WISE Founder Teaches Muslim Women Self Defense To Protect Against Hate Crimes

Discussion in 'Human Rights' started by Sane Centrist, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    I can't speak for Sundance, but myself I love Muslims.....maybe more than you do, I don't know for sure though. Because I care for Muslims I condemn, in no uncertain terms Q4:34 (Shakir) which says to beat, yes BEAT, women. That seems very very reasonable. For example, if I was beating a woman, and I lived next to you, would you condemn my Modern Secular Humanist texts if (uh, if) they said to beat women? Of course you would, as you should (you seem quite caring.) So can you be intellectually consistent, and care for Muslims, by joining me in condemning Q4:34? Can you, SC?

    Have a great day.
  2. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Can we at least agree that if Mohammad thought that sex with kids was moral that Mohammad would, if he was alive today, need psychological help? It's a simple question, really.
  3. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Ok, so don't trust his judgement then, but do reply to and address his questions, which I find to be very very good questions. He's good at showing you how your Muslim family and friends are delusional, so he's doing you a favor - if you disagree then rationally answer his questions. If you're right and he's wrong then you can do so w/out ad hominems. Sundance's questions are not soft-ball questions....that's because Islam is a delusional belief system (as are all religions, to be fair) - THAT'S why you get so worked up, because you are trying to defend delusional belief systems and their, well, then arguably delusional, followers.

    Have a great day.
  4. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    No, he "hates" (or "opposes") Jihad against the infidel, opposes Sharia Law, opposes beating women, opposes crucifixions as punishment, opposes stoning women for sex outside marriage, opposes FGM....all of which were approved by Mohammad. Clearly Sundance is a better human being than Mohammad was. Sane Centrist, who do you think is a better human being, one who opposes crucifixions, or one who promotes crucifixions (like Mohammad did in Q5:33)? Please tell us.

  5. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    I am sorry, but you are in denial and are not telling the truth.

    1. He knocked out a woman before 2012 and got a 90 day sentence.
    2. He knocked out a man shortly after he got out and received another 90 day sentence.
    3. He knocked out a college student.
    4. He knocked out the 16 year old.
    5. Only one of his victims was Muslim.
    6. People came forward and he was arrested for the 2 assaults. He went before a judge, not a jury, and because of his prior record, he received a 4 year sentence. It wasn't recorded as a hate crime. He did this randomly picking on people who had a short stature.

    The guy is obviously mentally ill, but that is England's problem because it never happened in the US. I think you are obsessed into making this hatred, but it wasn't. As for the Applebee's altercation, the woman was arrested and hopefully sent to jail. Can you now let go of this?
    I am awaiting your thread on Real Jewish hate crime attacks. Equal time and all that...
  6. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    I knew you were going to say that...............

    It actually has nothing to do with my agenda.

    Would it surprise you to know that I have several cousins that are Jewish, would it surprise you to know that I've gone to several of their Bar Mitzvah's?

    Then color yourself surprised.........:eyepopping:

    I had an uncle that married his high school sweet heart who happened to be a Jewish woman so I have plenty of Jews in my family as well as Moroccans, Germans, Greeks, Scots, Blacks, Native American Indians, and Irish folks.....

    I create the threads that I create solely because of all the anti-Muslim sentiment, the xenophobia, and hate thrown at "these people" lately because of these attacks that have sparked up again.

    Things were quite for a long time, and then after the attacks in Paris, Muslim hate skyrocketed all over the world all over again. Especially here, even though the attacks happened abroad.

    Things in this country right now are almost as bad as they were during 9/11, so months ago I wrote a thread called "The Misconceptions about Muslims", and I got totally slammed for it, and it sparked a firestorm.

    You would think I was a mass murderer from the replies I got. That sparked me to keep going, and so it's been pretty much non-stop for months now.

    Know this.........if any race or group of people were being slammed as hard as Muslims are being slammed right now I would be doing the same things for that group. (your head is exploding now)

    Your asking yourself how come I don't create threads for the harassment of Jewish people. Jewish people take a lot of heat to be sure, they always have just as many groups have for centuries.

    I haven't quite honestly because the subject just hasn't come up number one, and number two, I seriously doubt if most Americans are down on Jews these days as much as they are Arabs, and I'm almost positive that Jewish women aren't getting their faces bashed in at Applebee's restaurants for speaking Yiddish......or being knocked down in the streets with one punch causing their faces to implode & loose teeth in the process.

    These animals that killed all these people in Brussels just spiked the wave of anti-Muslim sentiment everywhere all over again by their actions, and people are all revved up again..........as evidenced in this thread.

    Please know that I hate them more than anybody because they're the idiots causing all of these tensions.

    I don't hate anybody (that's not a terrorist), I have no biases for or against anybody because in a family as diverse as mine I couldn't possibly.

    I love Jews and I love Arabs........I don't know what else to tell you except, I'm not your enemy, and I'm not the bad guy you think I am.
  7. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    The jews are such a group, and you have not.
  8. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    I don't think you are a bad guy. But you go overboard...if you have Jews in your family, why are you fixated only on Muslims? Put up a thread that shows how Jews are treated because there are so many antisemitic threads on here.

    I don't hate all Muslims---only those who want to harm us or look the other way when we are harmed. Personally, I view Islam, not as a religion, but more as a cult. I compare it to the polygamous cults that are out West. They aren't religious, but they use it to subjugate women. That is NOT religion. I am not a slave to my religion, nor do I make slaves for my religion. Islam has never come out of the Dark Ages. What is going on right now is horrendous. Islam must come into the light and that requires change...
  9. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    "so will you join me in condemning Jesus/Mohammad/god for their blatant bigotry in hating non-believers so incredibly much that they are fine and dandy with texts that say that even good, moral, non-believers deserve eternal torture?"

    YES..................I will join you....

    But I will not hate or dislike or belittle or look down upon the billions of people that follow these people.

    You & I may not follow these religions or follow these religious leaders, but my whole point is that I'm not going to condemn the followers because like I said in my post, most of these people that live in our modern times (that follow religions) really don't care about what they did or how barbaric they may have been thousands of years ago.

    For example, when I was a young man attending Christian Baptist churches, I would see people accepting Jesus Christ as their savior, and they would cry from some "internal joy" that they were feeling - completely unaware of many of the more extreme commandments within the bible or any knowledge of the Crusades or any of the more unappealing facets of the Christian faith.

    The same can be said for not only Muslims, but people of all faith. They don't necessarily follow religion being focused on some Messiah as much as their focused on their relationship with God. They also weep from some internal joy that their feeling the moment they accept the faith completely unaware of many of the things we're discussing in here.

    You & I don't believe in God, ok that's fine, we're either going to either be right or wrong about that, and find out the day we die.

    The path I've chosen in life is to live & let live, and not to judge, that's all I've been trying to say...
  10. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Ok, we're going to give equal air time here, and be fair..........

    How about this.....?

  11. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    Check out post #436................
  12. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Only if it's the Muslim god. Libs don't have a god. No, I don't think your relatives would appreciate that. Try again...
  13. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    What are you talking about, you asked me to post something relevant to people bashing Jews, and I did, you didn't specify who had to be bashing them, were you ever serious about this at all???

    No, of course you weren't, and I like an idiot took the bait, ok, shame on me.

    That was the first video I saw with the most hits so I posted it, I didn't even pay attention to who was bashing them to be honest with you.

    I thought you were being genuine here so I in turn relented to your request, and posted a story about people treating Jews badly, and this is your answer to that

    And to add insult to injury you invoked my family, what, are you taking queues from FreedSeeker now...?

    Do me a favor, please don't reference or bring up my family in any way, shape, form or fashion, and I won't do that to you. Actually nobody would have to ask me as I already know it to be tasteless.

    I'm all done here....................argue with yourself............and have a great day........

    P.S. I don't have a God because I don't believe in God..........
  14. dixon76710

    dixon76710 Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Too late. Your bias is too obvious to cover after the fact.
  15. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    This is just so stupid. If Mohammad was alive today he would be bound by the same moral taboos that we all are! Those taboos did not exist in his time, and neither did paedophilia. How many times do you need to be told that child marriage and sex with children was commonplace, accepted and the norm back then-even in the Christian West? No, you just ignore simple historical facts and then you complain about others having an agenda!
  16. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    So god's morality (he was guided by god's morality, which he taught us in the Qur'an and his example) CHANGES with the times then apparently, eh, Snake? Changes with the mores of society - is not fixed, god is flexible, then? Right? So the Qur'an is wrong in saying the opposite of that, right, Snake?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Someday people will stop trying their darnedest to defend pedophilia. I look forward to that day - for the children's sake.
  17. Sane Centrist

    Sane Centrist Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2013
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    My bias..............?

    Find one post of mine anywhere in this forum where I've ever spoken disparagingly of Jewish people............just one.

    I've criticized our government for their policies with Israel, and I have criticized Netanyahu for some of his actions, but I have never said anything derogatory about or against Jews, and your being very unkind & unfair here, really.

    I always admit in many of my post's how I get emotional over certain issues or how certain stories affect me but I don't have a mean bone in my body towards Jewish people, nor do I feel as though they are any less important than anybody else, and yes, I realize all the hell they go through along with the rest of us.

    Really guys this isn't fair, and I'm genuinely disturbed by these accusations.

    I realize this is just a forum but words do carry power, and your words here are very hurtful Sir.

    Please don't accuse me of being negatively biased against anybody just because the bulk of my threads are about one specific group when I'm not talking politics.

    Look, I'll leave you with this....

    If it were possible to resurrect the dead, I would resurrect not only Hitler but all of his psychopaths that cooked children in ovens, gassed others, and staved others to death in ghettos - just so I could kill them repeatedly over & over again each time inflicting more & more pain each time.

    Please don't tell me that I'm biased against Jews or that I don't realize or acknowledge they're issues.

    The absence of any threads created by me about their issues is not a barometer of where I am on their issues or of how I feel towards them.
  18. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Are you being deliberately stupid or just trolling? Nobody is defending paedophilia here. And it wasn't 'god's' morality, it was the societal morality of its time and paedophilia wasn't even heard of then, let alone recognised as a psychological condition-that didn't happen until the 19th century. Is anything sinking in yet?
  19. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Great. So then can we safely assume that you are intellectually-consistent enough to have removed any favorable references to slavery (since you apparently abhor slavery) in the main book about your religion? That would seem the intellectually-consistent thing to do. What say you?
  20. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Great. So you can answer "yes" to this question, and you'd condemn anybody who can't answer "yes" to this question? If you had a time machine, and if, repeat if, you saw Mohammad having sex with a child, you'd intervene and try to force him to stop, because you care about children enough to do that?

    Will you answer "yes" to that question, Snake (it would seem that if a person was NOT trying to defend pedophilia that they would have no problem whatsoever answering "yes" to that question)?
  21. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    I give up with you. Keep banging your drum pal. In Mohammad's day there was NO SUCH THING AS PAEDOPHILIA. Do you need a neon sign or big Crayola letters? Some of us are bright enough to understand that applying today's moral principles and societal taboos to what was completely acceptable 1000 years ago is completely stupid.
    That's it, I'm done with you. If you haven't got the capacity to use reason and apply logic there's little point in trying to educate you.
  22. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Speaking of Hitler and religion, Sane Centrist, is it more ethical to throw Jews into ovens or into a "lake of fire"?

    Incredibly, if you answer that question in the most compassionate and logical way (in the manner that a Modern Secular Humanist would answer it), you'd be the first person to answer in that manner from anybody that I consider a "religious-apologist".) [Nothing particularly wrong with being a religious-apologist, by the way, as I believe in freedom of religion - or I'd have to change my username.]
  23. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Keep in mind that what you would do to vile, evil, despicalble Nazis is virtually the exact same thing that Jesus/god (if the Bible and Revelation and hell and John 14:6 are true, etc.) will do to.....Gandhi....and Ben Franklin.....and Thomas Jefferson......and your mother if she is not a Christian.

    Does it seem fair to do to your mother (if she happens to die a non-Christian) the same thing that should maybe be done to the most vile, evil, despicable people to have ever lived (the worst Nazis), Sane Centrist? I of course say "no way!" What about you?
  24. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    So the all-knowing Allah didn't understand right from wrong back then, right, Snake!? Or is it that Allah didn't convey basic moral principles that we all know and understand today (that sex with kids is wrong) to his #1 chosen role model of all time? Which of these two is it, Snake?

    If you, Snake, since you care about children not getting raped I assume, were in Allah's shoes back then, would you have taken 10 seconds out of your busy schedule to tell Gabriel/Mohammad "don't have sex with kids, it harms the child"? Would you, Snake? Richard Dawkins would. How about you?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Great - so Mohammad's moral example is clearly not for all time then, and therefore that means the Qur'an is wrong if it implies that, right, Snake?
  25. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    We have come a long way since the "main book" was written, wouldn't you say? As I said, I am not a slave to my religion and I don't make slaves for my religion. On a religious level, people can believe or not believe what they want. I don't try to force people to believe what I do and I don't call them stupid if they don't like Libs on here. Each individual is responsible for their own beliefs or lack thereof.I don't say, "If you don't convert, you will die." The problem with Islam, which, In my opinion is a cult, is that they still live back in the time when their "book" was written.

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