Chomsky BRILLIANTLY Dissects Trump, Democrats & RussiaGate

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Durandal, May 2, 2019.

  1. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Categorization of one's political opposition as "racists" and "evangelicals" is moronic, whether it's you doing it here or Chomsky. The accurate division in U.S. politics is the taxpayers of the non government-dependent private sector versus the gov-edu-union-contractor-grantee-trial lawyer-MSM Complex that benefits from high taxes, large government and more redistribution. It is that simple, despite near endless propaganda generated by the Complex re "racists and evangelicals" to fool it's "left of the intelligence bell curve" base. Tell me, for one of many examples possible, how do the millions of black "evangelicals" in the country vote?

    "Lee Atwater's namesake." Lulz. The "Southern Strategy" has been near infinitely debunked here and elsewhere in levels of detail way out of your depth. Pure revisionist twaddle. Never happened, and that Atwater was the architect of it is a bald-faced lie, proven as such with links to -complete- non cherry-picked audio evidence posted here many times that I won't repeat for the likes of you.
    pol meister and AZBob like this.
  2. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Demographics may not be your friend on this one. You see people are divided into two categories. There is a bit of an overlap in the middle, but the general trend holds. On one side are those who have a belief worldview and the other an empirical worldview.

    The conservatives are clearly on the belief side of the fence, as are many, if not most Blacks. In fact, White Evangelicals and Blacks should make natural allies, after all they do share a common mentality. But it is the pervasive racism within the ranks of many conservatives, that drives the Blacks away.

    You may wish that Evangelicals didn't define the Republican Party, yet everywhere Evangelicals are aplenty, as in the Bible belt, Republicans rule, and in places where there are none, Democrats rule. Without Evangelicals, there is no Republican Party.

    It has a lot to do with why so many 20 somethings vote Democratic, fewer of them believe in a god.

    Conservatives are always at a disadvantage because progress is always coming and you can't hold it back.
    AZ. likes this.
  3. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    bla...bla... bla

    To repeat, an accurate statement of the division currently prevailing in U.S. politics is 1. the taxpayers of the non government-dependent private sector, including a vast majority of the 30 million small businesses and employees in the country, and 2. the gov-edu-union-contractor-grantee-trial lawyer-MSM Complex that benefits from higher taxes, larger government, and more redistribution. It's that simple.

    Group "1" does unfairly characterizes group "2" as socialists, moonbats, violent ANTIFA, etc., but nowhere near to the degree that group "2" endlessly and dishonestly characterizes group "1" as "evangelicals," "gun nuts," "white supremacists," "uneducated," "rural hillbillies." Those latter lies are repeated here and elsewhere dozens of times a day.

    Trump split the four top income hexiles. Democrats won the bottom two income hexiles resoundingly as they almost always do. Trump won white college degrees. This puts the lie to much of the negative characterization of Trump's "base" in derogatory ways that people like you and Chomsky constantly engage in... never with any factual backing of course. The income dregs of the country are far more likely to vote Democrat as exit polls prove. The amount of media and other efforts to HIDE this FACT is one source of all the negative attributions leveled against Trump voters.

    You and Chomsky can babble on incoherently til the cows come home, but it won't change the reality that the true political division in the U.S. is between taxpayers and those who live off of or benefit from tax revenues. The former include medical, engineering, entrepreneurial businesses full of highly educated people no more likely to hold fundamentalist beliefs than anyone else. No one but your LW brethren are fooled by the constant negative portrayals of your political opposition as uneducated, fundamentalist buffoons. It worked for decades, now in the net age becoming rapidly counterproductive. Due partially to that particular lie narrative among so many others, I'll never vote for a Democrat for ANY public office in my lifetime, wager there are tens of millions like me and millions more reaching that conclusion with each passing month.
    Last edited: May 7, 2019
  4. ButterBalls

    ButterBalls Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Because he addresses Leftist :)
  5. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    And yet you ignore the fact that Dems have consistently advocated for campaign finance reform, opposed Citizens United, and want it overturned.

    Your false equivalence is noted.
    ImNotOliver and AZ. like this.
  6. drluggit

    drluggit Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2016
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    Chomsky is an idiot. From his perspective, anyone who isn't a communist is "radically right wing"... When parsing a Chomsky narrative you can never lose sight of that.
  7. Guyzilla

    Guyzilla Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2016
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    So when the **** hits the fan, they disavow ever knowing Trump.
  8. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    I just hope that :icon_shithitsthefan won't mean another bout of authoritarianism and genocide, this time in the world's most powerful nation. :no:
  9. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    This is a fundamental flaw in Republican ideology. The Republican narrative tells us that people who start businesses and become successful are Republicans and those who work for them are Democrats. Of course this brings up several internal contradictions.

    Typically, no more than 10% of people ever hold a managerial position. If the Republican narrative were true, the Republicans would only garner 10% of the vote.

    Of the richest men in the US, the top five are liberals who founded companies that have come to dominate American culture.

    All the centers of innovation are in liberal oases.

    I made my money being part of leading edge microprocessing technology - from the time 1 MIPS was fast. I don't exactly recall running into a lot of conservatives. Rather, quite the opposite. When I look into it, the statistics show exactly what my personal experience told me. Computer innovators, from Babbage and Boole all the way up to Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have been liberal leaning. A great deal of them being freethinkers. It is the reason the Bay Area is so liberal leaning, along with Portland and Seattle.

    Most of my career was spent in Boulder Colorado, where there is a bit of a symbiotic relationship between the University of Colorado, national labs, like NIST, and a thriving high tech industry. For instance, hard drive technology was mostly developed in the Boulder area. At one time, every American hard drive manufacturer had a research and development facility there. The underlying 3D technology that CAD and video games depend on, was developed in Boulder.

    In case you are unaware, Boulder is perhaps the most liberal place in the world. The conservatives in neighboring counties refer to it as the people's republic of Boulder.

    Of the four, highly liberal centers of innovation I just mentioned, all have rather high non-believe rates.

    Being that there are no more than 10% of the population who are true right wingers, they had to enlist the help of an easily led group. Evangelicals were the perfect fit, especially considering their propensity towards authoritarianism.
    Last edited: May 7, 2019
  10. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    This has been central to the Republican misinformation campaign, claiming that Democrats are just as bad as Republicans.
    AZ. and Lee Atwater like this.
  11. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Nonresponsive and irrelevant. The true political division in the U.S. is 1) the taxpayers of the non government-dependent private sector versus 2) the gov-edu-union-contractor-grantee-trial lawyer-MSM Complex. As I have posted many times before, there is overlap, but the overlap does not diminish the accuracy of the generalization. Not all academics, government workers, grantees, trial lawyers, or public union members, for some of dozens of examples possible, vote Democrat, just an overwhelming majority. Not all business owners and employees vote Republican. Not all welfare recipients vote Democrat, just a strong majority of them.

    A repetitive lie narrative of the Left is that the political division is a group of enlightened, rational people v benighted groups of backwards people, instead of average, ordinary people who want less government, less taxes and less redistribution versus people who thrive on more government, more taxes and more redistribution. It is a lie that the Complex perpetuates to hide the fact that without the dregs of the permanently dependent underclass it has cultivated over decades with unethical, unhealthy social policies in a welfare state, who vote overwhelmingly Democrat, it could never achieve its aims of seizing and extracting more and more from average taxpayers by use of violent force. Your posts to this forum citing to abstract irrelevancies such as "Boulder is a liberal town" are full and overflowing of this narrative. The LW, in its massive, justified insecurity at perpetuating and advocating a violent theft-by-government system must always demean and caricature its victims. Else the manipulated start to see the Emperor's real clothes.

    Useful, self-serving idiots can be far more easily manipulated if they can be convinced to see their opposition as inherently defective, bad people who deserve to have their property taken by government in the service of "enlightened" (self-interested) violent Complex goals.

    Falsely relying on abstract categories such as "Evangelicals" based on church membership alone, in a society where it is a well-documented, irrefutable fact that casual practitioners, even "in name only" practitioners of religion of almost every type, far outnumber the pious, observant practitioners, is fallacious. It is as moronic as antisemitically cateogorizing "the Jooz" as some kind of evil cultural force given the reality that only a small minority of Jews are pious observant practitioners of the religion. Yet idiots like Chomsky and other Complex bigots repeat this type of toxic mantra daily if not hourly throughout the MSM. That "Evangelicals" some "religious right" were a big force in putting Trump in office is absurd.

    Taxpayers who are victimized by, and derive no benefit from violent government control and extraction voted Trump in office, not "Jesus freaks," "hillbillies," "the uneducated," "white supremacists," "rural," "patriarchs," "CIS gendered white males," etc. Full stop.
    Last edited: May 8, 2019
  12. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    The last refuge of scoundrels and liars is often the false equivalence. It's all they've got.
    ImNotOliver likes this.
  13. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    This is typical, Chomsky is bright and speaks in this sort of calm, 'i will explain you what is really going on' manner. People get excited, hear him talk, create threads and proclaim - he knows it all, listen to him!

    He's right on RussiaGate and he's right on some other points but even he, being as smart as he is, gets a bit lost in bias. He's an ultra liberal so will at times veer off course and cannot stay impartial when dissecting issues.

    So when he depicts republicans as just caring about the super wealthy and corporate power, there is where he shows his true colors. He is so wrong that even someone like me, an average person, will defeat him in that debate. So i will simply ask him 'Why demonize everyone on the right as only caring for the super wealthy and corporate power?" I will ask him if he thinks the recent surge in manufacturing, the 3.6% unemployment, the red hot stock market and economy is only helping big corporations and super wealthy? REALLY? Even Chomsky would be unable to respond to these simple questions without being exposed as a biased ultra liberal. What i will surely make him admit is that most republicans actually believe in trickle down economics. The whole concept is that if you deregulate, lower taxes, business will flourish and it will 'trickle down'. Now Chomsky can certainly make an argument as to why trickle down doesn't work but this is a different argument altogether. His argument is really that republicans don't believe in trickle down and only care about the super wealthy and large corporations. He himself knows this is BS but will say so as even brilliant minds will trick themselves into believing the opposition is not just wrong on policy but evil, bad.. It amazes me how highly intelligent people lack the cognitive abilities to actually make a more reasonable argument.

    there is no argument Chomsky can make that would be strong enough to convince me republicans don't believe in trickle down (which ultimately is about both the ones at the top and bottom) and that today's economy isn't benefiting much more than just the super wealthy and large corporations. After all, african american, latino unemployment is at all time low! manufacturing is surging and yes, even the middle class owns stock and benefit from market being high. The fact is that Trump's policies are benefiting a lot more than just the super wealthy or large corporations, Chomsky cannot refute these facts.

    Chomsky and all these geniuses out there would do themselves a favor if they would just stop being so biased and mischaracterizing certain things, it just minimizes the effect of their arguments, which are pretty well made otherwise.
    Last edited: May 8, 2019
  14. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Because their legislative record proves exactly that.
    ImNotOliver and AZ. like this.
  15. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    3.6% unemployment, manufacturing comeback, record low unemployment for blacks, hispanics.

    facts against you, and Chomsky.
  16. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    You can stomp your feet and call people idiots all day long, but it doesn't make your assertions any more true.

    I will even go so far as to say, if you do not count your wealth in the millions, the Republicans have been cheating you, lying to you.

    You must realize that without taxes, society falls apart. Back, when our ancestors were illiterate, people had to build and maintain roads, bridges, and public buildings, as a way of paying for the right to be in that community. Nowadays we pay taxes, and professionals take care of our infrastructure. Take those taxes away, and the infrastructure begins to degrade.

    One does not get roads and fire protection for free.

    In the heart of cities, property taxes can get quite pricey. But people willingly pay, because of all the benefits the city provides them.

    If you don't like taxes, you can always live in the middle of nowhere Kansas, where taxes are quite low. But your only outside diversion may be watching grass grow, and if you get a heart attack, you will probably die before an ambulance makes its way out there.

    There is a reason that people, like me, who live in liberal oases, are so much healthier, happier, wiser and live longer than the general population.
    AZ. likes this.
  17. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    This is the Republican Party we are talking about. When the @#$& hits the fan, they are going to double down, and become even worse.
    AZ. likes this.
  18. AZ.

    AZ. Banned

    Oct 19, 2017
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    Yep, I call it doubling down on stupid.....Hell look what Mcconnel said just days ago...Its over...LOL.....Yes Mitch its over all right, just set the trial date!
    ImNotOliver likes this.
  19. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Most of his base think that the Mueller report exonerated him. Any accusation, no matter the evidence, and they will not believe it.
  20. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Come on, he's not tRUMP.
  21. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Just to note that what Chomsky was saying, about the right wing, those who think that the wealthy should rule, have enlisted the Evangelical and Southern Confederacy supporters to their cause, is what I have been saying all along.

    By the way, from the end of World War Two until the beginning of the Reagan revolution, a man could get a good union job, straight out of high school, and with that job, support a wife and four or five children, buy a house, have two cars, take regular yearly vacations, and receive a comfortable retirement with combinations Social Security and a pension from their company. Schools were fully funded, sport teams, music programs, art, trade and such things were offered, without any additional costs. High schools held monthly dances, sock hops, or ice cream socials, as a way of providing a positive environment for students to develop their social skills. Public universities were affordable to most, without the need for a loan, our highways were the envy of the world.

    Then came Reagonomics. It now takes two incomes to support a household, our infrastructure is in need of repair, our schools are underfunded, homeless are everywhere, and most students graduate from college owing $30,000.

    Tell me how that trickle down works. Are you sure that trickle was not a tinkle?
    AZ. likes this.
  22. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    What "evidence" could there be of Russia flipping votes even if 30 million people "flipped" due to what they heard and read by Russian operatives? Describe the "evidence" that you would want.
  23. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    its simple stuff... if a business flourishes, it can employ more, pay more. Perhaps we need to actually be impartial and dissect the reasons why inequality has increased. Back in the day, a person didn't need a college degree, they could go into manufacturing or do something involving manual labor and actually earn a decent living. Back then, though, we didn't have the internet, things weren't global so it was a completely different economy. When people say 'well back in 50s-70s we had xyzzy' and somehow pretend the economy is the same today, it's as shallow as you can get, intellectually.

    Here are the main reasons inequality has increased, it's not all that nonsense about reaganomics and how less taxes --> more $ kept at the top --> less trickles down.

    FREE Trade - where have all the manufacturing jobs gone to? China, Mexico and where do we outsource a lot of the tech labor? India? Why pay a mediocre American to perform a job when you can pay someone in China or India half the price and often, for better productivity? Now who's fault is this? The company's? they are in the business of making money. Reagan was big on trade but democrats have had their chance to reverse course. Did Clinton do anything when he had a democratic majority? what about Obama? THEY DID NOTHING.... In fact, both Clinton and Obama pushed for more free trade. So now where are all those nice jobs that don't require a college degree? Tell that to Obama, who famously said 'some jobs are never coming back'. We have an economy now that demands a college degree, everyone else is screwed...

    unabated Illegal immigration - millions and millions of underground workers who are willing to work for half the price of an American. Not only has this destroyed opportunities for the less skilled Americans, it has produced downward pressures on wages, two bads. It's actually 3 bads as most of these illegals are poor so more people to support, an increase in poor base. Tell me, which party is fond of illegal immigration?

    welfare state. I'm not saying we don't need welfare but the current system has been disastrous for african americans in inner cities. Something many don't know is that blacks actually made better wages relative to whites back in 1960s. The gap was around 120k back then (inflation adjusted to 2013) and in 2013 it was 500k!. How can this be? clearly, racism was a bigger problem back in 60s so what is going on here? WELFARE state.. President Johnson and the 'great society' was the beginning of disastrous consequences for blacks. He declared WAR on black poverty and expanded welfare state. How did that work out? in 1963, blacks wealth gap was 120k, in 2013.. 500k! it steadily grew since the GREAT SOCIETY... The expansion of welfare state has DESTROYED culture in inner cities, so many dependent on government with no incentive to actually better themselves, it's as bad as a drug addiction. No wonder culture has degraded, a man can't feel good about himself if he can't sustain himself through a respectable job.

    So, jobs have been shipped abroad, illegals have come in and taken jobs and welfare has stepped in to keep the poor in a poor state for eternity... what it's done to family culture in inner cities is HORRIFIC. It's said that president Johnson said 'i'll keep those <insert derogatory word> voting democrat forever' after he expanded welfare, he was right...

    racial gap:
    Last edited: May 8, 2019
  24. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    What evidence can you provide.
  25. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Only if the left wins.

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