Is time travel possible? At first i ....

Discussion in 'Science' started by The DARK LORD, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    That's just a way the Quantum Quacks have of weaseling out of a contradiction, "There's something about the universe--we can't say what, but we are absolutely sure that it exists--that prevents you from killing yourself in the past." This is really giving the universe a personality and an active participation in events. Besides, anything you do in this time-travel fantasy, no matter how trivial, would change the present. Why would a bug you step on be less important than killing your past self? Nature is not a personality. so again backward ideas get tied in to keep all these impossible ideas from falling apart, as they should have done long ago. But that's the kind of century we went through--Authoritarian Irrationalism.
  2. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    My undrstanding is that a small initial seed of energy occurring from an initial quantum fluctuation set forth a processes of expansion that maintained a zero balance between the enery and the matter in the universe according to the Law of Conservation for both.

    Hence, the universe is really a transformation of Energy into Matter according to E = mC^2.

    Essentially, before the quantum fluctuation, Space/time did not exist in the absence of Matter and everything was massless potential energy that existed nowhere.
  3. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    But then he realized the everything is founded upon the Law of Probability, especially the appearance of quantum fluctuations.
    It was the seed of a quantum fluctuation which produced the very Universe that Einstein though was not a throw of the dice.
  4. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Then the Big Bang theory requires an impossible concentration of energy. It makes sense only as a 4D Black Hole pouring its light, energy, and matter into our universe. Of course that means that our Black Holes just send all that stuff back to 4D, because a Black Hole is also an impossible concentration and must leak. But there is nowhere to go except into another dimension.
  5. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    Like I said above,...
    We are only mind.

    It is only our mind that can go back.
    Like ghosts, without physical access into the past world we would visit, we are like angels, watching and thinking, but locked out of the physical world because we have not transport our bodies back at all.
  6. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    The contradiction is called a paradox. There is no weasling out. If backward time travel is possible there is another theory of what happens if one goes back say to correct a wrong. Ok he arrives and does correct the wrong BUT! Lol the universe splits into another different identical universe but with a new clean future. He has corrected the wrong but never can return to his old universe having collapsed the wave function or a similar action by him creating a paradox by correcting the wrong.

    Btw, we still fully accept QM as the way things are.

  7. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    ROLF! really? REALLY lol, no you are wrong. Are you serious? Can you tell me why any kind of calculation (mathematical) is required to design some types of electronic circuits? Especially why MUST quantum calculations be employed when designing some electronic circuits? Hint they could be nick-named Sybil circuits really Pom its relative(ly) simple!

    I have already told you those type statement(s) have NOTHING to do with QM. You seem to be referencing tenets of Sophism, but who knows?

    ? Lol..nevermnid hey tell me what was the name of the 'postclassical physicists' showed their 'sick arrogance' ? I believe even Dawkings arrogance pales compared to a certain member here at PF. I will say that I don’t care for the scientific establishments arrogance and bigoted exclusionary attitude they rebuff anyone or any idea that is outside of conventional thinking, man they should have learned humility and to respect others from Piltdown man and other frauds and mistakes of science.

    Who came up with that idea? Anyway what about a particle that is going back and forth between a billion light years? Entangled particles communicate instantaneously your example would still be wrong even if it traveled a billion light years a nanosecond.

  8. darckriver

    darckriver New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2010
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    It's not that time reversal is impossible. Time is intimately connected with the probability that a system can go from one state to the next based on the varying number of possible states that it can assume at each point in its evolution. There is always an energy cost when forcing a system to veer off from it's most probable course of state progression. The cost of producing the reversal of time's arrow for macroscopic systems would approach infinity. Not impossible - but as close to it than any human mind can imagine. At the more fundamental energy levels of the vacuum, where virtual "particles" dart in and out of existence and turbulent spacetime "foam" writhes like dragons in a dense bubble bath, time reversal isn't such a statistical improbability.
  9. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    I don’t think many here have said BTT is impossible just near infinitely difficult. I am sure if the human race lasts long enough nothing will be impossible, and I mean nothing not even what is now disallowed by Physics, the fundamental laws of nature. Think about it, in a billion years we will be as far removed from our current state of technology and such things as we now are to a virus or other proto-life.

  10. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    Why impossible???

    The assumption of all matter back-tracking to that singularity, or (X,Y,Z,t) coordinate location on the Space/time Cartesanian Graph is the exact same idea.

    At the singularity, m =E/c^2 as the Cosmos disappears, but as the Universe forms from a Big Bang inception, E = mC^2 gushing into the Cosmos it forms.
  11. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    ... LOL.
    The impossible dream?

    4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

    5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

    6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have "imagined" to do.
  12. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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  13. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    I am not so sure if that part of your reply is a comedy bit, or a parody and or a metaphor using Isaiah 48:14 to wit; ‘All ye, assemble yourselves, and hear; which among them hath declared these things? The LORD hath loved him: he will do his pleasure on Babylon, and his arm shall be on the Chaldeans.’ KJV. If affirmative I can only say I do not see the relation. Well one streach is that the entire world should come together and work on such projects, but I don’t think that is what you mean….

    Wait! I have more!

    Is it sarcasm, or maybe it’s a rebuttal? Possibly it’s benign but it ain’t factual. So, maybe considering all the above is incorrect, we can deduct at least one accurate inference; it is for sure cryptic to this member. I do understand one piece of your puzzle though, well maybe if its intended to be a serious question i.e. Is ‘backward*’ time travel an impossible dream?

    The answer is nearly the same answer that Jesus gave his curious disciple who asked when would he return to rule on earth. He said “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son (Jesus himself which is interesting and is hotly debated), but the Father. (God the creator). So I mean to say its impossible to predict if man even given billions of years could harness the powers to alter the powers of creation to obey their own will. I say impossible to know also because science may be entirely wrong about everything from Einstein’s theories of General and special relativity to Bhor Heisenberg etc theories of quantum mechanics! If the physical laws and such are as the best scientists of history say they are I am sure one day we will be as a lesser God creating universes and souls, if only wish would be that I would be alive when they (science) found a true TOE.

    * Forward time travel (time dilation) is a fact, proven by experiment. Backward has not thus far been proven.


  14. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Again, that is Quantum Mechanics, not the root cause of it. The fact that post-clacks stubbornly ignore the fact that effects can be explained by other causes and repeat this irrelevant justification for goofy explanations shows that they are dead wrong. To repeat, because your fixation forces you to block out my point, someone could say that angels carry dropped things down. He drops something, it falls, and he claims that is proof that there are angels.

    Your wriggling and dancing explanation of splitting off timelines doesn't past the smell test. Time is not a dimension. When some contradiction proves that it isn't, you feel compelled by your escapist Hollywood pseudo-science to make a 5th Dimension of infinite timelines to cover that. This smells of the geocentric Epicycles theory. Because the geometry didn't add up, pre-Copernicans had to keep adding internal orbits to cover up the discrepancies.

    The actual 4th spatial dimension could be extremely valuable. Through it, we could block gravity, determine "indeterminacy," and other things that will never get started until non-conformist scientists recognize its obvious existence. We can also transport articles or at least messages at the square of the speed of light (6 light years a second). Fission creates a gateway into it, but there are probably other ways to find these passages. Determining the exact point of re-entry to 3D isn't any different from problems we have solved before.
  15. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    And the "quantum foam" and other obvious excuses for not understanding what is going on. Again, these are sick people, stuck in their childish escapist fantasies, where they can googoo at strange impossible shapes and fluctuating visions. "If it's weird, it's wise."

    They burp, "Wow! Cool!" at every distorted reasoning that pops out of their father-figures' burn-out intellects.
  16. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    I hope everybody can see your last-century authoritarianism. Wissenschaftoberfuhrer Heisenberg would be proud of your loyalty and your slavish imitation, as you lift your officer's baton and poke me in the ribs for any uppity point I make.
  17. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Post-clack quacks have no inhibitions about squeezing things far past the point where they make any sense. What would be the limit on compressing matter? Bet they never thought of that. As long as they can give a cool name to it, such as "singularity," they can stop thinking about the consequences of their wild and wooly imagination.

    With all its chanting of mumbo-jumbo and magical words, this is really so much like religion that if they weren't so narrow minded and addicted to their infantile escapism, they'd see what their degenerate desire to be entertained has led them into. Just a simple eruption from a surrounding universe is so boring! But everything squeezed into one point is such a fun idea and gives them something to googoo about. "Wow! Cool!"
  18. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    1) It was rebuttal and a very appropriate metaphor in regard to people who assume we will find no limit to man's powers given enough time.

    2) I did say that dreams reveal the inner Universe, which is quite another matter.
    The universe within is not only an uninvestigated world, but seem the roadway back to the future.
    Our Unconscious mind has been the third eye that h aware of individually and as a species for millennia now, while we have been blind and ignorant to its cries, "I am."

    Now, we are waking up, and taking notice of this Unconscious mind which mettle's in our affairs, (or is it the other way around?).
    It is becoming evident that a whole universe of individual Unconscious minds in every generation f our specie has been interacting among themselves, while we have thought we were alone and living what is called life.
    But the real life is this Collective Unconscious mind that never dies, and is enlarged as when we are born again and add to it, as those who are dying from it are hardly missed

    It is this Collective Unconscious mind that shepherds each living generation into paths of survival, in the light of the experiential Truth it has collected for thousands of years.
    This ancient of ancients is awaking, and we will be traveling both backwards into the history it reports to us, and ahead, when we are again, born into the living.
  19. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    My question with time travel concerns the soul. If I were travel back in time, what would be the state of my soul? Would it be with both persons? Would only be capable of possessing a soul? Is the soul or anything of ethereal nature affected by time?
  20. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Good question, another good question is "What is the soul". As I have stated previously, I do not believe we can actually physically travel back in time, it's happened, gone,over. Parallel universes are a possibility, we may be able to one day hop across, and to an earlier time, we may one day be able to see what happened in the past, everything we do or happens has affects, light is reflected or emitted etc. We may be able to use these affects to reconstruct what caused them, a kind of re-engineering the past if you like, but not physically go there where we could interact. If even in a few thousand years time we did find a way to travel back, if it ever happened in the future, wouldn't we do it, and someone, at sometime, would have traveled back past now to our past and in someway would have let it be known.

    If they could, and they could change things, it would be a never ending cycle. Like if they could have, maybe Hitler and WW2 was the best option, maybe September 11 was, or why didn't someone sometime in some future time come back and stop the, why,because we never do find a way to travel back in time.

    Seeing though would be possible,because we would never know we were being observed and the changes based on the past would only happen in the future, I suppose we have to wait and see.

    The Big Bang Theory sums it up here. [video=youtube;N0qDy0T5WXM][/video]

    The future, I don't think so, it hasn't happened, it doesn't yet exist. Time dilation is not time travel, it is away of slowing ones own time while normal time carries on, we just travel on a path of a different time then rejoin normal time. We can't reverse it, nor select how far into the future we want except for the length and speed of our journey/

    Of course you could always travel to Australia, it's tomorrow here now
  21. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    Soul is the English word used bythe King James interpretors of the Bible for psyke (Greek Bible), anima (Latin Bible), and nesphesh (Hebrew Bible).

    It basically means "mind" and correspnds well with the idea of "the kingdom of god is within," especially in regard to the association with the ancient if ancient Unconscious mind that contains all the metabolic and instinctual information of our past as a species.
  22. dreadpiratejaymo

    dreadpiratejaymo New Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    I travel through time constantly.

    ... but only forward at normal speed.
  23. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    Man needs to accept Truth as his way to direct his behavior, always supporting it as Americans finally did when Rev Martin Luther King was shot dead.
    There can be no ethical behavior when people are"educated" with propaganda and Plitical Correctness, and their social ties require they remain silent when lies are promoted as truth.
    They need be religious about this, in the sense that they place Truth above all other authority as heir god.

    The punishment of extinction for our species, which uses thought as the skill to cope against the forces of life and to survive individually and as a peoples, depends upon forming Reality in our mind in the image of Truth that corresponds to the facts-of-life.
  24. Chad2

    Chad2 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Yes time travel into the (future) is possible, but you would need a spacecraft that travels at speeds close to the speed of light.

    If you were to travel for 5 years at close to the speed of light and then return to Earth, 75 years will have passed on Earth. So you would have traveled 70 years into the future.

    The following sources explain the above.
  25. Chad2

    Chad2 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Section #6 "Time dilation and space flight" in the following source, speaks of it being possible to travel (billions) of years into the Earths future.

    This link goes strait to section #6.

    But I don't have knowledge/understanding of the "constant acceleration" that the source speaks of.

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