Sean Hannity is Michael Cohen's Mystery Client

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by PeppermintTwist, Apr 16, 2018.

  1. bois darc chunk

    bois darc chunk Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 22, 2015
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    Stop with the hyperbole. I'm not sure if you are uninformed, under informed, or you're ignoring fact, when it comes to Michael Flynn. Maybe you should try CNN or MSNBC, or something other than where you get your news now.

    Michael Flynn is guilty of much more than simple lying, and Mueller has evidence to prove it. The kidnap plot and the military changes been publicly reported, for goodness sake. If I know it, you should know it too. I wonder why you don't.

    Here's the kidnap plot on FOX-

    Here's the military changes-

    Flynn knows what Mueller has on him and has chosen to take a plea deal. Understand this… Mueller could put Flynn in prison for a VERY long time. However, Flynn agreed to the plea deal, so the charges are only for one count of lying to the FBI.
    ThorInc likes this.
  2. AFM

    AFM Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 15, 2014
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    That’s funny. Flynn plotted kidnapping and blocked Obama from attacking ISIS ?? Come’on man.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
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  3. AtsamattaU

    AtsamattaU Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2012
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    You asked what I thought of my divorce lawyer. Why would you assume I have a divorce lawyer?
  4. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Impeach Kimba Wood

    Former Playboy bunny Kimba Wood, now a federal judge, abused her position to help CNN bring down Sean Hannity in the ratings. In a blow not only to the Fourth Amendment right to seek counsel, a lawyer for CNN and the New York Times sought the disclosure.

    So much for any claim -- any -- that either corporation gives a damned about the Constitution. It is all about power.
  5. AFM

    AFM Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 15, 2014
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    Yes, the law enforcement and justice system are still full of post modern illiberals who will do all they can do (ethics is irrelevant when you are on the side of goodness) to prevent their evil political opponents from speaking the truth.
  6. Your Best Friend

    Your Best Friend Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    You seem to think the only two options are not investigating criminally suspect politicians and turning your eyes away when a small group of highly placed, highly partisan holdovers from a previous administration conduct a campaign of resistance against the current administration using the media, friendly judges
    and governmental agencies themselves. There are other options, you know.

    Just trying to understand how you can deny the cabal of
    Obama holdovers that are driving the campaign to remove Trump from office. Or, at the very least, nullify his presidency.

    The Trump administration has been under
    intense surveillance for nearly two years now. Could it be there is no link and the hopes of the extreme left have driven a wild, intense
    search for something that is imagined but does not exist?

    Of course it's possible Michael Cohen has violated some law. It's much more likely that Hillary Clinton has violated
    multiple laws with much more severe consequences of national importance than Cohen could even dream of. So why is an ally of the president having his world turned upside down while Hillary is blissfully ignored and protected in her little bubble?
    The point isn't that Michael Cohen is a saint, though he may be perfectly innocent of any suspected wrongdoing. It's the way the powerful gears and levers of American justice only grind into action one way and against one target.
    But I understand this doesn't bother you at all.

    I didn't realize Hannity was guilty of questionable ethics. Are his sins any worse than those of George Stephanopolous, Chuck Todd, if indeed he has any in this regard? Who doesn't realize Hannity is solidly right wing? What is questionable about this?

    Correct! It's not possible to honestly investigate republicans when Obama loyal members of a self declared resistance are behind the scenes fixing the outcome.

    And sometimes a friend and ally of a fringe progressive billionaire seeking to surreptitiously alter America,, is a friend and ally of a fringe progressive billionaire seeking to surreptitiously alter America.

    That you try to normalize and downplay Kimba Wood and her relationship with George Sorros is noted, by the way. Let me ask once more....
    if Kimba Wood had officiated at the wedding of Richard Spencer would you likewise shrug your shoulders at that?

    Perhaps because we've all seen how the FBI and DOJ took paid for politicized agitprop and presented it to a FISA court as if it were something legitimate and completely above board (which is a felony fraud perpetrated on the court, by the way) in order to spy on a political opponent.
    If that's not "Nixonian" then nothing is. Your opinions are unbelievable, by the way.
    I used to think you were somewhat reasonable. No more.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  7. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Hannity is not a reporter and he is not creating a news program, is gives his opinion, his show is an editorial. That you cannot tell the difference explains why "progressives" are so brainwashed.
  8. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Prove Hannity committed a crime.

    And once again you prove my point. You - with no evidence at all - automatically move to smear Hannity because you hate him.
  9. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Yes, they had contact with Russia - just as Clinton and obama and Hilary did, just as every Presidential candidate since 1990 that made it through the primaries did. But Trump did not collude with Russia to falsely impact the election. Learn the difference. Your ignorance and hypocrisy are making you look like a fool.
  10. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    I do not recall what this is all about. So let's drop this issue.
  11. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Have you studied the plea deal? I see nothing indicating what is in the plea deal.
  12. The Mello Guy

    The Mello Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    So why’d they constantly lie about it?
  13. Your Best Friend

    Your Best Friend Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Is it telling that I didn't like Kimba Wood's outing of Sean Hannity when it was unnecessary, seems to have been at the bidding of a lawyer for leftist news outlets and had nothing to do with Michael Cohen's possible legal problems?
    I never tried to hide my views so I'm not surprised.

    So you are a big fan. So what?

    The seditious campaign to cripple Trump's presidency (because he had the nerve to defeat Hillary Clinton) is not the product of one party only and you seem ill informed about this.
    The attacks on Trump are only partially partisan and much more likely to break down on globalist vs. nationalists lines.

    Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, etc. are all republicans, for what that's worth. Republican strategists like Mike Murphy and Rick Wilson are absolutely livid about Trump and hack radio host John Zeigler (republican) said that it wasn't good enough just to defeat Trump.
    Hillary Clinton had to carry every single state!
    And please, please don't pretend every republican was a Birther. That's a real stretch and an act of over active imagination on your part which just reeks of hyperbole!

    I certainly think he is innocent of the charge that got Inquisitor Mueller on his back to begin with...collusion with Russia.
    There seems to be nothing behind that fanatical charge. What I'm concerned about is Mueller going back before the Trump presidency
    to find a charge to level against him to justify his politicized jihad.
    That's just bad for the country but we'll see how this turns out.

    Mueller has a sketchy history, to say the least, and anyone who cares to look can see and though Woods already injected some politics into the Cohen proceedings by needlessly publicly identifying Sean Hannity we'll see how things go from here.

    Robert Mueller has discredited himself by his past actions.
    If you want to treat him like Jesus in a business suit that's your business. All I'm saying is he has already in the past shown that giving
    him unlimited power and authority is a bad idea and I don't need to drink that Kool Aid even if you do.

    Having George Sorros as a buddy is extremely unsettling and very revealing. If you don't care (because it's politically expedient,I hope) that's all on you. What do you care what I think of Kimba Wood, anyway? She failed a little opening test in my view but it's not a crucial or very damaging test. I just hope it's not an omen.

    There are lots of very "impeccable" and "trusted" powerful officials in Washington DC
    who would love to sever Trump's head and leave it on a pike on the White House front lawn.
    I don't need to prove it to you and your incredulous blindness doesn't change a thing about it.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  14. bois darc chunk

    bois darc chunk Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 22, 2015
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  15. bois darc chunk

    bois darc chunk Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 22, 2015
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    You seem to think you know what I think. You don't. Let me be clear. I am not opposed to investigations when there is enough evidence for probable cause to kick in. If there isn't at least that much evidence, then an investigation is a waste of resources. We've all experienced literally decades of investigations for political reasons that went absolutely no where, and the same people are insisting that one more investigation will finally bear fruit… when there is no new evidence. It does no good to continue to beat a dead horse. If there is NEW evidence, then investigate. I want corrupt and criminal politicians out of office, but you have to have evidence. There is evidence of Trump and company's missteps with Russians. There's an active investigation. I see no need to distract that investigation to re-do old investigations that never brought fruit and there is no new evidence.

    Now, if you see what I just wrote and consider that to be denying the cabal, then we just can't discuss things here. When we can't agree on facts, there's nothing to talk about.

    As far as Hannity, whataboutism with other journalists is not going to fly with me. Hannity, and Hannity alone railed against the Cohen raid, for days, without once admitting that he and Cohen had a legal relationship. Understand this… THAT is a journalistic ethics issue. As long as Hannity pretends to be a journalist, people have expectations that he abides by journalistic ethics. Since he has chosen not to do so, and FOX seems to have no intention of holding him accountable, Hannity has lost credibility, if he ever had any. He's nothing more than a propagandist. That's fine, but he can't pretend to be anything other than a propagandist from now on.

    You've already used the Richard Spencer line on me. It didn't work then and it doesn't work now. I've already posted that I don't care who Wood's friends are. She's already shown she can do the job independent of partisan bias. The only ones trying to discredit her are those that are worried Cohen has evidence on Trump. Buckle up, buttercup. He most likely does.

    Putin has done an excellent job in hurting my country and turning American against American. Facts are somehow partisan and contestable now, and we don't trust other each other to the point we see other citizens of this country as enemies. Real enemies, like Putin, gain strength when we're divided. He knows we're stronger united, so he found a way to break out unity, and to get us to do it to ourselves.
    PeppermintTwist likes this.
  16. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Thank you. I read enough to understand that had Flynn not lied, he had done nothing wrong.

    This is part of my beef with government and I cite for an instance your 1040 tax returns. You sign under penalty of perjury and even if you did nothing wrong, being untruthful merits a charge of lying to an officer of the government.

    Actually what Flynn told the Russians benefited the USA.
  17. bois darc chunk

    bois darc chunk Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 22, 2015
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    No, you read enough to know that Flynn made a plea deal, not the had done nothing wrong except that one lie. He did plenty wrong, multiple felonies wrong, and Mueller has the evidence to prove it. Flynn led a conspiracy to kidnap a legal US resident and ship him back for execution in Turkey … for $15Million. He also used his influence as Trump's National Security Advisor nominee to change Pentagon plans in Syria to Turkey's favor. He was an illegally unregistered foreign agent with access to America's most highly classified national and military secrets. When Trump was informed of this fact, he left Flynn in place and with that classified access for three weeks.

    We already know that Kushner gave classified information to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, and the prince brags that Kushner is in his pocket. Wonder how much money Kushner got in return? Wonder what kinds of secrets Flynn sold and how much he got for it?

    The whole point of the plea deal is that Flynn chose to cooperate and plead guilty, in order NOT to be charged with those other crimes. In return, Mueller got information on others from Flynn.

    Don't pity Flynn or believe him to be some innocent angel. He sold this country out for money and didn't think twice about it. He was so cocky, he even invited the former CIA Director to plot the kidnapping with him.
  18. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Almost all of what you said is not part of those documents. As I said, two charges for lying. Had he not lied, he was clear.

    We can't mix in things pertaining to others into this one matter.
  19. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Moving from Flynn to McCabe, do you see him doing jail time for the perjury he committed? It is said he lied under oath yet that Flynn did not. That Flynn's lies were to FBI agents and not under oath.
  20. bois darc chunk

    bois darc chunk Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 22, 2015
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    The other matters absolutely pertain to this one matter. Had Flynn not chosen to take a plea deal, he would have been charged with all those other matters, to the fullest extent of the law, and so would his son.

    Do you know how a plea deal works? From reading this post, it seems that you don't.

    Mueller wanted information Flynn had. Flynn wanted not to go to prison and to protect his son. They worked out a deal where Flynn pleaded guilty to one charge of lying to the FBI,(while Mueller held on to the other charges in case Flynn changed his mind or stopped cooperating,) and Mueller got information from Flynn on others in the campaign/transition/adminstration. It does NOT mean that Mueller only had evidence to charge Flynn with one count of lying, and nothing else. It means Mueller had so much other evidence, Flynn had zero chance of being found not guilty and going to prison for a long time, with his son.
  21. bois darc chunk

    bois darc chunk Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 22, 2015
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    Flynn pleaded guilty. It doesn't matter if he lied or not. He chose to make that plea, in an agreement with Mueller. Lying to the FBI is a felony, even if you're not under oath. When the FBI is questioning you, you are well aware that if you lie, you'll be punished to the fullest extent of the law. If any criminal could lie to the FBI with no consequence, they all would lie themselves out of trouble.

    I'm disappointed in the findings that McCabe lacked candor. It's a big deal. He's contested the findings, so they are not final yet. If he did perjure himself, he deserved to be fired. I do question the timing of his firing, especially in light of Trump's tweets on it. There's just some real hypocrisy that Sessions perjured himself in his confirmation hearing and is pushing punishment for McCabe. As far as I'm concerned, they both lied and they both should experience consequences for doing so.
    ThorInc and PeppermintTwist like this.
  22. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    They didn't. They said there was no collusion, there was no collusion.
    Robert likes this.
  23. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Well, when it came to Flynn, you hung on like a pit bull and dogged him through each thing he said and piled on for good measure. But for McCabe, you feel sort of bad for the poor guy who just got caught up in a mess perhaps not of his making so let's leap to Sessions and see how piling onto him works. I see the tactic.
  24. The Mello Guy

    The Mello Guy Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    And they said no contacts. Sad you have to lie to defend their lies.
  25. Your Best Friend

    Your Best Friend Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2016
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    And what if the old evidence and investigation was a sham and a proper investigation was never remotely conducted?
    My only question is, do you not know that Comey covered for Hillary? Or do you think everything has already been honestly investigated?

    I just want to see how tenuous your connection to reality actually is.

    He's clearly never pretended to be anything other than a partisan journalist.

    What do you mean "it doesn't work"? Is this your way of saying you won't answer such an obvious question and give yourself away?
    You've answered the question, in that case. It was always rhetorical, anyway.

    Maybe if the left, Comey, Brennan et al, didn't use a Trojan Horse like the Steele dossier to trick our courts into spying on
    the political opposition, just like a banana republic, to find proof of a false meme designed to stigmatize the new president
    we wouldn't have to worry about what Putin does.

    It reminds me of the old Twilight Zone episode where aliens are able to get a neighborhood to tear at each other and battle
    just by cutting off power to everyone and then turning it back on into some homes. The meddling Putin and the Russians
    did was inconsequential. It was the internecine fighting since then that's been so damaging. Who was freaked out by Russian meddling when Barry Obama was in office?
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
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