Give us a situation report of your local area. Multiculturalism & real life

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Aldric, Aug 22, 2013.


Did multiculturalism is working in your local area

  1. Yes, it's working

    12 vote(s)
  2. No, it's not

    7 vote(s)
  3. multiculturalism isn't enforced in my local area

    1 vote(s)
  1. Aldric

    Aldric New Member

    Apr 30, 2013
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    Hello, everyone. I have been reading trough PF forum a lot, and i was mainly bothered to see little references to real life matters. More often than not, people throw sourced and unsourced claim and start fighting over it.

    I would just like to know a bit more of people real life especially about people in the "western world". Concerning a few matters.
    For those fearing NSA and other, you may just give the region, you don't have to get in deep street details. You don't even have to answer all the 13 questions if you wish.
    I intend to personally answer my quizz in a few days but i will leave it blank for now to avoid biais of news answered.
    We may discuss the answers of other people but please do not get in flame war by telling people lies about their answers. There is no way to check that.
    Politically incorrects slurs ( Nazis, facists, reds, commiz) and basics slurs ((*)(*)(*)(*)(*), crackers and ********* ect ... ) will probably had little to the debate but i'm against preventing people from telling what they think. I would like to get some restrain here.
  2. djlunacee

    djlunacee New Member

    Jun 24, 2013
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    You first.
  3. Aldric

    Aldric New Member

    Apr 30, 2013
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    I finished correcting the quizz and i intend to do it in a few days. However, if i do it now, it's may turn into a "Aldric life and what he thinks"
    I simply want to have first hand info about what is happening in their local area. As i'm quite convince that a lot of us have the same type of problems concerning multiculturalism and PC. .
  4. Aldric

    Aldric New Member

    Apr 30, 2013
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    Thanks for your insign, i'm waiting for some more before posting mine. And eventually suggest a conclusion based on people answers.
  5. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    White anglo saxon atheist - age 60, four kids, naturalized Canadian citizen living in Toronto.

    Homogenous and hetrogenous. large areas of mixed cultures (largely same economic strata) and large areas of common culture like Toronto has 4 "Chinatowns", at least 4 "little India/pakistans/east asian", 2 koreatowns, little jamaica, portugese, italian, greek, etc. etc.

    Demographic studies indicate that greater toronto population will be minority white by 2030.

    Our media for the most part celebrates multiculturalism and most definitely diversity and tolerance. Denounces victimization of citizens regardless of minority.


    If respect for others is politically correct then yes. You can't be a racist and you can't sexually harrass employees. And I have witnessed a number of people being "punished", e.g. reprimanded, forced to apologize, and in three cases fired.

    Not politically correct, but most definitely tolerant of others. Yes, a number of bigots have been socially excluded.


    Criminality is based mostly on economic factors. Toronto ghettos tend to be multi-cultural. Gangs are a generally a local neighbourhood problem. Racial and religious differences don't seem to dominate community dialogue.


    Of course they are. Such programs are targetted at the economically challenged regardless of race/religion/ethinicity.



    Yes I avoid going into certain areas at night - areas populated with druggies, street walkers, alkies and general lowlifes.
    No my relatives don't counsel me on who to associate with or avoid.

    Yes its working quite well. Its would be pretty hard to have more people with different backgrounds. On my street, there are turks, kurds, jews, caribeans, afghanis, pakistanis, muslims, christians, portugese, and other white people with an economic spread from working poor to upper middle class.
  6. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    No it's not. Hispanics have a similar precentage of their population living below the poverty line as blacks, have a higher high school dropout rate, and graduate from college at a lower percentage, and they still commit far less violent crime than blacks. Blacks during the depression had a 50% unemployment rate and crime was lower in the Depression than it is now. In fact, crime went down during the Depression.

    Progressives condense a complex issue like crime down to "poverty" in an attempt to redistribute more wealth to their loyal voting blocs. It's pathetic, and it doesn't explain reality.
  7. IAF_Commander

    IAF_Commander New Member

    Aug 18, 2013
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    1. Who are you (if you wish to give some personal racial/religious/cultural background infos ) Where are you living ?

    I'm a white Australian living in Brisbane, Queensland

    2. Is the population of your area is homogeneous, racial, cultural, religious mix , or live "side by side" in separated community. Give us a short line overview of the situation, from what your can see what are the percentage ? Racial cultural and religious ratios could be interesting.

    It's diverse. Some areas more than others.

    3. Does your mainstream media call for more multiculturalism, diversity or tolerance ? Does your media favour victimization of minorities ?


    4. Do you have affirmative action for women and/or minorities enforced by laws or by local authority initiative ?

    Some private companies and many organisations have instituted this and goverment departments have too. However private companies and organisations are not required to

    5. Does your place of work/study enforce politically correct rules ( anti-racism, anti-sexism) do you personally know people who have been punished for those reason ?

    yes. I have been punished

    6. Does your friends circle are politically correct ? Did you saw them enforcing it trough social exclusion/threat ( You bigot bastard. Why did you said that ? ) of their circle


    7. Do you have "multicultural problems in your area ? What are the causes in your opinion.

    yes. I don't know.

    8. What are the type of issue who happen between community of your area. Criminality ? Religious differences ? Racial incompatibility ?

    Because I live in an area with rich, international students their is no problem with violence from them. However the same old problem with the black races persists. In other areas of my city you might get beaten up, raped or killed by ex-child warriors or some other vicious person.

    9. Do you know if the local authority are providing special welfare or supports to certain minorities/part of the population in order to tackle those problems.

    Yes. They are.

    10. Do you know household who fleed the area due to criminality/dangerous upraise or cultural incompatibility with minorities ?


    11. did you ever left or plan to leave your area specifically because of the neighbourhood ?

    I had my home invaded by part aborigines. That was when I lived in a less savory area.

    12. Do you have to avoid going certain area of where you live. ? Does your relatives tell you to avoid certain type of persons with physical description ( skin colour, displayed religions, ways of talking )


    13. Poll questions : Do you think multiculturalism is working is your are ? Do you wish more cultures and people of different backgrounds living close by ?

    mostly I just the cost of living rise caused by immigration. I'm paying through the nose to bulid infracture and make room in housing for it. It's a horrible injustice imposed upon my people.
  8. Redalgo

    Redalgo New Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    I am Euro-American, live in the U.S. republic of Montana (northwest), and spent my early childhood in the U.S. republic of Minnesota (west-central). My ethnic background is a mix of German, Norwegian, English, Scots-Irish, and Swiss. That background makes me part of the ethnic majority group in a very large, northern swath of the United States bordering Canada. Though to some extent culturally assimilated, I do have a place in a few deviant sub-cultures.

    To give you some relevant statistics for my community, I am (a):

    Native to the U.S. - 97% majority
    Anglophone - 96% majority
    White - 94% majority

    Not a homeowner - 42% minority
    Not Conservative - 35% minority
    Never married - 27% minority
    University graduate - 26% minority

    Irreligious - approx. 21% minority
    Below poverty level - 17% minority
    Not politically mainstream - 3% minority

    The population of approximately 91,000 in my area is racially and culturally homogeneous.

    The largest minority group relative to non-Hispanic White / European Americans are Native Americans, followed by Latinos and then African Americans. The minorities in this regard account for about 6% of the population. Catholics have a religious plurality (33%), followed in popularity by Evangelicals (12%), Christians with the Assemblies of God (11%), Mormons (9%) and Lutherans (6%). Many of the remainder are cultural Protestants not affiliated with a specific denomination. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Sikhs, Atheists, etc. do not have any significant presence.

    Local media outlets have a variety of biases, some for and some against in each case. On the whole, the local media is sympathetic to Native Americans and calls for more tolerance of minority groups but not more multiculturalism or diversity, and is oft a tool by which folks of many different perspectives can advocate their views to a broader audience.

    There is affirmative action for women and minorities here but, in spite of there being more women than men in my community, fully 80% of local firms are owned by men. Ethnic and racial minorities are too small locally to find statistics that strongly suggest they are treated either equally or unequally relative to those in the majority... though in Montana in general Native Americans in particular have substantially worse economic prospects relative to Whites and do at times face discrimination.

    My workplace enforces a highly tolerant, humanistic set of values - if that what you mean by politically correct. To my knowledge none of my coworkers have been punished for politically incorrect remarks and none of the employees discriminate along socially unacceptable lines. The government is my employer and seems to take the equitable provision of public services seriously.

    No and yes. My circle of friends is not politically correct insofar as many men I meet with in town for community service meetings and events seem to be prejudiced against women and minority groups. I also have more irreligious, leftist, and foreign friends than is typical in my community. On the other hand, my social network is also "politically correct" because I have friends of varied sexes, genders, sexual orientations, nationalities, religions, races, political convictions, ages, etc.

    No such problems are evident, though in nearby communities there are some problems that seem to arise from the longstanding and vast gulf of economic inequality between European and Native Americans. Fundamentally, the original cause of it was decades of U.S. imperialism, ethnocentrism, and cultural genocide to the detriment of regional Native nations, along with subsequent discrimination which hindered their efforts to help themselves recover.

    There is minor gang activity, no significant religious or ethnic divides, and the only racial incompatibility appears to come in the form of local White supremacists antagonizing and occasionally lashing out with violence against the community's small and diffuse minority presence. Those folk oft use Nazi symbolism and want racial groups to be geographically separate. The only local protests take the form of anti-abortion picketing and OWS rallies.

    To my knowledge, the local authorities offer small amounts of means-tested welfare to those who are destitute for short periods of time. I am not aware of ethnic or racial groups getting special assistance, although benefits vary between men and women in some respects and religious organizations receive special benefits under the tax code. A lot of farmers can get subsidies, as well, but none of these efforts seem intended to promote tolerance or equality.

    No... but I do know people who fled the area due to persistently high rates of unemployment and underemployment. A small number of people move to this area specifically because it is a homogeneous "conclave" for White people. Some do the same in northern Idaho and also in eastern Washington but that is not a factor most people consider when they move to here.

    No... but I have considered leaving my area specifically because of its low wage-earning prospects and substandard economic opportunities relative to much of the United States.

    I have been warned about some neighborhoods where crime rates are unusually high but these areas do not differ from the rest of the community in demographics, except that the inhabitants are comparably poor. Some places of business (bars and saloons mostly) are rumored to be unsafe, too, due to their customers being intolerant of minorities and people thought to be from out of town. There are no public spaces where I feel unsafe, yet local bars generally feel unsafe to me so I avoid all except the two with which I am most familiar.

    Danger and criminality in my community has a White face, if that is what you are asking, and crime rates are average.

    Pluralism with ethnocentric, pro-assimilation tendencies - not multiculturalism - is the established approach to dealing with diversity in my community. I want there to be more diversity of culture and people living close by, and I want more of it in my neighborhood.
  9. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    I hope you don't get your wish. To destroy one of the last bastions of white America simply because of a xenophilic and progressive attraction to the foreign is a sick thought. There's plenty of areas in the US where you could move to satiate your progressive appetite for everything non-white. Go there.
  10. iAWESOME

    iAWESOME New Member

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Native Americans are White people hate each other. Other than that everybody else gets along.
  11. Redalgo

    Redalgo New Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    And while I respect that, knowing that white nationalists fear the cultural impact of folk like me is empowering and highly motivational. I do not want to move someplace else. I want your sort to live to see the day each and every one of these bastions crumble and become enriched with a teeming variety of harmoniously interacting (and interbreeding!) peoples.
  12. iAWESOME

    iAWESOME New Member

    Jun 5, 2010
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    You....I like you..
  13. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I am a white male in my 50s, I subscribe to no religious beliefs (raised Christian, in the Methodist and Episcopal church traditions), of mostly Scots-Irish and German extraction, whose last immigrant ancestors date to around 1837, but with most having been here prior to the colonies breaking away from British rule. I also have some rumoured Native American ancestry, but nothing documented. One branch of my family are dark-skinned to the point where people assume their either black or of some mixed race/ethnicity.

    I live in southeast Michigan. Not willing to divulge more than that.

    Where I live is probably 80-90% white, though I used to live in a mixed black/white/hispanic/middle eastern/central asian neighborhood, living side by side. This wasn't a factor in our moving, just to be clear. We simply wanted a bigger house. Where I work is a true melting pot of people from many races/ethnicities, nationalities, and cultures. As for the religious mix, it's everything from Missouri Synod Lutherans to Greek Orthodox to Hindu to unaffiliated evangelicals.

    I don't follow mainstream media.

    A recent vote to repeal affirmative action was overturned by the court. Some groups enjoy anti-discrimination protection at the state level, more groups locally, though the legislature has threatened to force local governments to align with state protections, which would eliminate protections for gay men/lesbians, as an example.

    It's my understanding that they do have such rules governing workplace conduct, but I don't know of anyone who ever was punished under them.

    The precise opposite. For one, I'm largely anti-social and have only a few friends. Most of our socialization is with my partner's college friends, who are Roman Catholic and hard core Republicans. We only see them a few times a year, and that's plenty as far as I'm concerned.

    One controversy last year over Sikh children carrying symbolic daggers to school, related to their religion. Apart from that, nothing that comes to mind.

    Nothing I would know about.

    Not to my knowledge.

    No. Most of the 'flight' here has to do with the downturn in the auto industry.


    I suppose Detroit, though I've no reason to go there anyway.


    Seems to be working just fine where I work, not an issue where I live.
  14. Individual

    Individual Banned at Members Request

    Aug 7, 2012
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    You may be looking for information from different cities but I'll go ahead and answer your quiz anyway.

    I'm a 45 year old white male. I am currently living in rural Nebraska. I live in a small town of about 500 people.

    The population in my town is about 90 percent white and 10 percent Latino. The Latinos are mixed throughout the town. There is no one street where they all live. Most people in town are Christian. There are a few atheists. Most are Protestant but we do have a Catholic church with a full parking lot on Sunday.

    We don't really have a mainstream media. We have a paper that comes out once a week. The paper never really talks about race relations.

    I don't think our town has affirmative action laws. They may have anti discrimination policies when hiring people to work for the town. If Nebraska has affirmative action laws then they would be enforced here.

    I am self employed and have no employees working for me.

    I have friends that I met here and friends that I have known for years who I stay in touch with. I don't think any of them would describe me as politically correct. I wouldn't describe my friends as politically correct either.

    There are no mulitcultural problems in this area. I don't know anyone in town who is bigoted against the Latinos here. Not do I know of any Latinos here who are bigoted against the whites. I don't think culture is much of an issue here. Most people in town are in the lower income brackets and have the same problems.

    There's no racial incompatibility in town. No religious incompatibility either. As for crime, we have a stop sign in town and sometimes people get a ticket for running the sign. Some people get DUI's. I don't know of much theft happening here. No assaults. No murders.

    Local authorities are not providing special support to solve any multicultural problems because we really don't have any.

    No one has fled the area because of crime or cultural differences. Our problem here is that most of the younger people leave when they finish school because there just isn't a lot of opportunity here. A lot of the older people talk about what we can do to get the kids to stay. Older people talk about that a lot here.

    I wouldn't leave this area because of the neighborhood. My street is retirement lane. I'm 45 and definitely the youngest person on the street. I have a retired farmer who is a widower living on one side of me and a retired couple on the other side.

    There are no areas in town that anyone avoids.

    Multiculturalism might be working here. There are Latinos in town. We know they are Latinos. And nobody really cares about it. I don't hear any racist comments made to the Latinos or said behind their backs. We're all basically poor and don't try to do anything to each other that would make life harder for someone in the same boat as the rest of us.
  15. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Your utopian fantasy is just that — a fantasy. Thousands of these bastions have already crumbled due to this "variety" and "harmoniously" is not an adjective that anybody with knowledge would use to describe the end result. You must have missed that up there in your homogenous area that you take for granted. Unlike you, I've spent my entire life around this "variety". I know more of what I'm talking about. You have only feel good images of it that you gained from watching TV and movies.

    Whites are the only racial group that looks forward to the day that they are bred out of existence. This kind of suicidal attitude and self-loathing is pathetic. It's not a masculine quality at all. It's also not consistently applied. You wouldn't lament the lack of diversity in a homogenous black area, or any other racial area. Only in an area with a homogenous white population is it said that a "race problem" exists that can only be cured by introducing non-whites.

    White genocide. Anti-racism is a codeword for anti-white.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That's rich, coming from someone who advocated for blacks to return to Africa after Zimmerman was acquitted. What a steward of diversity you are.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Another win for team diversity.
  16. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Interesting thread, Aldric. Hope you get lots of responses. :)

    1. Who are you (if you wish to give some personal racial/religious/cultural background infos ) Where are you living ?

    I'm a white Christian female living in Dallas, Texas (where I was born, although I've traveled to most US states)

    2. Is the population of your area is homogeneous, racial, cultural, religious mix , or live "side by side" in separated community. Give us a short line overview of the situation, from what your can see what are the percentage ? Racial cultural and religious ratios could be interesting.

    By 'area' I don't pretend to speak for the State of Texas. Dallas is a big city and I'm a city dweller, living a few miles from downtown. So my stats are local, inner-city and not representative of 'the other side of the tracks' in Dallas, much less the whole state. The demographics for my zipcode are:

    Hispanic/Latino: 45.8%
    White*: 13.5%
    Black*: 39.5%
    Native American*: 0%
    Asian*: 0.2%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander*: 0%
    Other*: 0.1%
    Multiracial*: 0.7%

    Other zipcodes in Dallas have a larger mix of 'others' -- but my area is mainly black & brown... with a few whites thrown in for good measure. We live side-by-side, but separate lives except at work. For the most part, we have different tastes in restaurants, go to different churches, different hair salons, different nightclubs, different social circles. I have black neighbors (and gay neighbors) on my block and although we might wave in passing, we've never done the 'block party' thing. People pretty much mind their own business unless somebody needs help. Then they're surprisingly willing to get involved. That's not to say somebody CAN'T go a certain restaurant or church that's primarily black or white or brown. They can and would be welcomed. But most people don't. It's not in their 'comfort zone.' I've always considered it respecting each other's culture and never had a problem with people of any race. However, I don't pretend we're the same, either. We're not.

    3. Does your mainstream media call for more multiculturalism, diversity or tolerance ? Does your media favour victimization of minorities ?

    They don't have to call for it. The major newspaper prints a Spanish edition that shows up on my front lawn twice a week. And I don't speak Spanish! There is no victimization of minorities. In fact, it's 'in' to be a minority these days. When I shop at the local Fiesta Mart, I'm often the only white face in the store. If I see a black woman shopping, we'll smile at each other with that unspoken agreement it's nice to see a non-brown person around.

    4. Do you have affirmative action for women and/or minorities enforced by laws or by local authority initiative ?

    Yes, the govt made being female and/or minority a privileged class in the US a long time ago.

    5. Does your place of work/study enforce politically correct rules ( anti-racism, anti-sexism) do you personally know people who have been punished for those reason ?

    yes, they are very strict and we have posters on the bulletin warning of sexual harassment laws. However, rumor has it a member of sr mgmt. got caught in a compromising position with a young lady in the stairwell... but because he's black, everybody just kinda looked the other way. ;)

    6. Does your friends circle are politically correct ? Did you saw them enforcing it trough social exclusion/threat ( You bigot bastard. Why did you said that ? ) of their circle

    Most of my friends have had the same experiences I've had with people of other races. There's really no reason to discuss the subject, so it never comes up. I ignore people who make bigoted remarks.

    7. Do you have "multicultural problems in your area ? What are the causes in your opinion.

    Not in my community. There are huge mosques being built in suburbs that used to be majority white Christian. I know people who moved from that area, and I know people who live in northern suburbs who say their neighborhood is mostly Asian, so not speaking for everyone.

    8. What are the type of issue who happen between community of your area. Criminality ? Religious differences ? Racial incompatibility ?

    In my area most of the crime is black on black or brown on brown. Having said that, I rarely venture out at night and try to stay alert to my surroundings. Other than the usual 'thugs' you see occasionally, most people in my area treat each other with respect.

    9. Do you know if the local authority are providing special welfare or supports to certain minorities/part of the population in order to tackle those problems.

    Lord help us, we don't need anymore special welfare. They're all carrying smartphones now. 99% of minority problems are self-inflicted. It will never be 'fixed' by throwing more $$$ at the do-nothings. In fact, if you stopped throwing $$$ they might break down and get a job. Unemp in my area is 4.3%.

    10. Do you know household who fleed the area due to criminality/dangerous upraise or cultural incompatibility with minorities ?

    Not in my neighborhood.

    11. did you ever left or plan to leave your area specifically because of the neighbourhood ?

    No, I avoided the 'white flight' of the 70's and held my ground. In return, I have a lovely home in a nice peaceful neighborhood where everyone minds their own business. Not sure my friends in the suburbs would say the same thing.

    12. Do you have to avoid going certain area of where you live. ? Does your relatives tell you to avoid certain type of persons with physical description ( skin colour, displayed religions, ways of talking )

    I use common sense to avoid areas & people that could be dangerous. Hell, I live in a neighborhood some people say is dangerous!

    13. Poll questions : Do you think multiculturalism is working is your are ? Do you wish more cultures and people of different backgrounds living close by ?

    Yes, I'd say it's working. While I don't begrudge the Mexican people leaving a miserable country for the chance at a better life... I did have to stand back and watch them take over my neighborhood so my life was affected. However, I also watched them take over vacant shopping areas and turn them into bustling marketplaces. And I noticed MOST of them are gentle, hard-working people who are usually both religious and family-oriented. Not bad qualities. I have no problem with them.

    Here's a link for anyone interested in checking out US zip code demographics. It's pretty kewl.
  17. Redalgo

    Redalgo New Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    There are challenges yet to overcome - I will cede that - but I welcome the opportunity to meet them with determination and help my comrades emerge better off for having done it.

    Some people certainly do have double-standards in this regard, and perhaps I do as well without realizing it. To the best of my knowledge however I'm not ashamed of being White, do not have a negative opinion of Whites in general, am adamantly opposed to Black nationalism in addition to other perspectives that call for the separation, segregation, or allege the cultural superiority or inferiority of certain social groups, and do not care about whether other people consider my views or attributes masculine. If there is anything I loathe, it is having been raised in a homogeneous area, which makes immersion for me into relatively diverse environments feel like such a strange and foreign experience. It should feel normal, familiar, and be something I do not even give a second thought to going about my daily tasks. And that is how it will be - and should be - one day.
  18. hseiken

    hseiken New Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    33, atheist, white living in San Diego.

    My neighbor hood is quite diverse. In my small indie apartment complex alone, there's a black family, a hispanic family, 2 white families, a white couple, a 2 asian families (well, one's's a white dude married to an asian chick).

    I don't know, I only pay attention to what city council says.

    No idea, it hasn't ever affected me personally so it's off my radar.

    Yes. It's called professionalism.

    We rag on each other at times, but we know each other so it's irrelevant. None of us would dare say some of the things we've said at each other to strangers. It's common decency. Even colloquial language without PC'ness even being involved, such as me and friend are playing videogame and he beats me, I'd call him an eff-in cheating (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*). We're at one of our houses, we're good friends and we know neither of us cheated. I wouldn't dare yell that out in an arcade at a stranger.

    I personally am probably the worst person to ask. I notice everyone is about as friendly as porcupine at certain times of the day and then super chippy and want to engage in conversation at other times.

    This assumes I had answers for previous questions which I honestly don't. I'm ambivalent to my surroundings locally nearly 100%. I see white people being just as much of (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s as any other race so...trying to box them up into categories, it's easiest for me to have two boxes: (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s and not-(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s.

    No idea. Doesn't concern me because I'm white. If I was that concerned with what other people were doing/getting, I'm probably not happy with myself as a person. So far, these questions are leading somewhere that maybe you don't want my opinion on the questionairre, but you seem genuinely interested, so I'll finish answering them.

    First, it's 'fled'. 2nd, not particularly. I did know a dude who lived in a lower income part of town, but he didn't feel threatened as much as he was annoyed that neighbors wanted to borrow his vacuum cleaner and spatula, but he never felt unsafe. He was white and most of his neighbors were black, hispanic, pacific and ME.

    No. It's always been because of work or the place itself didn't meet my satisfaction in terms of things like price and services like cell phone signals and things of that nature.

    No. I visited NYC and walked around Harlem without feeling the need to keep looking over my shoulder or wondering 'Which one of these black dudes is gonna steal my wallet.' I just walked around like it was a normal city. I'm not aware of my parents having anything of these thoughts other than not wanting to be victimized by youngsters since they're older and of course, women typically don't like walking alone at night. Some are okay with it, but many I've talked to are not.

    I can't definitively answer that. I would say yes from my standpoint, but I practice the religion, if you will, of outward respect. That's part of why racism is rampant because it becomes easy to disrespect when there's something physical to attribute why you feel disrespected. I respect people until they give me a reason not to, anything from almost running me over when I'm crossing the street because they ran a stop sign to not even acknowledging my gesture of holding a door open for them so they don't have to struggle with their arms full. Decency isn't restricted to race. However, I think that some people mistake cultural standards as disrespect and I can understand that. At the same time, being ignorant to it is just as disrespectful.

    Just my two cents. Good luck finding what you're looking for in your questionnaire.
  19. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    I can pretty much guarantee you that will never happen. It will never 'feel' normal or familiar to be surrounded by non-whites. What you will 'feel' however is undoubtedly what minorities feel surrounded by whites... out of your comfort zone. It's natural. Viva la difference. We're not all the same.
  20. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I looked up some stats on my town. Turns out it's upwards of 90% white. Mostly Germans, Irish, English, Polish and Italian.

    As for religion, less than 50% are affiliated with any religion. Roman Catholics hold the biggest share.

    Unemployment here is supposedly close to 12%. Another source said closer to 7%.
  21. lizarddust

    lizarddust Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    1. Who are you (if you wish to give some personal racial/religious/cultural background infos ) Where are you living ?

    Northern European Caucasian. Born in northern Germany, immigrated to Australia with my parents as a young child,,58 years of age

    2. Is the population of your area is homogeneous, racial, cultural, religious mix , or live "side by side" in separated community. Give us a short line overview of the situation, from what your can see what are the percentage ? Racial cultural and religious ratios could be interesting.

    Ethnically mixed. Mainly European and Brits, with a sprinkling of Asians and South Americans but the majority Australian born going back several generations.

    3. Does your mainstream media call for more multiculturalism, diversity or tolerance ? Does your media favour victimization of minorities ?

    Yes. No

    4. Do you have affirmative action for women and/or minorities enforced by laws or by local authority initiative ?

    Anti discrimination laws are in place, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disabilities etc.

    5. Does your place of work/study enforce politically correct rules ( anti-racism, anti-sexism) do you personally know people who have been punished for those reason ?


    6. Does your friends circle are politically correct ? Did you saw them enforcing it trough social exclusion/threat ( You bigot bastard. Why did you said that ? ) of their circle

    Normally. I have friends who are in interracial marriages. Two couples European/Asian, one couple European/part Australian Aborigine . The are also quite a few Australian (Anglo)/Southern or Northern European mix. I'm German born , my wife is of Scottish/English ancestry.

    7. Do you have "multicultural problems in your area ? What are the causes in your opinion.

    Generally no.

    8. What are the type of issue who happen between community of your area. Criminality ? Religious differences ? Racial incompatibility ?

    Occasional burglaries, car thefts, fighting, drunkenness etc. Ethnicity or race is not noted. No stats available.

    9. Do you know if the local authority are providing special welfare or supports to certain minorities/part of the population in order to tackle those problems.

    There is always assistance for 'new Australians" by way of English classes, job search, social security is available for any ethnic group.

    10. Do you know household who fleed the area due to criminality/dangerous upraise or cultural incompatibility with minorities ?

    Not to my knowledge.

    11. did you ever left or plan to leave your area specifically because of the neighbourhood ?

    Not on a permanent basis although at the moment I'm living and working overseas. I plan to retire in the area where I grew up.

    12. Do you have to avoid going certain area of where you live. ? Does your relatives tell you to avoid certain type of persons with physical description ( skin colour, displayed religions, ways of talking )

    The local mall in the city is not the place to walk through late at night. Drunken idiots of any ethnic persuasion can be about just looking for a fight. They will pick on anyone irrespective of age or ethnicity.

    13. Poll questions : Do you think multiculturalism is working is your are ? Do you wish more cultures and people of different backgrounds living close by ?

    My area has been very multicultural since the 1960s when migrants from Europe immigrated to man the heavy industry here. Firstly northern Europeans, then southern and eastern Europeans moved into the area. After 1976, SE Asians, South Americans (Chileans making up the majority) and more recently Africans, but they are small in number.

    I don't see any really issues with multiculturalism in my area. My street alone would have at least ten or twelve different nationalities. Everyone gets on.
  22. Molke

    Molke Banned

    May 11, 2013
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    Northern Virginia, affluent. Huge numbers of spanish speakers arriving last 15 years. Drastic increase in
    crime. Gun sales and training big business as yuppies get exposure to multiculturalism. Social violence
    (American Eagle, only bird that craps in it's own nest)
  23. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Fortunately your attitudes represent a dying minority of xenophobes and racist bigotry. Long may they continue to decline. Of course you could always move to an all-white nation. Oh, wait, there are none. Tough luck son, deal with your hate. There never was anything resembling "white America", unless you can demonstrate otherwise. You already tried to annihilate America's only genuine indigenous people and failed.

    For the record; I'm white, of Polish origin and my small city (pop: 100,000) has a predominantly white population, with a great mix of minorities-Lebanese, Moroccan, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Polish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Colombian, Ecuadorian and Turkish. We also have a great university which embraces students from around the globe. No problems with racism other than from a few ignorant idiots-all white who have physically attacked those who look 'different'. The police deal with these retarded morons adequately.

    Crime is overwhelmingly a white issue. Apart from that everyone gets along just fine and there's no paranoia about the imminent death of white culture-aside from the usual white, conservatives of a certain age and disposition who dream of the Raj and appeasing the 'fuzzy-wuzzies' with gifts of beads. They're dying-off too.
  24. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    1. Who are you (if you wish to give some personal racial/religious/cultural background infos ) Where are you living ?

    Tecoyah, Caucasian/Agnostic/Middle class/ in Louisville, KY

    2. Is the population of your area is homogeneous, racial, cultural, religious mix , or live "side by side" in separated community. Give us a short line overview of the situation, from what your can see what are the percentage ? Racial cultural and religious ratios could be interesting.

    As with most large cities in the United States, Louisville has self segregated economically. The middle and upper classes live in the "Nice" areas of the city while those in the lower classes (poverty) generally live in the "Bad/Unsafe" area. There are racial divides as well, as in black neighborhoods which are very violent and avoided by everyone no a part of the black community for safety reasons.

    3. Does your mainstream media call for more multiculturalism, diversity or tolerance ? Does your media favour victimization of minorities ?

    No....local media here tends to simply report on the violence and leave people to draw what conclusions they will.

    4. Do you have affirmative action for women and/or minorities enforced by laws or by local authority initiative ?

    Not on a state level.

    5. Does your place of work/study enforce politically correct rules ( anti-racism, anti-sexism) do you personally know people who have been punished for those reason ?

    Yes, according to federal laws.

    6. Does your friends circle are politically correct ? Did you saw them enforcing it trough social exclusion/threat ( You bigot bastard. Why did you said that ? ) of their circle

    I do not befriend those of a bigoted mindset.

    7. Do you have "multicultural problems in your area ? What are the causes in your opinion.

    The city has it's share of cultural issues in certain areas as described above.

    8. What are the type of issue who happen between community of your area. Criminality ? Religious differences ? Racial incompatibility ?

    No problems in my community....which is why I live here.

    9. Do you know if the local authority are providing special welfare or supports to certain minorities/part of the population in order to tackle those problems.

    Not locally.

    10. Do you know household who fleed the area due to criminality/dangerous upraise or cultural incompatibility with minorities ?


    11. did you ever left or plan to leave your area specifically because of the neighbourhood ?

    No....not ignorant enough to live in such an area to begin with.

    12. Do you have to avoid going certain area of where you live. ? Does your relatives tell you to avoid certain type of persons with physical description ( skin colour, displayed religions, ways of talking )

    I do not "Have" to avoid certain areas, though I most certainly "Choose" to. I will not allow my wife to go to these areas under any circumstance, and will accompany her if she needs to go within several blocks.

    13. Poll questions : Do you think multiculturalism is working is your are ? Do you wish more cultures and people of different backgrounds living close by ?

    Multiculturalism (as with everything else), works sometimes and has problems as well. We have a very diverse population here in religion and race....generally quite pleasantly living side by side. With the exception of the black community there seems very little crime or dissent.
  25. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    We don't have many new people here because our community was destroyed by the thatcherites, but there are lots of very nice Somalis in Caerdydd/Cardiff, and we mostly get on well, in my experience.

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