president, but the OFFICE deserves a tad more respect.
  23. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I have always wondered why white nationalists differentiate themselves by the accident of their birth. You had absolutely no say in being white.

    Modern genetics has proven you probably have as many "black african" genes as "white euro" genes. Your concepts of race are outmoded and based simply on external features.

    Of course, I am sure you wont let science get in the way of your racist perspective. I think its a great idea if whinte nationalists segregate themselves from the rest of society. They can all find nice rocks.
  24. Not The Guardian

    Not The Guardian Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    48 takes a real man to hide his face under a white sheet.

    Congratulations! You just made the Hall of Shame on my forum!
  25. Omicron

    Omicron New Member

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kenyan, eh?


    Ahh... so the problem isn't that Obama accused Romney of lying... it's that Romney couldn't think of anything to accuse Obama of lying about.

    Let's see... how much money did the Reps spend hunting down Bin Laden via a process of occupying Afghanistan and Iraq, which failed, versus the cost of Operation Geronimo, which succeeded?

    Is your problem that you're an investor in the arms industry, and Operation Geronimo didn't consume enough military hardware?

    Okay... list them off. Let's hear about ten different things that demonstrate how stupid obama is.

    When did he say that?

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