Is time travel possible? At first i ....

Discussion in 'Science' started by The DARK LORD, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    Then he has a better watch than me. (Must be a Timex.)​
  2. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    all bull(*)(*)(*)(*).
  3. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    time dilation to my understanding, as better presented by two spaceships travelling at two different speed, is nothing.

    so what if they there are 2 different spaceships travelling at different speeds.
    it does not change the fact that the event/s on planet earth does not change the course of time it travels.
    as always it is by this Man Made 24/7. 365/year calendaring.

    so even if you are travelling faster or slower , by the time one ship gets back on the surface of the earth
    this spaceship shall still observe this 24/7, 365/year Man Made time.

    and are you so stupid to believe that Man can travel faster than the "speed of light"?

    Man Made 24/7 365/year concept of time remains as is all the time.
    a claim of a Man Made spaceship travelling as fast as the speed of light does not make any sense.
    if you like, you can travel matching the speed of light but still this Man Made measurement of time which is
    24/7 365/year won't be shaken, won't be influenced by the amount of speed you prefer to travel.

    the (time travelers) will always observe this Man Made concept of time any moment they wish to come back
    on the surface of the earth.

    to believe in time travel to be possible is a belief with gross stupidity.
  4. Chad2

    Chad2 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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  5. Chad2

    Chad2 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Time also moves (faster) at high altitudes.

    You like to criticise the most basic of scientific principles, and criticize the scientific community that discovered them.
    But you love using the technology these ideas created.

    Only 6% of scientists are republicans (liberals control science.)

    It was science/liberals that created your computer, science/liberals created your cell phone, science/liberals created your car, science/liberals created your air conditioner, ex.ex.ex.ex.

    People like you should have to get a liberals permission, before you use the interventions that liberals/science gave you.

    Only 6% of scientists are republicans.

    If you like using computers and cellphones (show a little respect.) Or liberals may withhold our scientific inventions from you.
  6. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    I do not beg, I work and pay my taxes yearly and on time.
    I am just accessing my right to freedom of expression.

    I do not believe in the possibility of time travel.
    that is all.
  7. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Wrong, you would have travelled for 5 years while on earth 75 years passed by. No time travel took place,the new "thing" is time dilation, it would appear you had travelled into the future. You would have travelled around 50 million kilometers (30 million miles), used God knows how much fuel and resources and arrive back on earth in time to bury your grandchildren. You would however have an antiquated spacecraft you could sell to a museum and would probably be the dumbest person on the planet.

    You would not however have travelled in time, you would have dilated your time. You could achieve the entire process by cryogenics, easier, safer and cheaper. Or you could realise that you cannot go somewhere that does not yet exist, that's what "the future" means.
  8. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Kind of right and kind of wrong. Right if we think of time by our measurements and definitions, but wrong if we looked at something like radioactive decay as a measurement of time.

    Here is the best explanation of time dilation I could find, and it's an Australian University definition but something that is mentioned over and over again is the one magic word, "Relativity". It is Einstein's Special Relativity that allows us to determine "time dilation". Again that word, relative, it's all relative, it is what one observes RELATIVE to what another observes. No ACTUAL time travel took place, no one entered a machine, set a date, pressed a button and went to another time, that is, no one travelled through time.

    Time Dilation
  9. dreadpiratejaymo

    dreadpiratejaymo New Member

    Jul 30, 2009
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    Does that mean you didn't get my joke?
  10. cupid dave

    cupid dave Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    But you would still be 30 years old,... right?
  11. Dorkay Winthra

    Dorkay Winthra New Member

    Mar 21, 2013
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    time machine

    cell phones will have time machine apps, somehow that will include updates that you can revisit and facebook will sell it to private and government agencies, as they do. They will reconfigure your past. This site is getting me all sci fi these days.
    Maybe eventually something like types and degrees of 'echoes' in an area will be able to be read and then put together into something. I doubt it will be anything you can go back into and change though. Too much regret out there that would never leave time travel alone.
  12. Archie Goodwin

    Archie Goodwin New Member

    Feb 4, 2013
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    Yes; I've been doing since my birth.
  13. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Depends, it's all relative isn't it, that's what it's all about. To an observer on earth you would be 75 years older, but you would look good for your age. To a fellow traveler you would be 30 years old and I dare say sick of the sight of each other, especially after hearing "Are we there yet?" a few thousand times. To the crew on the manned outpost on Uranus, you would be approx 1/3 of one year older. They consensus is that they do not know. Particles in nuclear accelerators do appear to have longer lifespans while travelling near the speed of light, is that because their time is slowed down, is it because they absorb energy and live longer, is it because ... who knows.

    Somehow I don't think we will ever know,but then things can change so fast, when I was a child television was not available, just still in the development process. Today I can get television on my phone. Just over 200 years ago, in 1770 Captain James cook discovered Australia, well discovered it again. He sailed from England on the bark Endeavour, a 106 foot wooden, fully sailed ship. In 1992, 222 years later, the Endeavour captured and redeployed the stranded INTELSAT VI communications satellite. The second Endeavour however was a vastly different vessel than it's namesake.

    Now I am a scientist by profession, and the one thing I can nearly guarantee is that science is wrong. It nearly always has been, look at the history of the atom to see how wrong we can be. Newton's "laws" are another, yes they work fine in most cases, but when it comes to particle physics they don't. The greatest thing I learned in my many years of studying science, is how little we really know. Every answer brings up hundreds of new questions.
  14. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    I wrote this a couple of days ago and hope its still relevant...

    I would say that (the effects of) time dilation and the concept of time travel are the same thing with different names, one accurate and the other a popular moniker for the other. What I mean is 'time travel' is not a scientific name for the effects of time dilation. That said the effects of time dilation are real and indistinguishable from the concept of time travel. So I call it time travel for ease of not having to type out the differences or explanations.. lol.

    Anyway, here is a bad (but accurate) version of of the famous twins experiment; if you were blessed with a twin brother and say your twin is an astronaut. The astronaut brother aged 40 years old the same as you leaves earth on a starship capable of 95% light speed. So he is gone space faring for 32 years which would make him your current age of 72 years old upon his return. But you are shocked when you first see him because he aged only ten years! So it seems like time travel to me, and him and his twin, but the down side is the astronaut would feel like time was passing normally. Even though time was slowed by his velocity. Amazing eh?

    I suppose that apparent normal time flow would be a indicator that time dilation was the culprit not time travel…or would it? If the astronaut had some way to observe earth in real time he would see earth spinning faster and faster speeding up in the orbit of the sun. If he could see people etc he would see pets age and die and everything look as if it were on fast forward. Who needs science fiction when real science is so exciting?

  15. Chad2

    Chad2 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    You're a slimeball manipulator.
  16. Chad2

    Chad2 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    You also have a bigger scientific ego than Albert Einstein (when you know absolutely nothing.)

    You said "I can nearly guarantee that science is wrong."
    Who should we trust (you) or science ??

    I feel sorry for anyone who gets sucked into your "science is wrong and I am right" delusional fantasy world.
  17. Chad2

    Chad2 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    You are delusional and insane.–Keating_experiment

    The above wiki link explains, that in 1971 (4) atomic clocks were used to test the "relativity" theory.

    All (4) atomic clocks were synchronized. (2) of the clocks were left in a laboratory, and the other (2) clocks were put on airplanes. The airplanes flew 2 times around the world, and then these clocks were brought back to the lab. The clocks no longer showed the same times.

    Ever heard of Albert Einstein?

    Albert Einstein created equations, that show how time slows down, when objects travel at high speeds.
    Albert Einsteins theories of time slowing down at high speeds, have been (proven) 10 times over.
  18. Chad2

    Chad2 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Actually (4) atomic clocks were put on the airplanes, and other (separate) atomic clocks were left on the ground.
  19. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Time 'slows' (or speeds up) according to an observer(s), that is where the ‘relative’ in general relativity comes from. Velocity relative to an observer or observers or gravity (wells) can slow or stop time according to an observer. A good example is someone watching another fall towards and finally to the event horizon or a black hole. The observer watching would see the observed slowing as he approached closer and closer to the black hole, and stopping just before the EH. It would take an infinite amount of time for the observed to cross the EH. Time stops inside a black hole. Now I have left out a lot of stuff for brevity but as you can see time is relative to the observed and/or the observer(s).

    What is intensely interesting is that the escape velocity from a black hole is infinite. On earth its about 17,500 mph. Not even a rocket that could match light speed could escape a black holes gravity. Also interesting is that gravity and centrifugal force is ‘the same’. More on that later.

  20. polscie

    polscie New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    movement is speed.
    speed has an accurate measurement within the
    frame that equates to this observable
    a repeatable one second time.

    time is a count which is repetitive by one second only.
    one second is the longest observable stretch and limit of time.

    I believe that to extend the stretch and limit of a one second time frame could affect
    the capacity and capability of the brain to catch any event taking shape and to practically
    store it in its own memory.

    I do not believe in einstein.
    so what if time slows down at high speed?

    still the maximum observable limit of time is one second only.
  21. MrConservative

    MrConservative Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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  22. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    That is an interesting theory, and I understand what you are describing. There likely is some level of truth to that conjecture, but the simple truth is that such a simple explanation does not fit with current particle physics understanding.

    It is, however, generally believed by physicists that the energy of mass is related to fourth dimensional energy... although it is rather more complex than this. Mass is also derived from coupling with vacuum energy. It is all poorly understood.

    No, I believe interference effects would prevent the formation of any paradox. With time travel, it would cause normally quantum phenomena to manifest themselves on a macroscopic scale, and through a bizarre series of coincidences you would find that you were unnable to alter time. There is no consensus on what exactly would happen by theorists, but this is the theory I believe is most fitting with current understanding of physics. The interesting thing is that the same coincidences that would prevent one from altering the past might actually be exerting an effect in the present, making it very difficult for anyone to go back in time. In a way, the universe may be acting as a sort of giant quantum computer, conspiring to prevent backwards time travel by humans. It might be much easier from the perspective of probability to prevent time travel rather than creating bizarre situations to prevent paradoxes. We should also remember that these types of barriers might also simply result in an increased chance of death for those attempting to time travel. It is really quite interesting to think about, but the fact is that these types of things happen all the time at a microscopic level. The universe does not allow paradoxes. In optics and particle physics, the supression of one possibility results in an increase probability for the other allowable outcomes.

    Actually, some theorists believe that einstein's theories might break down at high enough energies. With the energy of the quantum vacuum becomes insignificant compared to velocity, then the coupling that gives the matter mass could be altered. The matter could then escape the influence of space-time, but more realistically only over a certain distance before it lost energy. Similarly, some suspect that at high enough frequencies, electromagnetic radiation might be absorbed by the quantum vacuum, a non-linear optics phenomena.
  23. darckriver

    darckriver New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2010
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    Looks like my world line is really a line segment.
  24. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    In fact that is a consideration and an unknown in backwards time travel which has not been prove as possible by experiment like forward time travel has. The problem of changing the universes time line and blotting out (our) time line is called a paradox, a grandfather paradox is the entire name of it. However various solutions to the grandfather paradox have been suggested, none very plausible.

  25. RevAnarchist

    RevAnarchist New Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    The classical theory (Einstein) tells us that attaining 100% light speed velocity by normal matter is ‘impossible‘. In fact even accelerating a tenth of a gram to 100% c would require more energy than exists in the universe. Every calculation indicates 'infinite' energy is the amount needed to accelerate matter in any amount to c, so its obvious it ain’t going to’ happen by traditional methods. Theoretically there are other methods, but they require folding bending etc spacetime etc.


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