Yes mate i know, but your at least right in regards to this conflict. Ive said for sometime now they'll do nothing meaningful about ISIS, its about Syria, Iran and Russia. ISIS wants Assad gone like the US and Israel do, i wonder whats to stop them changing uniforms and becoming moderates for while. Wow ISIS has vanished we win! Now for Syria, OOpps ISIS is back......surprise surprise. The so called moderates and ISIS are basically the same thing. Its all about centralized power and banksters, im convinced of that. Look at Libya for example, start away a bunch of ratbag camel jockeys set up a central bank? Its simply more efficient to force dept onto via your slavemasters than to set up banks everywhere, convince you that you need / want dept and then compete for that custom. Even harder doing it without fractional reserve fiat money. Sadly we're heading down a path of serfdom.
U.S. Judge Opposes Republicans on Elections Twitter Linkedin Sign In to E-Mail Print Reprints Share By JOHN SCHWARTZ Published: December 2, 2009 The Republican National Committee will not be able to use election tactics that have been linked to suppression of voting by racial minorities without court supervision, a federal judge in New Jersey has ruled.
LOL, thx for the advice, sweetie. Prob is... when I post from my smartphone via tapatalk... attachment is the only choice I've got. Not sure why other forums let me post full sized pics from tapatalk... but not PF. Until a few days ago, I couldn't post pics at all from my phone, so attachment is actually an improvement! ;)
That is complete and utter bollucks. And don't quote me Rush Limbaugh.
I'm fine too, thanks,because I saw your posts lesser I thought you went away, that's good you are here.
Im on Vacation. I still hate Leftys though.... Ill be back on April 12th, to bash the left handed. Keep up the fight, until my return !!!
I have to ask are you a male er' female? Of course you don't have to answer. BTW I think I have seen that avatar before...
Yeah, I know. Its was never a big deal. I think Repunzel just gets pissed about the rules, cause she gets yelled at for it all the time. I get notifications from the mods, too, when I do it. Its cool dont sweat it.