Last Activity:
Jun 16, 2024
Sep 12, 2009
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Well-Known Member, Male, from Here Be Dragons

Only a few people left and vacuous facile discussions and trolls. Mods deleted thread I spent a long time on. Back a week now off again. Nov 9, 2020

Heroclitus was last seen:
Jun 16, 2024
    1. Fish
      Is your avater a picture of Sylvia Plath? Looks like a young Plath to me...just curious.
    2. cassandrabandra
    3. The Big Kahuna
      The Big Kahuna
      This site should be reported to the ADL or the Southern Poverty Law Center. ADL might be more interested.
    4. The Big Kahuna
      The Big Kahuna
      Brave fight my friend. Very foolish decisions being made at the top here.
    5. The Big Kahuna
      The Big Kahuna
      I've posted. The next thing you could do or someone should do is inform the mods that the Southern Poverty Law Center (U.S.), which tracks Klan and Neo-Nazi groups, will be informed of this forum and that might cause them to list this forum as a right-wing terror site.
    6. justonemorevoice
      youre not going to believe this but i got infracted for what i said to combat18.
    7. justonemorevoice
      hahahhahha, check out the rep board now.
    8. justonemorevoice
    9. justonemorevoice
      btw, take a look at the rep board now. :)
    10. Bowerbird
    11. Bowerbird
      Hey! If you are sharing python vids - have you seen the star trek one?
    12. Inactive928
      Thanks for the Python vid (post #30 in the Palin thrown under the Bus thread). I'm a fan and had not seen that one :thumbsup:

      In return, one of my all time favorites, which applies oh-so-aptly with regards to forums like this: Argument Clinic -- Monty Python :mrgreen:
    13. Bowerbird
      Yee Gods they must do nothing but circle rep each other - I think the thanks system is better than that in some respects
    14. Bowerbird
      Don't rightly know but Ted's last green gave me over 100 points
    15. Bowerbird
      Don't knock it we are getting there - I have over 10,000 points - that starts to give serious points away every time I rep now - and I rep every time I see a post a i like and admire - in fact most of the GW posters have reps almost solely because of me (just did not think it fair that serious research posters like Mannie D had virtually no reps while...........:p
    16. Bowerbird
      Okay you scungy Brit! I gave you a green now it is your turn to green me!!!:D

      Remember this is a tantric rep circle;)
    17. The Big Kahuna
      The Big Kahuna
      Never thought I'd ever say this, lol: Get out Yanks!!
    18. The Big Kahuna
      The Big Kahuna
      Thanks! I've been enjoying your hunt for some thoughtful conservative debate. Did I see that Rafa admits they may have to sell Torres if they don't make the championship? I already like Man City well enough but not sure I wanted to see Torres there. I'd have a hard time hating them though as I'd like to see them bounce United.
    19. The Big Kahuna
      The Big Kahuna
      It was a great result. I am in an uncomfortable position tomorrow though. Portsmouth is the team my girlfriend has been following since Redknapp was there and I like them too. They have been really struggling this year and she fears for them. I think Liverpool will win the game but I dread the "Your team!" that is to follow haha!
    20. Heroclitus
      BK, I went to bed at half time (it was late) when we were 1-0 up and dominat. Imagine how I felt when i saw the result the next day!
    21. The Big Kahuna
      The Big Kahuna
      Hey Heroclitus, last match I watched was the Arsenal one and it left me at a loss. Ok Torres and Gerrard are rusty but it looked as though the team just flat out quit on the game after Johnson's own goal. Hoping for a better result today.
    22. Heroclitus
      You think I am sailing too close to the wind? Some of the conservatives on here are no more than trolls. And scared stiff of real debate. Where are the so called clever conservatives you promised me. Far and few it would seem.

      It's daytime here.
    23. frodly
      I see you are in a particularly unforgiving mood tonight.
    24. frodly
      I didn't get to watch the match over the weekend, as I was out of town for thanksgiving weekend, and I did not have access to the channels I get at home. I tried watching online for a while, and saw the own goal, but the stream kept cutting out, so I had to make do with online updates every 15 minutes or so.

      How are things for you? It is past 1:00 AM where I am, so I am off to bed. So if you reply, and I don't respond, that is the reason.
    25. Heroclitus
      Thanks Praxis. Heroclitus
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    Plus on aime quelqu'un, moins il faut qu'on le flatte:
    À rien pardonner le pur amour éclate.

    I think the term "classical liberal" is also equally applicable. I don't really care very much what I'm called. I'm much more interested in having people thinking about the ideas, rather than the person. Milton Friedman

    Je suis Ahmed. I am not Charlie, I am Ahmed the dead cop. Charlie ridiculed my faith and culture and I died defending his right do so.