Trump would never pay it. Listen to the vid he says "when I am satisfied" lol, Besides a sitting President can't be seen to be jumping for the likes of a trump or anyone else saying such things. Must protect the dignity of the office a little no?
Ohhh,,I'm sure some was, no doubt. Just as some of the racist claims were baseless, both sides get pretty out of hand. Obama should take the money,,I would. Look if he showed his certificate at some stupid dinner,,might as well do this. Obama would have the last laugh....
All your proving to me is the level of stupidity there is in America. Particularly on the right as that link points out. Still not close to half though thankfully.
Here is another...
Yup,,and that's a Lib poll,,,like I said some were heavier. It's the first one I came across so I gave it to you,,you can check others easy enough. Before you were here we had a ton of threads on this stuff, there were all sorts of polls. Obama finally showed it when they were at their height...
Hi Max,,I could not post on that Bombshell thread. I dont know why,,maybe closed.. Here is a link for one of those polls about Obamas BC There were many at the time, some even with higher percentages. I'm not a Birther myself, but freedom of speech does protect these people...
Hi Max Frost: Welcome to Policial Forum; I know you will enjoy it here as the weeks go by to November 6th where we are going to have one mother of a cocktail party, paid for by the moderators which means we will be having cheap, warm beer and bologna hors d'oeuvrves...but who cares as long as we are with righteous people. Well, actually...I care but will see you there !!