Most Corrupt Countries 2012

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Liebe, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    Fess up, Liebe. Somebody asked Israel's position in the list on corruption. Somebody else resented it being discussed because Israeli corruption is a frequent topic. Now, if this thread were to have any positive outcome at all it would be because people took the trouble to determine why some countries are more corrupt than others and see if there was any common denominator :)
  2. Liebe

    Liebe Banned

    Apr 13, 2011
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    That someone could look at the list, which was posted instead of the usual knee-jerk obsession.

    You are posting on "atrocities" against palestinians which is not on topic. Look up at what corruption means and try to control your obvious obsession on one thread if you are able.

    Why don't you take that trouble then to figure out why corrpution is worse in some countries/continents? Figure out why the countries on the lowest ranks are in deed so, instead of copying and pasting your agenda here?
  3. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    The thread topic is corruption.

    "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's.."
  4. Liebe

    Liebe Banned

    Apr 13, 2011
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    According to the survey 2/3 of the world's countries scored less than 50 points, which is concerning. Israel wasn't one of them.

    The survey says: "While no country has a perfect score, two-thirds of countries score below 50, indicating a serious corruption problem.
    Corruption translates into human suffering, with poor families being extorted for bribes to see doctors or to get access to clean drinking water. It leads to failure in the delivery of basic services like education or healthcare. It derails the building of essential infrastructure, as corrupt leaders skim funds.

    Corruption amounts to a dirty tax, and the poor and most vulnerable are its primary victims".

    Moon are you not interested in the victims of corruption?

    Here they are, the countries with the most corruption:

    69 South Africa
    72 Bosnia and Herzegovina
    72 Italy
    72 Sao Tome and Principe
    75 Bulgaria
    75 Liberia
    75 Montenegro
    75 Tunisia
    79 Sri Lanka
    80 China
    80 Serbia
    80 Trinidad and Tobago
    83 Burkina Faso
    83 El Salvador
    83 Jamaica
    83 Panama
    83 Peru
    88 Malawi
    88 Morocco
    88 Suriname
    88 Swaziland
    88 Thailand
    88 Zambia
    94 Benin
    94 Colombia
    94 Djibouti
    94 Greece
    94 India
    94 Moldova
    94 Mongolia
    94 Senegal
    102 Argentina
    102 Gabon
    102 Tanzania
    105 Algeria
    105 Armenia
    105 Bolivia
    105 Gambia
    105 Kosovo
    105 Mali
    105 Mexico
    105 Philippines
    113 Albania
    113 Ethiopia
    113 Guatemala
    113 Niger
    113 Timor-Leste
    118 Dominican Republic
    118 Ecuador
    118 Egypt
    118 Indonesia
    118 Madagascar
    123 Belarus
    123 Mauritania
    123 Mozambique
    123 Sierra Leone
    123 Vietnam
    128 Lebanon
    128 Togo
    130 Côte d´Ivoire
    130 Nicaragua
    130 Uganda
    133 Comoros
    133 Guyana
    133 Honduras
    133 Iran
    133 Kazakhstan
    133 Russia
    139 Azerbaijan
    139 Kenya
    139 Nepal
    139 Nigeria
    139 Pakistan
    144 Bangladesh
    144 Cameroon
    144 Central African Republic
    144 Congo Republic
    144 Syria
    144 Ukraine
    150 Eritrea
    150 Guinea-Bissau
    150 Papua New Guinea
    150 Paraguay
    154 Guinea
    154 Kyrgyzstan
    156 Yemen
    157 Angola
    157 Cambodia
    157 Tajikistan
    160 Democratic Republic of the Congo
    160 Laos
    160 Libya
    163 Equatorial Guinea
    163 Zimbabwe
    165 Burundi
    165 Chad
    165 Haiti
    165 Venezuela
    169 Iraq
    170 Turkmenistan
    170 Uzbekistan
    172 Myanmar
    173 Sudan
    174 Afghanistan
    174 Korea (North)
    174 Somalia
  5. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    So then, what was Israel's ' score ' ? Oh, no matter- it tied with that bastion of propriety, Cape Verde :mrgreen:

    The chart, we are told, concerns corruption in the public sector. Do you have one relating to corruption in the private sector ?
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Yeah. Try turning on your electronic Jew in the lounge one day.


    Then come back to me.
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Only you + Alex Jones, fat little punk that he is, believe this.
  8. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    To be honest, and this is from a British perspective, we never hear anything about the Ukraine, good or bad. I don't doubt you at all though. I know that a lot of your women (tragically), are trafficked, like cattle, out of your country, and I would imagine you can tell me how this got to be so, and who is responsible...
  9. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Like I said, it is not enough that they have the entire global media, they want the entire internet as well.

    So transparent.
  10. Liebe

    Liebe Banned

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Are you speaking for all of England? Of course anyone who travels or has anything to do with the Ukraine will kno w there huge problems. Try reading a newspaper rather than you tube.

    <<< Mod Edit: Flamebait >>>
  11. Der_Meister

    Der_Meister New Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    Don't feel sorry man. People who lives here should be sorry for themselves that they have choosen such government. This siruation lasts since Ukraine became independent in 1991. Contry rulers started to rob our country for that time and nothing changed except of governors who rob our money (money from budget).
    Ukraine has several "clans" who take ruling over country to their hands. Timoshenko is representative of "Dnepropitrovskii" clan - officials who are mostly fron Dnepropetrovsk, but no president Yanukovich is representative of "Donetskii" clak - Donetsk, he put his sons to the parliament too, he is supported by Renat Akhmetov who is the most wealthy man in Ukraine, but they erned that money in unfair way robbing countries property (mostly making government ventures into their own property, buying them from the government by very low price). I can tell you more if you're interested. Our nation suffers from their activity because when they buy ventures they redundant workers and reduse salary amount. That I can tell you for point of view of ordinary citizen. About revolution, of couse I don't want any revolutions, becase revolution brings not only changes but destruction aslo. At the moment revolution impossible because our people are used to endure this situation. If we were for exaple France or Grecce I think here would be civil war. Not situation leading to revolution because life quality is getting lower and lower if there is nothing changes to the good and stable situation in about 5 years something may happen, but not now. If revolution took place now I would be one of the firs volunteers who would take arms and kick them off Ukraine.
  12. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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  13. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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  14. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    Jeanette, you will not believe the length of the list of international Zionist media holdings. It spread across a three-post maximum last time it was published here.
  15. J0NAH

    J0NAH Banned

    Oct 26, 2011
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    she believes greeks [ the most corrupt and bankrupt ppl on earth ] are the best educated and most successful business wo/men on the planet, don't hold your breath.
  16. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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  17. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    But if they invented democracy and that, how come they are so skint then?

    Is it due to them wanting free stuff? ;)
  18. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    sorry I've not read all previous posts of this thread , but here's my pennuf : "Let he/she without sin caste the first stone ". WOT ?

    Her IMO is a toned down versions.

    Will any Israeli party set out to combat corruption?

    Israel's ranking in Transparency International's global corruption index continues to slide; Hong Kong cleaned up its act. And us?By Eytan Avriel | Dec.11, 2012

    btw amongst Jews corruption is NOT seen as bad / immoral - its seen as being smart However , now and then , even some Jews can no longer ignore it .


    Transparency International's annual survey of perceived public-sector corruption around the world was released last week. As usual the findings did not receive significant media coverage nor make a big impression on the public debate. The story was generally presented as a straight-up news item, without elaboration or analysis. Even with an election approaching, a time when politicians are searching for original and relevant issues, not one commented on the findings.

    This is a great mistake. Public corruption is the number-one problem of Israeli politics, containing within it many of the issues that do figure in the public discourse, and the findings deserve close examination. Judging by the 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index, Israel's situation is far worse than people believe, more serious than our ranking might indicate - 39 out of the 174 countries surveyed, where a lower number reflects a perception of less corruption - and deteriorating from year to year. On a 100-point scale, with 0 indicating total corruption and 100 indicating no corruption, Israel scored 60. The three nations perceived as having the least-corrupt public sector, Finland, Denmark and New Zealand, all scored 90.

    The survey's methodology changed this year, making historical comparisons difficult, but the message is still clear. In 1996 Israel scored 7.71 and in 2001 it received a grade of 7.6, similar to that of the United States. But by 2011 Israel had dropped to 5.8 while the United States was at 7.1, despite the corruption associated with the financial crisis, the loss of public confidence in the banking sector and anger with its close ties to government. While in 1996 the gap between Israel and New Zealand was 18%, by 2011 that gap had increased to 38%. The numbers are depressing, and they don't end there.

    When asked to assess changes in the level of corruption in the country between 2007 and 2010, a whopping 76% of respondents in Israel - more than in most participating countries - said they felt it had increased during the three-year period. Israeli respondents were also hard in their grading of specific institutions.

    Extreme corruption

    On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 denoting a perception of the institution as "extreme corrupt," Israelis rated political parties at 4.5, compared to 2.8 in Denmark. Both the Knesset and religious bodies scored 4, while public officials and civil servants received a grade of 3.9. Business and the private sector, was perceived as relatively corrupt at 3.4 (compared to 2.8 in Denmark ). The media scored 3.2 (2.6 in Denmark ).

    Even the die-hard optimists among us must be disheartened. When asked to rate their government's efforts to fight corruption, 83% of Israeli respondents chose "ineffective," more than in almost every participating country.

    The bottom line is that corruption in Israel is perceived as being deep-seated, in both absolute and relative terms.

    This should come as no surprise. Public corruption is not only envelopes stuffed with cash changing hands in a dark alley. It is also ongoing, daily behavior, including activities that are not actually illegal and may even be considered accepted practice in a democracy. When MK Haim Katz signs up thousands of Israel Aerospace Industries as Likud members and then buses them in to vote in the party primary, according to candidate lists prepared for them in advance, this is corruption; the employees will be repaid at some point.

    When hundreds of public employees who are responsible for regulating various businesses join them in some capacity after they retire, this too is often corruption. When powerful businessmen pressure MKs and civil servants to shelve the recommendations of public commissions, they are engaging in corrupt behavior. And when strong labor unions pressure politicians to prevent reforms and efficiency measures in public corporations, that too is corruption.

    Many people rightly complain about inefficient, cumbersome bureaucracy in the public (and the private ) sector. Is institutionalized corruption to blame? When organizations are so ineffective at delivering services, citizens are tempted to move things along by other means, including bribery. Efficient organizations do not support corruption-enabling functionaries.

    International media outlets have focused on the latest Corruption Perceptions Index findings in Greece, in an attempt to link corruption with economic hardship. This year Greece ranked 94th, with a score of 36, far behind other developed countries. The best-ranked nations, meanwhile, are enjoying 50 years of prosperity. Nevertheless, several analysts see room for hope. Writing in The Guardian last week, the chairman of Transparency International Greece, Costas Bakouris, noted several promising steps to combat corruption in Greece. He also pointed to Hong Kong, which in the 1970s shook off the "control of organised crime to its present reputation for integrity" and in 2012 is ranked 14th on the list, with a score of 77.

    How to do it

    How? Hong Kong prosecuted more than 12,000 public officials. One result is that the standard of living in Hong Kong skyrocketed. In 1996 Israel was ahead of Hong Kong in the perception index rankings, but is has slid far past it. Bakouris recommends far-reaching reforms for Greece that we might do well to adopt ourselves.

    With next month's election in sight the parties are drafting their socioeconomic platforms. Labor is talking about raising taxes on the wealthy and improving public services, while Likud champions fiscal responsibility. Other parties improvise to appeal to all and sundry, especially their own voter base. No party has taken on the challenge of promising to fight corruption. This too is unsurprising. Any party that does tackle these issues will come up against powerful forces that can sway many voters. Such an undertaking also implies a commitment to full transparency within the electoral process - no horse trading. Very few politicians want to take up the fight despite the fact that many voters, as victims of daily malfeasance themselves, would be very supportive. Will any party accept the challenge?

  19. J0NAH

    J0NAH Banned

    Oct 26, 2011
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    It's not them wanting free stuff, we all want that. I'm sure it is something though, it's rather intriguing that our once foerfront torch bearer has met such a miserable and miserly demise. Maybe it has something to do with the [dubious] way they obtained that status.
  20. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    In a nutshell , since joining EU - Greece and a few others have consumed much more than they've produced. They've either not heard of / or just chose to ignore the

    Micawber Principle, "Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen and six,
    pence , = result happiness.

    Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and sixpence , result misery."[/B]
  21. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    There are an awful lot of evil people in the Balkans, and contrary to what you believe, they are not Jews. Just go into any Greek jail if you don't believe me. :mad:
  22. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    This doesn't diminish the Saudi holdings in our own media...something that is well covered up. Only the hesitancy of the newsmen to say anything that would be denigrating to the Muslims, gives it away. :spin:
  23. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I agree , however from observation - I'd say there are without doubt - proportionately more evil do-ers amongst those who call themselves " "Jews" than amongst Gentiles.

    .. Fer fuks sake , go read your bible or any other records and learn about the origins of evil.

  24. Liebe

    Liebe Banned

    Apr 13, 2011
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    No facts to back that up as usual. I suppose your observation suffices? :party:
  25. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Frankly IMO - there are - proportionately - many more Jewish evil -do'ers than amongst Gentiles . It seems that to most Jews what we regard as evil is to them , seen as being smart - getting one over on Gentiles who are generally despised- seen as "untermenche" - sub-humans - to be used + exploited.


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