About the Holocaust

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by stan1990, Mar 11, 2019.


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  1. Quasar44

    Quasar44 Banned

    Jan 1, 2020
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    They have no intentions of peace
    They turned down Bill Clinton’s and Trumps peace plan
    If not for the wall : then thousands of more Jews would be dead by suicide bombers

    You support the terrorist
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2020
  2. Quasar44

    Quasar44 Banned

    Jan 1, 2020
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    You have no understanding of the truth !!
    The Palestinians would kill you but the Jews would not
  3. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    I support the weak and oppressed. Palestinians have no regular army to fight the Zionist aggressor. They can only defend themselves by means of guerilla warfare.

    Think of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto, or Polish partisans. They fought the Nazis in a similar way as today's Palestinians fight the Zionists.
  4. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    What the World Rejected:
    Hitler’s Peace Offers 1933–1940
    by Friedrich Stieve (Author)

    Written by Germany’s foremost diplomatic historian of the early twentieth century, this work maps out all the numerous times that Adolf Hitler made unconditional offers of peace to all the nations of Europe—and how the major anti-German belligerents, France and Britain, turned down these offers each and every time.

    The author lists all of Hitler’s offers [for peace] in detail, complete with quotes, starting with:

    Hitlers first unconditional offer [for peace] of May 17, 1933,

    Hitlers second unconditional offer [for peace] of December 18, 1933,

    Hitlers third unconditional offer [for peace of May 21, 1935,

    Hitlers fourth unconditional offer [for peace] of March 31, 1936,

    Hitlers fifth unconditional offer [for peace] of September 30, 1938,

    Hitlers sixth unconditional offer [for peace] of December 6, 1938,

    Hitlers seventh unconditional offer [for peace] of late 1939 to Poland

    to settle the Danzig Corridor issue peacefully, and finally,

    Hitlers Eighth unconditional offer of [for] world peace on October 6, 1939,

    just over a month after Britain and France had declared war on Germany for invading Poland on September 1 (but not on the Soviet Union, which also invaded Poland on September 17).

    This edition benefits from four new sections which did not appear in the original publication. These are:

    - The full text of Hitler’s “Appeal for Peace and Sanity” speech, made before the Reichstag on July 19, 1940, following the fall of France. In that speech, Hitler once again offered unconditional peace to Britain. This speech was printed in English and dropped by the tens of thousands from German aircraft over Britain. Although nearly half the British cabinet wanted to take up his offer, Churchill’s warmongering put an end to this final offer of peace;

    - Hitler’s Political Testament, dictated just hours before his death on April 29, 1945, wherein he spelled out once again how he had tried to avoid the war, and blamed Jewish agitators for the refusal of other nations to accept his peace offers;

    - Hermann Göring’s final letter—from this death cell in Nuremberg—to Winston Churchill, in which he blamed the latter’s warmongering on behalf of “Jewish Bolsheviks” for the conflict; and

    - An extract from The Forrestal Diaries, in which the US Secretary of State William Forrestal quotes British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain as complaining that “the world Jews” have forced England into the war.

    Fully reset and illustrated throughout with 22 rare photographs and reproductions of original documents.



    How did the allies respond to hitlers SEVERAL OFFERS OF PEACE?

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2020
  5. Quasar44

    Quasar44 Banned

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Wow?? You truly are lost and I canny help you ?

    Israel shows more restrain than any nation in history
  6. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    False Zionist J-Ws are predatory and ruthless
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2020
  7. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    They won't. I'm not their enemy. :)

  8. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    It does not matter what their cover story is/was below is his west point year book page, he was proud of his J-W heritage.

    FFS it was signed and endorsed by him, WTF do you people need?


    You could certainly fool anyone reading your posts, as we can see above you simply hand wave away hard material evidence proving the case, proof is not proof for you.

    When evidence proves the claim is false the evidence takes precedent! Thats getting to the truth 101, we are taught that from childhood forward, whats the problem here?
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2020
  9. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    I think that's a photoshopped image.

    The Jewish virtual library mentions many of Eisenhower's good deeds for the Jews and Israel. But nowhere is written that he was a Jew himself.
  10. Quasar44

    Quasar44 Banned

    Jan 1, 2020
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    You’re not a Muslim and they hate the West
  11. Quasar44

    Quasar44 Banned

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Ike was Christian
  12. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Islamophobia is just another kind of racism.
    I like Islam, but I'm an atheist.
    Some good friends of mine are Muslims. They come from Palestine.
    Maybe at some point I will believe in God. Then I will become a Muslim. :)
    Quasar44 likes this.
  13. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    There you go say anything that sounds good, despite its pure bullshit. you people have no clue what the climate of this country was back then. We were extremely racist non whites were NOT allowed at west point. But somehow eisenthug got through, the name morgantau comes to mind.


    He was and always will be a J-W. Anyone says he was a christain is blowing smoke up peoples asses.

    you people shoudl really start thinking of posting real history instead of the zionist party line talking points that are so easily provable to be bullshit.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2020
  14. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    One month before the end of World War 11, General Eisenhower issued special orders concerning the treatment of German Prisoners and specific in the language of those orders was this statement,

    "Prison enclosures are to provide no shelter or other comforts."

    Eisenhower biographer Stephen Ambrose, who was given access to the Eisenhower personal letters, states that he proposed to exterminate the entire German General Staff, thousands of people, after the war.

    Eisenhower, in his personal letters, did not merely hate the Nazi Regime, and the few who imposed its will down from the top, but that HE HATED THE GERMAN PEOPLE AS A RACE. It was his personal intent to destroy as many of them as he could, and one way was to wipe out as many prisoners of war as possible.

    Of course, that was illegal under International law, so he issued an order on March 10, 1945 and verified by his initials on a cable of that date, that German Prisoners of War be predesignated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" called in these reports as DEF. He ordered that these Germans did not fall under the Geneva Rules, and were not to be fed or given any water or medical attention. The Swiss Red Cross was not to inspect the camps, for under the DEF classification, they had no such authority or jurisdiction.

    Months after the war was officially over, Eisenhower's special German DEF camps were still in operation forcing the men into confinement, but denying that they were prisoners. As soon as the war was over, General George Patton simply turned his prisoners loose to fend for themselves and find their way home as best they could. Eisenhower was furious, and issued a specific order to Patton, to turn these men over to the DEF camps. Knowing Patton as we do from history, we know that these orders were largely ignored, and it may well be that Patton's untimely and curious death may have been a result of what he knew about these wretched Eisenhower DEF camps.

    The book, OTHER LOSSES, found its way into the hands of a Canadian news reporter, Peter Worthington, of the OTTAWA SUN. He did his own research through contacts he had in Canada, and reported in his column on September 12,1989 the following, in part:

    "...it is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more Germans in „peace” than were killed in the European Theater."

    "For years we have blamed the 1.7 million missing German POW's on the Russians. Until now, no one dug too deeply ... Witnesses and survivors have been interviewed by the author; one Allied officer compared the American camps to Buchenwald. But, the inmates of Buchenwald received fair treatment if compared to Eisenhowers death camps".

    It is known, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for these German soldiers. This was deliberately and intentionally denied them. The Red Cross sent several trains with food, tents, blankets and medical equipment, however Eisenhower rejected the offer and the trains had to return to Switzerland. Many men died of gangrene from frostbite due to deliberate exposure. Local German people who offered these men food, were denied. General Patton's Third Army was the only command in the European Theater to release significant numbers of Germans.

    Others, such as Omar Bradley and General J.C.H. Lee, Commander of Com Z, tried, and ordered the release of prisoners within a week of the war's end. However, a SHAEF Order, signed by Eisenhower, countermanded them on May 15th.

    Does that make you angry? What will it take to get the average apathetic American involved in saving his country from such traitors at the top?http://www.zundelsite.org/archive/news_english/0038_eisenhower's_holocaust.html
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2020
    Jazz likes this.
  15. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Many Jews are white. There are German, Polish, Russian, French, British Jews and so on. They're all white. Black Jews are rare. There are some in Africa and Israel.

    It is possible that among Eisenhower's ancestors were Jews, but his parents were definitely Christians. Or do you have information about Eisenhower converting to Judaism?
  16. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    WW11? Your'e kidding.
    First you have to survive the 3.rd one.
  17. Quasar44

    Quasar44 Banned

    Jan 1, 2020
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    Jews are white Semitic
  18. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Semites are people whose mother tongue is Arabic or Hebrew. Please don't confuse this with anti-Semitism, which only refers to Jews.

    Nazis and radical Zionists define Semites as biological race, but that's utter bullshit.
  19. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    If the Nazis had been determined to kill all Jews, Hitler would never have armed, trained and allowed 150,000 Jews to serve in his military.
    Many of Germany's Jews rose to the highest ranks and received Germany's highest honors.(1)

    Can the same be said for today's persecuted Palestinians?

    Millions of Europe's Jews under German occupation never saw the inside of a concentration camp and there are still holocaust survivors among us today, 75 years after the end of the war.

    Additionally, Hitler didn't hate Jews for being Jews, he hated the Bolshevik Jews who comprised 52% of the Bolshevik-Communists(2) that threatened to destroy Germany from within and without as they did Czarist Russia.

    Finally, if Hitler hated individual Jews, why did he maintain a friendship with a little Jewish girl who shared his birthday? (3)

    There is absolutely no hard evidence to support thee fiction that Hitler had any desire to destroy Europe's Jewish community. (4)

    (1). “Hitler’s Jewish Army”

    EXCERPT “Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval.

    In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded(*)Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross.

    Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police(Ordnungdienst)(*)and concentration camp guards(*)(kapos).

    So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism?

    “If the Jews were permitted to serve in Hitler’s armed forces then there could not have been a Holocaust.”CONTINUED

    (2). Full text of "The Wolf Of The Kremlin biography of Kaganovich"

    EXCERPT “That Trotsky, unquestionably the most outstanding man among the

    Bolsheviks, was a Jew did not seem an insuperable obstacle in a party”

    in which the percentage of Jews, 52 percent, was rather high compared

    to the percentage of Jews (1.8 percent) in the total population.” CONTINUED

    (3) "Remarkable tale of Hitler's young Jewish friend"

    EXCERPT "According to the auction website, Rosa and her mother had joined the crowds outside Hitler's Alpine retreat Berghof in 1933 on his birthday.

    It is thought that when he discovered Rosa had the same birthday, he invited Rosa and her mother Karoline up to the house - where these photographs were taken.

    Not long afterwards, it was discovered that Karoline's mother had been Jewish, making Rosa Jewish in the eyes of the Nazi state.

    Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES

    Image caption

    Hitler continued the friendship despite knowing her Jewish heritage

    But this did not dissuade Hitler from carrying on his friendship with girl, to whom he had sent a signed copy of the photograph.

    "The dear and [considerate?] Rosa Nienau Adolf Hitler Munich, the 16th June 1933," he wrote.

    Rosa, it appears, later added her own stamp to the photo, drawing flowers onto the black-and-white image.

    She would write to Hitler and his aide Wilhelm Bruckner on at least 17 occasions between 1935 and 1938, until she and her mother, a widow, were told to cut off contact by the Nazi leader's private secretary, Martin Bormann."CONTINUED

    (4). “To the present day a written order by Hitler regarding the destruction of the European Jewish community has not been found, and, in all probability, this order was never given.”

    - Walter Laqueur, Was niemand wissen wollte: Die Unterdruckung der Nachrichten uber Hitlers Endlösung (What Nobody Wanted to Know: The Suppression of News About Hitler’s “Final Solution”), (Berlin-Vienna, 1981), p.190
    Kokomojojo likes this.
  20. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I'm very sorry to hear that you lost dear family members to one of history's most cowardly & despicable war criminals.
  21. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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  22. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Much of what is claimed that Hitler said has been taken out of context, altered and deliberately mistranslated to sound more malevolent than it really was.

    Hitler's enmity toward Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish Communists and the boycotting Jews comprising "Judea" was not a hatred of Jews because of who they were but a hatred of them for what they did and the threat they posed to Germany as Bolsheviks, Communists and economic boycotters in their "...holy war against Hitler's people"(1).

    What a politician says is not always what is in his heart and Hitler was no exception. It is also noteworthy that none of Hitler's speeches and nothing in his writings makes any mention of an intent to kill all of Europe's Jews.

    None of what Hitler is claimed to have said explains why he would arm, train and allow 150,000 Jews to serve in his military and also honor many with Germany's highest awards or chose to honor Jewish WW 1 Veterans already in Palestine(2)

    Finally, if Hitler hated all Jews, why did he chose to maintain a friendship with little Rosa Nienau who was Jewish?

    It is said that actions speak louder than words, so, how would you explain the 150,000 Jews in Hitler's army and his honoring Jews for their service in both WW 1 & WW 2 if Hitler hated all Jews for simply being Jews?

    (1)"Jews Declare War on Germany 1933"

    EXCERPT "Judea Declares War on Germany!" - Daily Express headline, March 24, 1933.

    "Judea Declares War on Germany! Jews of all the World Unite! Boycott of German Goods!

    Mass Demonstrations!" - These were all headlines in the Daily Express on March 24, 1933.

    "The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany.

    Fourteen million Jews stand together as one man, to declare war against Germany. The Jewish

    wholesaler will forsake his firm, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his commerce and

    the pauper his pitiful shed in order to join together in a holy war against Hitler's people."
    - Daily

    Express, March 24, 1933."CONTINUED

    (2) “When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers”

    EXCERPT “The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine.” CONTINUED

    (3). "Remarkable tale of Hitler's young Jewish friend"

    EXCERPT "According to the auction website, Rosa and her mother had joined the crowds outside Hitler's Alpine retreat Berghof in 1933 on his birthday.

    It is thought that when he discovered Rosa had the same birthday, he invited Rosa and her mother Karoline up to the house - where these photographs were taken.

    Not long afterwards, it was discovered that Karoline's mother had been Jewish, making Rosa Jewish in the eyes of the Nazi state.

    Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES

    Image captionHitler continued the friendship despite knowing her Jewish heritage

    But this did not dissuade Hitler from carrying on his friendship with girl, to whom he had sent a signed copy of the photograph.

    "The dear and [considerate?] Rosa Nienau Adolf Hitler Munich, the 16th June 1933," he wrote.

    Rosa, it appears, later added her own stamp to the photo, drawing flowers onto the black-and-white image.

    She would write to Hitler and his aide Wilhelm Bruckner on at least 17 occasions between 1935 and 1938, until she and her mother, a widow, were told to cut off contact by the Nazi leader's private secretary, Martin Bormann."CONTINUED
  23. pitbull

    pitbull Banned Donor

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Take this hateful example from Hitler's book "Mein Kampf": https://www.yadvashem.org/docs/extracts-from-mein-kampf.html
    You can get the book from here: https://archive.org/details/Hitler-Adolf-Mein-Kampf/mode/2up
    Then check for yourself whether something has been changed or incorrectly translated.

    You should tell those who take Hitler's "peace offers" seriously. :D
  24. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    That Hitler said bad things against Jews who were Bolsheviks, Communists and who joined in a "Holy War" against Germany is not news nor does it prove that he hated all Jews especially those who were loyal to Germany. The fact that he makes no mention of killing Jews in any number is additional proof that claims of mass killings are just more lies generated by the fraudulent, international Holocaust Industry.

    If Hitler hated all Jews simply because they were Jews, he wouldn't have armed, trained and allowed 150,000 of them to serve in Germany's military nor would he have honored those Jews who served Germany faithfully during WW 1 and WW 2.

    Which is it?
    You either believe what Hitler said or you do not. It's irrational to believe everything Hitler says about Jews but suddenly, not believe he was sincere in his peace offerings.

    I, along with many others, believe that Hitler's multiple peace offers(1) were genuine based partly on his decision to spare the French & English armies at Dunkirk and his sending Rudolph Hess to negotiate with the British.

    Churchill, the real war monger, refused to meet with Hess, ignored the Hitler - Hess peace offer and had Hess locked up for his effort to end the war in spite of the fact that many of the British people wanted to accept Hitler's peace offers. (i.e. the "Cliveden set", the Duke of Hamilton etc)

    "What the World Rejected: Hitler’s Peace Offers 1933–1940"

    EXCERPT " Written by Germany’s foremost diplomatic historian of the early twentieth century, this work maps out all the numerous times that Adolf Hitler made unconditional offers of peace to all the nations of Europe—and how the major anti-German belligerents, France and Britain, turned down these offers each and every time.

    The author lists all of Hitler’s offers in detail, complete with quotes, starting with his first offer of May 17, 1933, his second offer of December 18, 1933, his third offer of May 21, 1935, his fourth offer of March 31, 1936, his fifth offer of September 30, 1938, his sixth offer of December 6, 1938, his seventh offer of late 1939 to Poland to settle the Danzig Corridor issue peacefully, and finally, his offer of world peace on October 6, 1939, just over a month after Britain and France had declared war on Germany for invading Poland on September 1 (but not on the Soviet Union, which also invaded Poland on September 17).

    This edition benefits from four new sections which did not appear in the original publication. These are:

    - The full text of Hitler’s “Appeal for Peace and Sanity” speech, made before the Reichstag on July 19, 1940, following the fall of France. In that speech, Hitler once again offered unconditional peace to Britain.

    This speech was printed in English and dropped by the tens of thousands from German aircraft over Britain. Although nearly half the British cabinet wanted to take up his offer, Churchill’s warmongering put an end to this final offer of peace;"CONTINUED
  25. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    instead of what is true and just
    Instead of incessantly ignoring the facts why dont you think of how the J-Ws at the top, that betrayed hitler and used the US, UK and allies as proxies to steal palestine.




    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    - An extract from The Forrestal Diaries, in which the US Secretary of State William Forrestal quotes British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain as complaining that “the world Jews” have forced England into the war.

    How can such a tiny minority possibly have so much power over giant nations?

    “Judea declares War on Germany.” (Daily Express, March 24, 1934)

    “The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end.” (The Jewish newspaper, Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939)

    “Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child.” (Jewish professor A. Kulischer, October, 1937)

    “Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her. It is our task to organise the moral and cultural blockade of Germany and disperse this nation. It is up to us to start a merciless war.” – Bernard Lecache, President of the World Jewish League


    Our fight against Germany must be carried to the limit of what is possible. Israel has been attacked. Let us, therefore, defend Israel! Against the awakened Germany, we put an awakened Israel. And the world will defend us.”
    (Jewish author Pierre Creange in his book Epitres aux Juifs, 1938)


    Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30-year War.” (Das Morgenthau-Tagebuch, The Morgenthau Dairy, p. 11).

    “The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany… (Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934)


    “Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronises German ships or shipping…. we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends.”

    – Samuel Undermeyer, in a Radio Broadcast on WABC, New York, August 6, 1933. Reported in the New York Times, August 7, 1933

    How did hitler respond?


    SERVED BEER TO J-Ws in auschwitz

    Hitler certainly had good reason to take the J-Ws seriouslywhen he was faced dealing with a nation of starving people and Germans being slaughtered by the thousands by the poles prior to and yet another cause of the war.

    Why do you continue to ignore the facts?

    The J-Ws started and were the cause of the war, They betrayed promises made to Hitler as a result of their predatory nature of power/war-mongering greed as can be seen by their statements.

    This was BEFORE the war

    Why do you support liars and backstabbers, is that the kind of world you want to live in?

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2020
    Jazz and Grau like this.

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