New Member, 82, from Kinglake, Australia
- Geriatric-Delinquent was last seen:
- Oct 8, 2010
- Loading...
- Loading...
- Birthday:
- Sep 26, 1942 (Age: 82)
- Location:
- Kinglake, Australia
- Occupation:
- retired
- Marital Status:
- She sacked me
- Real Name:
- Danny
- Pets:
- Dash & Lochie (dogs)
- Gender:
- Female
- Country flag:
- australia
- State/region flag:
- au victoria
"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God holds others in contempt."
-- Robert Green Ingersoll, lawyer and orator (1833-1899)
For God so loved the world that he drowned everyone in it.--Athwart Babbit
God hated the world so much that he sent his only son so that whoever does not believe in him will perish and be denied eternal life.--God's Ex-wife
"There is nothing the Christian will accept as evidence of his God's evil." - George H Smith