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Dec 1, 2013
Dec 1, 2013
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Newly Registered, from USA

DerekB was last seen:
Dec 1, 2013
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  • About

    Most of my choices are made from opposition videos, I was never propaganda'd into anything. I watch both sides.

    I have great interest in political decisions.

    I have national pride

    Ive invested the last 5 years in political research and history

    I'm atheist(in the sense I don't believe there is a god or isn't just that human religion is false)

    I'm a nationalist.

    Rest is tldr but I'll go all out in the introduction for the record and the curious. Writing this while tired

    I'm a Far right liberal. (HATE progressives the racist, complainers,society ruiners) Here's a brief view of how I feel about them

    I'm anti nuclear power. We have 70 years fossil fuels which isnt enough to whipe out humanity but help us to get better renewable energy by letting technology advance. (I'm not pro dirty power but for the next 10 years I support it) However I'm for boosting Solar and Wind to at least double. And I'm anti nuclear power because it makes section of the planet unlivable forever (300k years) if there's ever a mistake or war scenario in that area. Examples are Chernobyl mutation victims and Syrian civil war destruction would lead to a nuclear melt down for examples look at Chernobyl victims and now we have a fukoshima happening spreading very deadly poison in the ocean. Nuclear plants also take 10 years to shut down, very costly,nuclear waste, and much more..Thats my finial judgement... One good video that might sway you if you are for nuclear power:
    If the middle east and Africa ever get wide scale nuclear power I hope you are not alive to witness what will surely happen.

    My view is less moral then it is "society correct" Such as I say let the Syrian war continue and let the people who hate us whipe themselves out. Sunni and Shia both have massive amounts of terrorists fighting.
    One of many examples (could put many or more disturbing videos but I dont want to get banned or offend anyone)>

    Im very, very anti communist, anti kremlin, RESENT insulting conspiracy theorist who point toward inside jobs for things like Boston bombing. Anti religious absurdity (as you can imagine I hate insanity known as Islam)
    (This is from witnessing things, not news, not racism) I was tolerant until I educated myself and seen what I have seen.)

    For politician i'd vote Gary johnson. 2nd choice Elizbeth Warren (they fight the 'establishment' and for equal pay, peoples rights, they have passion and a heart not just submissive drones)
    If I could pick anyone in the world to be U.S President besides myself I'd pick Pat Condell.

    Wages should be increased to 11/hr min for any successful chain store making high profit. I think 15hr for min is a outrageous request. I think companies should be forced to take that money out of high profit they are making not from raised prices and we could have a much better society.

    Not a fan of Obama care.

    Immigration should be reformed, but still have the obvious requirements. English,High school education,Love the country. If you meet those I think you should have a fair chance to be here

    Im for the Afghanistan war/Taliban removal. I'm neutral on Iraq because of Sadam was worth removing but it cost too much money and lives.

    I dont care for whistle blowers I dont see them as hero's or enemies. I both respect and dislike what they have done.

    We should cut our military spending in half.

    Spend the other half on space research/Mars/Moon missions. Create more and better space programs.

    All foreign aid we give should be cut in half, and used to aid our citizens.

    The death penalty if fine for murder of 2 or higher.

    Any inmate sentenced to jail for 30 years or more should have the option of lethal injection if they ask

    Jails should have have tap water for drinks. (Paying money to hydrate them makes no sense)

    Yard time in jail should be at least 2 hours (I seen many jail shows, cant help but feel like 1 is inhumane beyond belief)

    I dont think drugs should carry a jail sentence only a fine. (dont think drugs like coke or heroin should be legal, too many stores will profit from killing people)

    Weed should be legal and sold

    Drinking age should be changed to 20 to better match up with being able to join the army at 18. I cant say I approve of people drinking in USA at 18 but yeaah :thumbsup:

    I think everyone should be able to say any word without being judged on it because of race.

    -One thing I dont have a strong position on is abortions. I'm for if the women will die for having the baby and wants it. For personal choice I learn toward allowing any person able to get it as 1 abortion. However I think the incoming life deserves a chance. You create it, you will have to deal with it. But I'm torn on the issue.

    Welp that's good enough. I might change this later to add or fix since i'm currently tired. Though I can see not many people agreeing with me because my views are varied on issues, I still look forward to discussing/arguing.
