Corporatism is destroying America, not Capitalism

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by AKRunner88, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. oldbill67

    oldbill67 New Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Unfortunately everything you said here is correct,... but the OP is also correct. Yes Corporate giants such as WalMart operate on a mass scale and keep costs down but it's at the expense of American laborers who have watched their manufacturing jobs evaporate and go overseas! WalMart is capable of selling everything for less because the vast majority of what they sell is manufactured in the sweat shops of China, Indonesia or some other region or nation of slave laborers and certain incentives have been awarded to corporations for doing business with them instead of with domestically run manufacturers.
    If we had put emphasis on American manufacturing and jobs decades ago instead of taking the globally minded, corporate route the steel mills in Pittsburgh would still be running and employing thousands, we'd be completely self sufficient in energy production and employing tens of thousands and we'd be unmatched by any country in the world in agriculture which would be owned and operated by thousands of private citizens and not the Monsantos of the world!
    Yes the trash man will still be picking up your garbage next Tuesday because he has no other options, his options and his American dream of owning his own business were taken from him by his loving government which has worked very hard for many years to destroy his country's ability to be self sufficient. Private businesses are taxed into oblivion, have things like the ACA run down their throats, operate with higher expenses and can't buy foreign made products at the same low prices that the corporate giants can, so their retail prices are higher, they can't afford to hire workers and eventually they close their doors.
    If Capitalism were allowed to run as it should in this country there would be quality goods being manufactured by American workers in privately owned factories that would all be in competition with one another to make the very best products possible, lure the best laborers to come and work for them and sell their products at competitive prices. Prices on goods would undoubtedly skyrocket but so would the quality of the goods and the average wage earned throughout the process of producing and selling them.
    Most importantly however, not only would more Americans be working but they would also be able to have hope for one day having their own businesses and realizing their own dreams for themselves and creating posterity for their families while not being destined to work in a brain numbing 9 to 5 job for some conglomerate that doesn't care if they live or die. Imagine an American laborer with a real pride in what they do and a real self esteem!:wink:
    Back during the 1950s and 60s guys like Khrushchev, Castro and Mao were beating podiums with their shoes and exclaiming the evils of the western capitalists pigs of the world, brainwashing their people into thinking that capitalism is bad for the people and that their loving government would protect them from it. Now here we are 50 years later hearing the same rhetoric, not from some screaming little man behind a podium in the old Soviet Union but from our very own socialist/communist run government and the deluded thinking people that it's propaganda machine has been able to sway.
    We can have a strong, vibrant economy based on purely capitalistic ideals, driven by happy and optimistic American workers and business owners but first we need to (and I quote my long past Grandfather) KICK ALL THEM COMMIE BASTARDS OUT OF WASHINGTON!!!:unclesam:
  2. PGreen

    PGreen Banned

    Nov 20, 2014
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    The government and all aspects of the nation are controlled by private entities: international banks (The Elite). They buy the politicians and have the power to bankrupts nations.
  3. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    1. "Corporatism" is a misnomer, a purposefully constructed propaganda weasel word used by the gov-edu-union-contractor-grantee-lawyer-MSM Complex to deflect blame for IT's failings, graft and extortion. The term has no proper application, in a strict legal sense it's inaccurate because a corporation is just a form of business entity, distinct from its individual owners and management, and there are millions of corporations in this country, 30 million business entities, many of them with exactly -one- shareholder and 0 employees, a vast majority of them honest taxpayers who provide IMMENSE public benefit, whereas large public companies comprise only a tiny fraction of 1% of all corporations. They want your eye on those tiny few for a reason, they are easier to vilify successfully.

    In a broader colloquial usage, as a "cohesive group of similar commercial interests," the term is also fatally inaccurate due to vagueness, because this would then include ANY and ALL special interests, lobbies, unions, clubs, factions, ANY GROUP AT ALL, making the attempted application nebulous. Corporatism is a bad, politically charged and biased... yet semantically empty term that should be discarded.

    2. So where did the term come from? and why do we hear it so much? It came from Complex statists who don't want the issues discussed in terms of statism versus individualism, or even government versus business, because they feel they cannot slant that dialog to their satisfaction, and it's easier to get people to react viscerally and emotionally to a faceless greedy "corporation" than to appeals by government and the Complex versus the rest of us. Moreover, it's very easy to transition from a reasonable crony capitalism "corporatist" frame to a generally Complex-friendly anti commercial frame disingenuously. It's very easy to move ignorant public opinion from "corporatist" to pure resentment lie narratives such as "1%" and "wealth inequality."

    3. So what's the truth? There IS lots of crony capitalism, but there's just as much "Complex capitalism" on the other side that is every bit as bad. For every "corporate welfare" there is an equally odious piece of "educational, union, contractor, grantee and lawyer" welfare. The Complex wants to HIDE that and FOCUS the public awareness on "corporatism," "crony capitalism" when its own hands are far dirtier in terms of buying and selling influence and graft. The common denominator in all this is large, central, remote, unaccountable GOVERNMENT grown completely and illicitly out of control, that benefits from selling graft at all our expense.

    4. How to solve? Kill the brain, kill the ghoul. Maintain most government functions, but DECENTRALIZE them. Government has a greater tendency to sell big graft when it can do so in the darkness, and based on a "one size fits all" 50 state national application. The corrupt only have to go to one or two places to get their dirty work accomplished, and this is EXTREMELY valuable to bad actors. Government has a greater tendency towards corruption the more remote it gets. Is there state and local graft? Sure, but it's chump change compared to the value to bad actors of central, federal graft. Will there be state and local graft? Absolutely, there is no way to remove graft entirely from the government-governed fiat relationship. What can be done is making the corrupt purveyors more locally accountable to the governed. It's far EASIER to see bad money up close, almost impossible through a 1000 mile telescope. People become more honest and forthright when they know their bad actions may be subject to local and community backlash. Decentralize the central federal government, and watch the incidence of ALL forms of graft, both crony capitalism and Complex capitalism decrease immensely.
  4. AKRunner88

    AKRunner88 New Member

    Feb 4, 2014
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    They are succeeding, while hiding behind the guise of "capitalism" when this couldn't be any more from the truth. Corporatist neoliberalism is a form of fascism. One only need look at many South American nations to see the path we are headed down.

    Big banks learned in 2008 that no matter what they do, or how guilty they are, their buddies in Washington will work tirelessly to provide them the welfare they need to continually manipulate our country to their whim. Bailing out the banks was the worst decision our government has ever made.
  5. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    If it hasn't been mentioned already, here's an easy example of how corporatism hurts our economy. Barriers to entry. Someone out there has a great idea, and it may never become reality because his competitors have created barriers to entering their industry via bribed lawmakers who pass laws on their behalf and provide no benefit to anyone else.

    Start a business. One of the first steps is to check your state's requirements for operating the business. How many of these requirements were put in place by the businesses that already dominate your industry? The answer is most of them.
  6. oldbill67

    oldbill67 New Member

    Dec 24, 2013
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    YES! It was the elite banking families and cartels such as the House Of Rothschild that financed and fostered communism, socialism and fascism. Through their manipulation of world politics they have also gained complete control of the world's monetary systems as well as the way in which the world does business.:wink:
  7. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    QED... see what I mean folks? It starts with a relatively reasonable complaint about crony capitalism, and then rapidly devolves into general resentment politics and empty terms such as "corporate neoliberalism" and "fascism" that sound "bad" but don't really mean squat. Complaints about "corporatism" near instantly become the same old tire hackneyed resentment based soundbite leftism we are so used to from the union label Complex INTENDED TO DEFLECT FROM THE REAL OVERARCHING PROBLEM OF GOVERNMENT GROWN TOO LARGE, POWERFUL and OUT OF CONTROL.

    Kill the brain, kill the ghoul.
  8. Jack Links

    Jack Links Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2014
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    Which in turn, forces him to work for low wages for a corporation. He then qualifies for food and housing aid from the 'benevolent' government.
    So, those who do have their own business have a tougher time due to the higher housing costs caused by more regulations due to guaranteed housing money for landlords so they can raise the rent.
  9. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Oh but it does affect you ... directly.

    Consider that in the 1950's the tax burden was roughly 50/50. 50% paid by the Corps and business and 50% by the worker.
    Today the ratio is roughly 20/80 and some studies suggest lower.

    Walmart needs roads, police, infrastructure, garbage collection and so on to do business. Without these it could not survive. Someone has to pay for these things. This is why Corps pay taxes (or are supposed to).

    Not sure what your property tax bill is these days but mine are outrageous. As per the tax ratio given above, for every 1000 dollars of tax expense the corps are paying 200 and you are paying 800. You should only be paying 500.

    That is an extra 300 dollars per 1000 in taxes. Yes .. this affects you directly.

    There are other ways you are affected and I can detail these out for you but this should suffice for now.
  10. Object227

    Object227 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Dare I ask?

    Who is John Galt?
  11. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Couldn't agree more in one sense, but in another sense, this is like blaming the extorted for mob "protection rackets." The buyer in most transactions is not the one actively seeking to buy, the seller is seeking to sell. The heroin dealer gives the first few doses "for free." The government is where the racket originates, not the private sector. Of course, let's punish private sector bad actors by enforcing our preexisting, expensive, byzantine regulatory regime, but let's not forget that the crack dealer is more culpable.
  12. heresiarch

    heresiarch Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2014
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    We will see more and more small businesses dying and big businness growing bigger... that is the factual direction of our economy. Why? Because big are more competent on the global market, small can only compete on the local market... it's the effect of globalism. It is likely that in the future we will all be employees fro a small elite of employers... how do we counter this? Simple, with direct democracy... all decisions, including those of the businness, are to be made together, as we are all members of the society. Just like we elect our politicians and make decisions through referendums, we should do the same about all the rest... but obviously there will be people who just want to be the big leaders and get all the wealth and all the decisional power... it is them who we have to fear.
  13. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Do those "studies" acknowledge the explosion of passthrough entities that have vastly supplanted the corporate form of entity in many industries, and almost entirely supplanted the corporation in certain huge industries such as real estate over the last 40 years? LLCs predominately, but also S-Corps, LPs. LLPs, PCs. Of course they don't. It doesn't fit their LIE NARRATIVE of ignorant anti commercial resentment propaganda.

    Passthrough entities move hundreds of billions of commercial profits from corporate returns onto personal returns, creating the illusion that corporate taxes have declined precipitously when what has actually happened is that a vast majority of income of the 30,000,000 businesses in the country is now reported as personal income despite that it is actually business income.

    Walmart IS a corporation and DOES pay its fair share of taxes that fund infrastructure and other public services it uses. Suggesting a correlation between the lower appearance of corporate taxation and that large CORPORATIONS like Walmart are somehow not paying is utter crapola. Rest of post is founded on the same moronic premise.
  14. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    I don't get the comparison, but in any event I'll argue one point. The racket I spoke of originates when industry associations lobby lawmakers to create laws that prevent competitors from entering their market space. If you want to argue that politicians open the door and provide the opportunity for it first; well that's probably a chicken or the egg kind of argument.
  15. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    What you aren't getting is that those "industry associations" are populated mostly by ex-BUREAUCRATS who are peddling the influence they gained while supposedly serving the public to the highest bidder. THEY are the ones who come around with the bag, not usually the private sector side (sure that happens too). This is not to excuse private sector corruption in the least, but you are being sold a half-picture purposefully concealing of the FULL reality.

    This is one form of the crooked Complex endgame, how they become rich, as rich as the "Wall Street crooks" they want to tell you all about constantly in their MSM branches. It's very simple. 1. Get government job in a regulatory bureaucracy. Make contacts there. 2. Leave the public sector and become either a lobbyist selling influence to the private sector at $2000 an hour, or just take a high paying job with a government contractor and peddle influence that way to a single client. This goes on in every industry, and it starts with overpowered, overlarge GOVERNMENT, not with the private sector.

    This may sound strange to you because the Complex profiteers in this go to great lengths, spend billions of dollars annually on PR and obfuscatory spin to keep the full truth out of mainstream America's living rooms and off their computers. They would LOVE to control the net, but they cannot... yet.

    To paraphrase a movie... Every time an American is fooled into believing that what's really wrong with this country is big, bad corrupt private sector interests, a Washington lawyer on K Street earns his wings. Open your eyes, please.
  16. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    I typed a small paragraph to shed light on ONE way in which the corruption involved in corporatism negatively affects the economy, which was barriers to entry. I don't need a Milton Friedman lecture on several OTHER ways all of this comes together.

    Why did you put industry associations in quotes, as if that's a subjective term?
  17. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Corporations getting tax breaks helps the little guy. The less corporations pay in taxes the less money they have to charge fr their goods and services in order to make the profit they need to expand their business. Corporations don't pay taxes they collect them.
  18. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Oh I understand now -exactly- where you are coming from, you have an interest in forwarding the narrow, out of context view yourself, the deflective view of the Complex towards all the "corporate" malfeasance in the world.

    To emphasize the immediately following point, that they are just as much "bureaucrat associations" as they are industry associations.
  19. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    You forgot to call me a liberal. LOL! Is that what this is about? You think I'm a cry baby socialist? Outstanding!

    I'm a small business owner that knows half of the requirements for me to enter my industry were created by the professional association that lobbied legislators to put them in place, to keep me out! I made a valid point about how industries get certain laws passed to create barriers to entry, and then you went off on some petty, two-party ideological rant, because you thought I was a liberal. LOL. And then accused me of trying to deflect from the real truth. You're a trip. Find someone to argue about something where the ideology lines are a little clearer so you don't embarrass yourself again.
  20. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Corporations get slapped down by loosing their individual rights. It needs to happen. It is unconstitutional and immoral. Causing HUGE problems. The list is far too long to execute.

    However, corporations are VERY important. I am not anti-corporation. The people will grant privileges to the most vital corporations that almost equal their individual rights so they can operate. States will do it, and some of it will be subject to popular vote.

    This assumes that an Article V convention has occurred with preparatory amendment. Whereupon the people become educated.

    I grasp the issues better than most, but haven't worried about details a lot. I've focused on overall solution. I will become fully informed on this matter along with the rest of America if and when Article V returns the purpose of free speech to us.
  21. Rainbow Crow

    Rainbow Crow New Member Past Donor

    Apr 17, 2013
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    Similarly, taking away a corporation's "individual rights" is also not a binary issue because the same legal status that allows them to advocate for themselves also allows them to be sued, represent themselves in court, etc. The personhood thing is a simplification.

    Also, assuming you are someone who is angry at the Koch brothers, they don't actually engage in their speech as a corporation or on behalf of Koch industries, they do it through a super PAC that promotes their personal views.

    I don't know what article V of the constitution has to do with any of that.
  22. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    No. if you READTHREAD, I -agreed- with you and then drew attention to the fact that the industry association is most likely populated with ex bureaucrats selling graft to your competitors moreso than your competitors turning up at their door seeking to buy it.

    Sorry for accusing you of being one of the Complex, but it's the exact same kind of snakeoil peddled by those, making it all about the private sector side far moreso than the public sector where the origins of graft are concerned.

    I'm not a Republican btw.
  23. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Allowing corporations the right to free speech has them lying. So much so that false advertising laws had to be created. Allowing them to be innocent until proven guilty puts their big $ hiring many lawyers to evade accountability. It is rare that a citizen can find justice during them.

    With all due respect, Rainbow Crow get your head into the sunshine. You are making serious errors.

    Keeping your head where it's been has kept you from noticing this thread.

    It's about Article V and ALEC.
  24. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Uh false advertising laws predate the supreme court decision by decades.
  25. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    Research indicates about 1905 was the first federal laws regarding false advertising. In the 1880's corporations gained individual rights, but originally it was not a court decision. It was a note in the margins of a court decision that was improperly used in a court decision.

    The legal history of corporate individual rights is fraught with judicial fraud it appears.

    The FTC has taken over the regulation today.

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