Give us a situation report of your local area. Multiculturalism & real life

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Aldric, Aug 22, 2013.


Did multiculturalism is working in your local area

  1. Yes, it's working

    12 vote(s)
  2. No, it's not

    7 vote(s)
  3. multiculturalism isn't enforced in my local area

    1 vote(s)
  1. Aldric

    Aldric New Member

    Apr 30, 2013
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    1. Who are you (if you wish to give some personal racial/religious/cultural background infos ) Where are you living ?
    Agnostic with light Christian values my parents were immigrants from Andalusia ( south Spain ). Me and my parents are living in Poitiers ( west part of France, small sized cities. But since 3 years i'm working in Paris and south Paris region ( Essonne )

    2. Is the population of your area is homogeneous, racial, cultural, religious mix , or live "side by side" in separated community. Give us a short line overview of the situation, from what your can see what are the percentage ? Racial cultural and religious ratios could be interesting.

    In Poitiers

    70%+ are Europeans/white or Mediterranean, either Christian, atheist, with some Jewish as well. The rest is 15% black or arabian and 5% asian (chinese and vietnamese )
    In 5 years between 1999 and 2004 the population increased only by 0,74 % mostly by immigrations. Leading to one of the lowest reproductive rate of the country.
    There is a increasing numbers of muslims however, there was a scandal when "Generation identitaire" occupied the to-be mosquee and asked for a public referendum to ask about "none-european immigration and mosque construction)

    As a reminder. "Le figaro" opinion poll say that in october 2012, 18% agreed for the new mosque, 43% oppose and the rest are neutral.
    And according to "Le monde" 75% of french think that islam is an intolerant religion.

    Now in south paris that another problem. I was truly distributed to noticed that in Evry ( Essonne capital ) i'm playing "find someone looking french" game. It's not just the skin colour, is the fact that people shameless dress like in Africa or in the middle east. That highly disturbing when you have the impression to be in Bamako when shopping your food.

    Since ethnical stats are forbidden to prevent racial issues from being adressed
    The map show the % of new born affected by "drepanocytose" a genetic disease hitting mainly african, and north african immigrants.


    I would said that in Evry. 50% of the population is black, 10% asian, 15% arabic and the rest europeans/white.

    That also why tourists are usually disappointed to find real African colony in some area of Paris where they expected a refined French culture environment.
    Not to mention the usual no-go zone which are of course a real pain for asian and white and non-muslims

    RER D the one i take to go work.


    As a final. I hate Paris area mainly due to no-go zone thanks "youth militia"
    They are essentially the ones preventing people from going in drug dealing "No-go" zone trough terror. They would ask for a cigarette to see if you are the victim time and start robbing/beating you if you are not part of their "cité" AKA tribe.

    This happened last week on my train line (RER D )

    Veiled women, islamists, and gangsters are not subjected to this of course. Which explain why some are forced to convert to islam in order to live in peace.

    3. Does your mainstream media call for more multiculturalism, diversity or tolerance ? Does your media favour victimization of minorities ?

    Yes, they do, and most of the mainstream talk about "social mixity". Povrety and employement are taken as main issues causing violence, whereas is in constant increase since 70s, the time when open door policies has been decided for immigrants.

    4. Do you have affirmative action for women and/or minorities enforced by laws or by local authority initiative ?

    Political lists are on certain case forced to have 50/50 unless they want to pay a special taxes. Minority policy are part of the biggest companies PR. Otherwise no enforcement in my area.

    5. Does your place of work/study enforce politically correct rules ( anti-racism, anti-sexism) do you personally know people who have been punished for those reason ?
    I do remember being sorted out to protest out of my school, in 2002, when a far-right candidate Jean-marie Le pen was in the presidential 2nd turn. Otherwise i know case of a student radio girl not being called back because she displayed support to the national right Marine le Pen candidate in 2012. The leader of the talk show i was working with was hired after the socialist success (2012) in the local party socialist town hall.

    6. Does your friends circle are politically correct ? Did you saw them enforcing it trough social exclusion/threat ( You bigot bastard. Why did you said that ? ) of their circle
    Doing little discrimination within my friends circle, i found myself having to mute or to tone down my opinon to avoid being outcasted. I remember clearly heaten debate with the french group i was with in India where i end up my self corned against a half of dozen opponents (in politics ) after i disagreed with the immigration and security policy in France. At this point, i was trying to find answers of what i saw in Paris and South Paris and what i considered to be a total failure of multiculturalism.

    7. Do you have "multicultural problems in your area ? What are the causes in your opinion.

    In Poitiers, it's still just minor strife, we are still seing more and more veiled women in supermarket but they are not anywhere near what i saw in Paris.
    In south Paris, i can hardly consider to be in France within the populated area. A mish-mash of asian, african, and islamist people would lead any proper frenchmen to think he is in a foreign place now. But the people (even from european origins ) living there are taking foreign cultures as a way to protect them and not being beaten up by gangs for looking too much French.

    8. What are the type of issue who happen between community of your area. Criminality ? Religious differences ? Racial incompatibility ?

    Criminality mainly, i would say employment but a lone mother with 4 children earn more than a salary and pay 0 euro for her accommodation. Drugs problems are frequent but nothing as bad in east Paris ( Saint-denis, )
    A far west style attack occured in Grigny station.
    The slight problem is that most were underage and received light sentence by a CHILDREN tribunal.
    After looting a train, none of them gone to prison.
    If i was them, there would be no issue to do it again.

    9. Do you know if the local authority are providing special welfare or supports to certain minorities/part of the population in order to tackle those problems.

    The french system is rewarding people without legal ressources. The poorer you are, the more you got from the states.
    Social security and family benefits are part of that. Free accomodation if you have a large family.
    On a estimate, people in "Difficult" neibourhood, receive 4X more attention from state in repair, new building, special funds than rest of the cities.
    The main problem is the lack of education, including basics read, talk, write, in France. No amount of cash is going to turn foreigners with a french ID, in Frenchmen with a french cultures.
    More info here

    10. Do you know household who fleed the area due to criminality/dangerous upraise or cultural incompatibility with minorities ?

    Not technically, but i know a fire-fighter lieutenant who had left Melun ( South-East of Paris ) because her daughter was learning Wolof ( an African language ) in school after 2 weeks. Her mother insisted to leave and go somewhere more suitable to educate her girl.

    11. did you ever left or plan to leave your area specifically because of the neighbourhood ?

    I'm forced to stay in Paris for at least a year due to my work, but i will probably leave it as soon as i can afford it.
    Despite not being racist, i will have to check the amount of foreigner and" french" of foreigners origins before settling.

    12. Do you have to avoid going certain area of where you live. ? Does your relatives tell you to avoid certain type of persons with physical description ( skin colour, displayed religions, ways of talking )

    Yes, No-go zone as mentioned. The type of person to avoid in France are Roms and gypsie ( thief), and gangsters , mostly black and arabic ( with hoodie and US jumpsuit ). There is a specific accent, that people need to be aware of too.

    13. Poll questions : Do you think multiculturalism is working is your are ? Do you wish more cultures and people of different backgrounds living close by ?

    I don't think it's working. 3 european leader ( Sarkozy, Merkel and Cameron ) said multiculturalism failed, yet, we still talking about it like if it was a fine idea.
    If i learnt anything in my life, is that people who don't want to live together won't live together. And that living side by side is near impossible when differents cultures collide. There need to be a mainstream culture, and people have to abide by those values. Or else one type of population will be forced to leave or integrate.

    At the moment, i saw native french integrating into afro-american gangsta style to not be victimized, and french girl integrating into islamic culture to avoid problems. This won't last forever. The french people were never asked about it, and i really don't see a easy way out of this

    Bonus : UK rabbi said multiculturalism failed.

    here the main problem :
  2. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Anybody else notice the trend here? Folks who usually accuse orhers of being racists all live in predominately white communities. They talk the talk, but when it comes to actually living among (esp) Blacks, they prefer lily white communities for their own families. It's called hypocrisy and its rampant among lefties. No surprise there, huh?
  3. Aldric

    Aldric New Member

    Apr 30, 2013
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    I'm think there is something to do with looting train and random beating.

    Otherwise. thanks everyone who posted. I will start commenting when i got more time.
  4. lizarddust

    lizarddust Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2010
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    Multiculturalism isn't always about race.
  5. hseiken

    hseiken New Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Being called racist isn't the most devestating thing any of us here could be called. I think a lot of you are too sensitive to it. everyone's got predjiduce wired into them in some form due to genetics and the 'THEM' factor. The people who are trash are those that act upon it without having a good reason and those who take that feeling and become an aggressor to all 'THEM' members.
  6. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    His anti-white rhetoric is just as anti-black if you care. Who would vanish quicker whites or the 1000 + a few black people living in America?
  7. CKW

    CKW Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
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    1. Who are you (if you wish to give some personal racial/religious/cultural background infos ) Where are you living ? I live in NE Oklahoma, white, 49 yr, Southern Baptist

    2. Is the population of your area is homogeneous, racial, cultural, religious mix , or live "side by side" in separated community. Give us a short line overview of the situation, from what your can see what are the percentage ? Racial cultural and religious ratios could be interesting.
    My Zip code is diverse:
    Hispanic/Latino: 5.2%
    White*: 56.8%
    Black*: 25.1%
    Native American*: 7%
    Asian*: 0.3%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander*: 0.1%
    Other*: 0.1%
    Multiracial*: 5.4%

    Over all my metro area is 70% white, 16% black, 5% American Indian and 7% Hispanic. This is a religious area---a church on every corner it seems. My church is diverse with black, mixed, indian and whites---but that is the neighborhood I live in. We have a black majority residential area within the city. Though blacks will move out of it, white will not move in black neighborhoods---they aren't particularly welcome. Some really nice areas there. The gang activity tend to come from the poorer parts of black majority areas and most gang murders occur in those areas.

    There are no "American Indian Majority" areas...but they tend to marry within the race and are cohesive. The tribes that live here focus on keeping Indian culture strong and marrying outside of the Indian race is somehow discouraged. We have Indians and their children in my church and I just can't figure out how full blooded indians still exist but they do. My understanding is that Indian children attending majority hispanic schools get bullied--there is some aminosity there for some reason.

    3. Does your mainstream media call for more multiculturalism, diversity or tolerance ? Does your media favour victimization of minorities ? We have activists that accuse racisim when a racial quota isn't met within police dept for instance. That is the most angst I've seen. I don't see media being overly liberal here---even the Newspaper. And conservative talk radio rules.

    4. Do you have affirmative action for women and/or minorities enforced by laws or by local authority initiative ? Due to activism---black affirmative action is the most apparent.

    5. Does your place of work/study enforce politically correct rules ( anti-racism, anti-sexism) do you personally know people who have been punished for those reason ? We can discuss politics. But most people don't venture to much into sensitive areas like abortion and affirmative action in the workplace. Sexual harrassment is of course against the rules, but no one will get fired for thinking women should be in the home iwth the children.

    6. Does your friends circle are politically correct ? Did you saw them enforcing it trough social exclusion/threat ( You bigot bastard. Why did you said that ? ) of their circle My extended family is extreme liberal, but we love each other regardless. They think I'm a homophobe but its all good.

    7. Do you have "multicultural problems in your area ? What are the causes in your opinion. The main problem we have in my opinion is that black majority schools focus too much on black history and not enough on American History or opportunities. There are black parents that will not allow their kids to attend white majority schools no matter what the test scores that school may have. Hispanic children have a school that works with them if they don't speak good english.

    8. What are the type of issue who happen between community of your area. Criminality ? Religious differences ? Racial incompatibility ? I would say the main conflict is gang culture. I live right on the edge of where it is.

    9. Do you know if the local authority are providing special welfare or supports to certain minorities/part of the population in order to tackle those problems. I think we do pretty good as compared to some of the larger cities.

    10. Do you know household who fleed the area due to criminality/dangerous upraise or cultural incompatibility with minorities ? Well,, when my older kids had to go to a middle school that was beseiged with out of control kids, blacks bussed in from another part of town. My kids were getting intimidated, their lockers broken into and the teachers were helpless. We couldn't take them to another school because of a desegregation law that said white kids could only transfer into black majority school if they came from a black majority school. So....we moved to that the kids could go to another school. That law has since been dismantled.

    11. did you ever left or plan to leave your area specifically because of the neighbourhood ? Yes...we lived in a neighborhood peacefull for several years but then started seeing bands of gangs going down our street.

    12. Do you have to avoid going certain area of where you live. ? Does your relatives tell you to avoid certain type of persons with physical description ( skin colour, displayed religions, ways of talking ) No.

    13. Poll questions : Do you think multiculturalism is working is your are ? Do you wish more cultures and people of different backgrounds living close by ? Cultures clash. I'm not looking for more cultures to clash with.
  8. Dusty1000

    Dusty1000 Member

    Aug 21, 2012
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    White, male, agnostic, 47, live in Glasgow, which is Scotland's biggest city with a population of just under 1 million, if you include the suburbs which are attached to the city.

    By far the largest ethnic minority group in Glasgow are Asians, most of whom originate from Pakistan, who comprise around 5% of the population. Most of them do tend to live in the same areas, but that's where most Asian food shops and mosques etc are. And even at that, they are probably still a minority in those areas.

    There are very few racial problems, although many of the older (60+) indigenous white people tend to be racist in nature. I was talking with a local Asian shop owner not so long ago, about how his smaller competitor, who has higher prices, round the corner manages to survive, and he reckons the other shop gets the business from some of the older generation who would never come into his shop on account of him being of Asian origin. These sort of people view Asians as ''dirty,'' although ironically their hygiene customs tend to be cleaner than ours.

    There are plenty of crime ridden areas in Glasgow with high unemployment and lots of drug addicts etc, but almost everyone who lives in these areas is white, and most identify themselves as either protestant or catholic, and divide themselves on that basis (even though most of them are probably atheists). The only Asians you're likely to find in these areas are grocer shop owners, who work there but live elsewhere. One thing Asians in Glasgow are well known for is owning grocer shops. The first notable wave of immigrants from Pakistan was in the 1970s, when the government let them immigrate to take up the low-paid jobs that couldn't otherwise be filled with competent people. The first Asians I remember seeing in the entirely white middle class area I grew up in were bus drivers. Nowadays, a significant number, if not the majority of independent grocer shops in Glasgow, are owned by people of Asian origin, despite the fact that they only comprise 5% of the population. It is thanks to them that there are grocer shops open 24 hrs all over the city.

    They are known for their conservative family values and living below their means, whereas the white people who live in the crime ridden areas are known for no family values and living off the state. It's almost fashionable to become a teenage single mother in some areas, but not so in the Asian community. In many ways, the Asian community has many of the values that the indigenous white population used to have. They are very much community and family orientated, and have more respect for their elders etc.

    I am fortunate in that through the course of my work, I have a fair bit of contact with Scottish people of Asian origin, and I know them to be generally warm, friendly people, more so on average than white indigenous people are. I'm not quite sure why this is, and guess it might be at least partly because of their religion, but it is something that I do notice. They seem happier with their lot, whatever it is, and are more likely to be positive when you talk to them. While indigenous white people are more likely to want to moan about something or other. I am quite proud of the fact that (mostly white) people in Glasgow elected the UK's first Muslim MP.

    That said, it is mostly Asian men I deal with, and Asian women tend to be more inhibited. So I try to act more like a gentleman when I speak with them, and exchange pleasantries while maintaining a respectful distance.

    So I know that so-called multiculturalism can and does work. It has benefited the local economy here, lifted the spirit of the community, and set a good example for the indigenous population.

    There are very few black people in Glasgow, though, and I believe there is more racism towards them, or at least there certainly used to be. An old friend of mine who is 1/4 black experienced plenty of abuse throughout his childhood, but fortunately he grew up big. I looked up the figures before posting in this thread and found that blacks comprise only 0.2% of the population.

    You wouldn't expect to see two black people at the same time in Glasgow, unless they are with each other. If there is racism against blacks, it's highly unlikely to be their fault as there are so few of them, so the chances are it's the white majority's fault. It can't be easy being a member of a tiny minority group, in a society where there are racists among the majority.

    In my opinion, some racists just love to hate, and/or feel a need to denigrate others, to try to make up for their own personal deficiencies.

    Other people are racist because that's how they were brought up, and they haven't learned any better, so are basically racist through ignorance.

    If you (not referring to anyone in particular) are in an ethnic majority, and you abhor the thought of living as a member of a minority group, then you are probably racist. You fear that the majority would act towards you as you act towards the minority, if your group became the minority.

    If OTOH you go out of your way to be friendly towards people from a minority group, you might be pleasantly surprised at the response, and you would lose your racist tendencies.

    Those are the causes of, and the solution to, racism, as far as I can see. That said, it does seem that problems with race have got out of control in some places, such as others have described in this thread, and I don't expect that the neighbourly approach would necessarily work everywhere, and I realise other places have deep-rooted problems that the society I live in doesn't have.

    As for the questions I haven't covered:

    MSM in general doesn't take sides, although some particular publications do. Generally speaking though, advocating less multiculturalism is seen as politically incorrect to the extent of being racist.

    No affirmative action that I know of.

    No politically correct rules in the workplace, other than the law of the land.

    My friends are far from politically correct, but all are good-natured. I have no time for bigots.

    The religious divide is between protestants and catholics, and they don't pay much attention to Islam. Most Asians in Glasgow are Muslims, but they are not labelled as such. What I mean is some people refer to them as ''Asians,'' others refer to them as ''pakis,'' which is a racist term in the UK, but nobody ever refers to them as ''the Muslims.'' They are of course every bit as Scottish as anyone else is, and are certainly not called ''Asian Scots'' or anything like that, in the way that Americans talk about ''African Americans'' and ''Hispanic Americans,'' and even ''native Americans,'' although I've never heard of anyone call themselves a ''European American.'' :hmm:

    No special welfare.

    I don't know anyone who has fled any area here on account of an ethnic minority. If anyone has done so, the reason would probably be their own racist fears, rather than any actions of the ethnic minority.

    I have no plans to leave.

    There are a few areas I would be wary about walking around at night, not that I have any reason to do so, but these areas are all where white people live. Statistically, the most dangerous place is probably the city centre on Friday and Saturday nights, but Muslims don't tend to go out night-clubbing and getting drunk. So again, that's all down to the white majority.
  9. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Accusing someone of being a racist is always about race... and I've been accused of racism many times because I'm not a fan of Barack & Michelle Obama.

    The point is, I've always suspected the type who calls me racist live in lily-white communities. Just commenting that threads like this confirm that suspicion is legitimate.
  10. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Speaking as someone who lives in a community where 13% of the population is white, being called a racist is ridiculous. True racists AVOID people of color, then sit back and throw rocks at those of us who speak the truth about racial differences. Blacks & Whites are EQUAL, but we are not the same. Until the powers that be address that reality, the majority of blacks will never thrive in this country.
  11. iAWESOME

    iAWESOME New Member

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Whites because all of the homies would just go around raping white women and forcing them to have black babies duh.
  12. BlackSand

    BlackSand New Member

    Apr 9, 2013
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    Who are you; where are you living?

    Born and raised in Louisiana, and where my primary residence is now.
    Seven years as a Chief Warrant Officer in the US Army Air Cavalry; only stationed stateside during training.
    Bachelor's of Science in Psychology from Louisiana State University; Certified Quality Auditor (ASQ and RABSQA); Six Sigma Black Belt (not martial arts).
    Currently a small business owner (off-shore), and previously a small business owner (stateside).
    Registered Republican, and I vote in every public election.

    Area Description and Demographics:

    Mid Sized Rural Community, with a mix of Ranchers/Farmers and Suburbs (76% white, 21% black and 3% Hispanic/Other).
    There are diverse neighborhoods (White, Hispanic, African American and Asian), and neighborhoods that are primarily African American.
    I live in a nice neighborhood of upper middle class families, that is roughly the same demographics as described above.
    Most religious families are Protestant with some Catholic, Pentecostal and Mormon.
    There are predominantly white churches with diverse congregations, and African American churches that choose to be more segregated.

    Does the mainstream Media call for more multiculturalism, diversity or tolerance?
    Does the local media favor victimization of minorities?

    Races have lived here side by side in our everyday lives since they first arrived here … And likewise a call for more multiculturalism would be retarded.
    Multiculturalism is at a point of saturation here, and is in some ways causing the exact opposite of its intended purpose.
    The news comes from two cities close by that have close to a 50/50 mix of minorities and whites … Both are controlled by Democrats with African American mayors.
    Since both are controlled by African American mayors … Most of the public staff (police chiefs, school boards, government officials etc …) are African American.
    Like wise … The reason my immediate area doesn't have the same mix is because the whites folks moved out of those cities for better government and passing schools.

    There is no need to victimize minorities ... Because we can all see the mug shots of the perpetrators that shoot up the high crime African American neighborhoods from Thursday through Sunday.
    Crime is next to non-existent I my immediate area … As a “High Crime” around here is Joe Smith getting drunk and running over someone's mailbox.

    Affirmative Action:

    It is alive and well here … Although a case could actually be made that whites and males should start being the beneficiaries.
    Most of the households are comprised of two salaries … And when jobs can be found, it is made clear that Affirmative Action is in place and adhered to.

    Political Correctness and its Consequences:

    Political Correctness is present and enforced … But at the same time looked upon as a stupid joke.
    People around here don't have a problem telling you what they think … Of all races, creeds and sexual orientation … So it is something we all do because the Damn Yankees shove it down our throats.
    If someone violates the law or company rules … They often receive a reprimand the first time, and can be fired anytime thereafter.
    When a violation occurs … Everyone goes to sensitivity training, where they drink coffee, munch on donuts and try not to bust out laughing at the retarded videos.

    Inner Circle of Friends and Political Correctness:

    Most of the time friends here are for life … And they would die for you.
    There is no need to censor yourself around the people you love ... And who love you in return.
    Everyone pretty much agrees that honesty between friends is more important than who gets their feelings hurt … And we love each other just the same, even if we don't agree.

    Problems with multiculturalism and there results along with causes:

    Chose to delete this part … Requires too much of an explanation to be shared.
    There are problems … And more often than not multiculturalism is its own biggest enemy.

    Social Issues within the surrounding areas:

    Let's just say that they aren't up for debate and everybody knows them.
    We can turn on the news and see what is happening … There are parts of the cities that you don't go if you don't have to (nobody goes there... and just about everyone who has to live there wants out).
    I mean places where you can hear them start shooting each other as soon as the sun goes down … And it isn't in the nice neighborhoods.

    The local governments in these areas are controlled by African American Democrats … The law enforcement in these areas is controlled by African American Democrats.
    The stores are owned by African American Democrats, the churches are attended by African American Democrats … On election day, they vote for African American Democrats.

    If you ask me … A little multiculturalism might just help them out.

    Welfare and Availability:

    Welfare of any type is readily available in my immediate, and the surrounding areas … Unlike some locations, I would guess that it doesn't experience the same degree of abuse.
    I mean there are bad players … But there is a defined social stigma associated with accepting anything from the government in the small town I live in.
    People will go out of their way to earn what is necessary to survive … Or accept direct assistance from friends and family before they resort to welfare.

    We are more than willing to help each out when we can … And we try to offer community based alternatives when possible.

    Cultural Incompatibility:

    As I have described before … The majority of our population here is comprised of people who have fled the surrounding cities … And in most cases would be referred to as “White Flight”.
    African American Democrats have absolutely ruined the surrounding cities … And it is really pretty nice here without those problems.

    Note that I didn't say racial incompatibility … Because we really don't care what race you are, and the neighborhoods in this area are more diverse than what you find in the cities.
    I think it is more due to income though … And poverty doesn't work out that well here.
    As a community of all races … We have like-minded aspirations, a desire for excellence, and a thinly veiled disregard for any Politically Correct bullsh** that undermines that goal.

    Future Plans:

    I will split my time more often now between my residence here and abroad … but not because of the neighborhood.
    I was faced with the decision of risking substantial debt to pursue massive expansion with my business at the time … And unwilling to do so under the current government and economy.
    I sold the business instead … Invested in opportunities elsewhere that don't require me to leverage debt … And provide a less profitable, but more enjoyable business venture.

    Racism … And Family Concerns:

    Growing up … I could never have told you exactly what party affiliation my parents were … Nor where they fell on the general scale of things.
    They chose not to influence us (I have a sister) with their political views and let us work it out on our own.
    They were honest, hard working, good people that earned respect from anyone who knew them … Regardless of political party, race or religion.

    Racism was an issue with my grandparents (Up-State New York, and South Louisiana) … and it was obvious that they had grown up in a different time than we did.
    That certainly wasn't uncommon either … But really had no bearing on how we viewed the world … It was more than likely a good reason to roll your eyes.
    It is around in some rare instances today … But you never have to call someone a racist here, because if they are, they know it and choose to be … No need in convincing them, and they will tell you.

    Race and racism is one of those things I believe has run its course … And will never be demolished completely.
    The people I hang out with … Don't care about race … Don't talk about racial issues all the time … And never sit around figuring out how we can hold someone else down … For any reason.
  13. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    There are a lot of factors to consider when looking for a home. When my partner and I started looking for a house in 2008, the racial makeup of the neighborhood wasn't ever a topic of conversation, because it didn't occur to us to look for a 'lily white community' or a black neighborhood, etc. We were already living in a mixed neighborhood in a city with a population that was about 60% white. The neighbors on one side were black, and the neighbors on the other side were a white guy with an Hispanic wife. Our neighbors directly across the street were black. It simply wasn't an issue to us.

    What we wanted was a larger home in our price range that didn't need a lot of renovation, something not too far from work, with a good school system and relatively low taxes, and somewhere quiet. The home we were in was on a through street and therefore had a lot of traffic. We started out looking in the same area where we already lived, as well as all around the city where we both work. We looked at a number of houses before we concluded we would have to expand the area of our search and be willing to commute a little further to find something the size we wanted in our price range. This was also at a time when the housing market was really starting to tank, and many people were putting off selling. So not a lot to pick from.

    Bottom line: The "lily white community" where we ended up certainly wasn't our first choice, and we didn't move here for that reason.
  14. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Toronto is in Canada.
    I understand the American experience differs somewhat.
  15. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I've noticed this to be a recurring theme on this forum among sheltered leftists who live in predominantly white areas. They are extremely ideological about multiculturalism because they don't know what it actually looks like in practice. Much like communism, it sounds great in theory. But reality paints a much different picture. Such is the difference between fantasy and real world experience.

    You just described Michael Moore to a tee. He rants about how racist white people are and then hires virtually no minorities for any of his projects (after explicitly stating in his book Stupid White Men that if you're a minority and looking for a job, come to him and he'll hire you) and he lives in a gated white community.

    And that's just one of many for him. That doesn't even factor in his hypocrisy on unions or stocks or anything else. The man is a walking contradiction.
  16. hseiken

    hseiken New Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    You guys paint me as a 'lefty' and I walked through Harlem without giving two (*)(*)(*)(*)s. I live in a neighboor hood that can't really claim in specific racial dominance in population. Please, continue.

    Maybe no one came to him looking for a job. As far as walking contradictions, I still think the Asian Scottsman beats him out. But he's a documentary director and writer who does opinion peaces, so being contradictory is allowed. It shouldn't be allowed of politicians so why give a rat's ass what he thinks? Don't see his movies or read his books (unless you're just looking for things to be mad about, which again, look to your lovely Red and Blue politicians everyday...plenty there to get fuming on). I think Bill O'Reilly is a blubbering vagina, Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrit and liar and Pat Robertson is a senile chauvinist, but I don't feel the need to tell people that myself. They're both perfectly capable of making asses out of themselves without my intervention and do so better than I ever could. So I leave them be.
  17. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Don't you think it is rather that some of us live in civilized countries?
  18. BlackSand

    BlackSand New Member

    Apr 9, 2013
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    Reading into what you implied ... Us less than Lily White countries just are not as civilized ... And your comments seem to make some point towards why we aren't.
    It means a lot coming from someone who lives in a country that is 90.94% white, 3.9% Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi, 1.2% Irish (they are not included as "white" in the figures), 0.8% Asian, 2% Black and 1.16% other or mixed.

    I believe you are pretty close to the definition of what we would consider Lily White.
    Too bad you just don't have the courage to come out and say it ... But it is not all that surprising that you don't.

    You probably couldn't have done a better job of making smartmouth's point ...
  19. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Muddlehead. Civilized countries are not obsessed with archaic nonsense like 'race', as you know.

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