It is something the moderators are trying out. Previously they would just warn and thread ban individuals one at at time. Unfortunately that often didn't work and they ended up having to close the thread when things got out of hand. They hope that a central warning like this might bring these threads back on track. Still, you will likely find that certain threads will have more flexibility than others. Overall, the mods try not to interfere. If the topic doesn't get too far of track or the insults don't get too personal, the mods will often not even step in. They plan to only step in with a warning like this when the insults or back and forth gets out of hand. After a few weeks of this, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know what effect you think this has on the forums - good or bad. I'd like another person's perspective on whether this is a benefit or a harm to the forum. Thanks, hiimjered
Was leaving a message before and hit the wrong button so if you receive one prior to this one (from me) and it seems incomplete you'll know why. Thank you for the info about mod thread warnings. Didn't hit like or reply because I believe I have been thread-warned not to. Does it seem to you that, at least in some threads, that a more exacting enforcement is currently be embraced where posters in the past were given more latitude to express themselves? If this has been something you've noticed do you know why? I could be off on this but it does seem to be the case. Nonetheless thanks for taking the time to share an answer to my question.