9/11 was an inside job
Last Activity:
May 29, 2020
Feb 8, 2011
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9/11 was an inside job

Well-Known Member

9/11 was an inside job was last seen:
May 29, 2020
    1. perotista
      Actually, I came to the conclusion it wasn't worth it. way too far out conspiracy theory for me to bother with. I usually stay far away from them as most deal with fantasy land. But believe as you wish. As much as I love fantasy, you can get too much of it at times. Take care.
    2. 9/11 was an inside job
      9/11 was an inside job
      Been on your mind since this morning? come on now.You couldnt have thought of it till i just now reminded you.
    3. 9/11 was an inside job
      9/11 was an inside job
      pretty much safe to say worse especially when one of those clowns Obama-stalin,or romney-hitler,will be the new president.
    4. 9/11 was an inside job
      9/11 was an inside job
      pretty much safe to say worse especially when one of those clowns Obama-stalin,or romney-hitler,will be the new president.
    5. Alif Qadr
      Alif Qadr
      On this anniversary of the federal government's self-inflicted wound, I ask: is this nation better-off now or worse-off
    6. Ivan88
      What if not saluting the flag means that he is more honest than the phonies that do salute the flag?
    7. 9/11 was an inside job
      9/11 was an inside job
      amen.we both know that.yeah it will move faster with Obama in because he is a foreigner and has worse loyalty to america.Bush at least would hide it that he cared by saulting the falg.Obama doesnt even try.
    8. Robodoon
      On what thunder was saying. I'm getting mixed messages. It really doesn't matter if O or M get in, they are the same.
      But the Agenda moves faster with O, M has to make excuses.
      Either on we or F'd.
    9. Whiteandaware
      911missinglinks com...911, All the proof in the world!
    10. John Tyler
      John Tyler
      Right now with what limited time I haveon a computer I feel that Political forum is the real battleground and spend most of my timethere. I'll check out your siter and go there soon
      Check out my site www.hawaqiian-tv.com If yiou wish to post there do so. The more places that the truth about 9/11 get out the better and more people see iit.
    11. Rapunzel
      No, just an avatar...LOL I was a Vet Technician, not a Vet, although it felt like it at times. PM me and tell me who you are talking about...
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    five 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists on ignore.Reason? they lie when they are defeated and wont look at the evidence.