There is a way to create international political change

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by lsz91, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. lsz91

    lsz91 New Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Watch this video. The message of the video is simple; there is a way, if many people unite (watch the video and share it), there is a way to change politics forever. Create an extremely transparent mechanism of international politics, this mechanism guided by common interests and beliefs, built on respect and equality. A change has to start someday, let it start today.
  2. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    The problem is that it is near impossible to get that many people to unite.
  3. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    ummm can you cite any nation that has created a transparent mechanism of politics for their own country?

    I'm not sure how you plan to replicate that worldwide... when we haven't created a single nation yet who has...

    dreams are nice aren't they?
  4. Deckel

    Deckel Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 2, 2014
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    The International Brotherhood of Political Discussion Board Moderators and Owners would never allow such a thing. They are like the Illuminati who would disappear you in the septic system in which they breed.
  5. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    A single global government would promote world peace.
  6. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    lul, perhaps, but how peaceful do you imagine it would be to get a world government in the first place?
  7. Ockham

    Ockham New Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    I have a more basic question: Why do I want an international government in the first place? I want my country to change it's politics - I'd want the same for each and every independent country to do what their people feel is best for them. I don't want an international government to do squat, nor do I want an international change of politics to effect independent nations.
  8. lsz91

    lsz91 New Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    I understand your skepticism, its alright and justified.

    But there is a way my friend, really. The reason such a system has not been created is because it is not necessarily what the governments want - it is definitely something the people and the sovereigns need, but not the governing powers.

    You would be surprised what hundreds of thousands of views could do.

    Neither have I said that it will take one day, maybe in a perfect world where money grows on trees, this could have been organized within months. Otherwise it will take belief, influence and time, getting there.

    It can be done. If this video ever makes more than a million views, Ill be sure to share some insights into how this framework can be created. This challenge is not as monumental as it seems, rather it is believed to be impossible because well that is the way governing powers need us thinking.

    By just believing and sharing it with the rest of the world it can be achieved.

    It sounds crazy and delusional creating such a framework, but it is not, in numbers there is power.
  9. lynnlynn

    lynnlynn New Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    It has to destroy itself first before change can happen
  10. lsz91

    lsz91 New Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    This video is about another guy on this forums, maybe it will be clearer this way. I certainly understand that a lot of work will have to be done...
  11. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    A one world government is not possible.
  12. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    ummm the euro wanted to create such a system... all their governments wanted to be apart of it, which is counter to what you just said... how's the euro working out right now with many nations considering leaving the euro because it turns out, one government controlling multiple governments, causes a LOT of unintended consequences... to the point its harming some people and rewarding others for their failures... nations abusing the system and dragging the others down because they will not contribute anymore...

    this reminds me of that old story passed around the internet... professor tells students if they want equality he will provide them with equality... he will average the grades of all the students and reward the class with the same grade... so students who studied very hard to earn that A in class, were upset when other students didn't bother to study and got a C in class, giving the entire class a final grade of B... then the next test none of the students bothered to study because they thought it was unfair they worked their butts off and got a lower grade, now the entire class fails because nobody wanted to contribute when others got more when they did all the work...

    thats your utopia... it works great and feels great, until the consequences start to happen... at which point it collapses on itself... welcome to reality versus fantasy...
  13. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    The thing left out is secrecy. How is it defeated?

    Well, if you knew, you would be afraid to discuss it.

    How do I know that?

    Because stopping mass murders is the first step to being able to defeat secrecy, and you, nor anyone here, can actually discuss how to stop them.

    It is done with mental health care that is administered direct to the unconscious mind. Secrecy is an abuse of the unconscious mind, and inherent to the programming mass murderers operate under.
  14. lsz91

    lsz91 New Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Its not about control my friend, it is about guidance. This discussion is mutli-dimensional, I do not want it become that, lest stay on topic and say that we as people want a body (entity) which will directly represent the interest of the masses, and its possible, regardless what you guys say, I accept your opinions, but I urge you to look deep inside and realize on certain levels this is highly achievable with the right support
  15. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    If your group gets to more than three people commonality disappears so fast it will make your head swim.
  16. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    if you accepted my opinion you wouldn't be dismissing it with your reply... I get it, you love your utopia idea... all I asked for was an example of a government in todays world, that actually "works" in the way you want the entire world to work... you can't find an example because in the thousands of years of history we have, nobody has ever achieved this utopia you desire... because as it turns out, humans get greedy, lazy, etc etc... all I asked for was one example, so far, in history, there are none...

    you may want a single body to represent the masses, and think thats possible through wishful thinking of simple being naive about the world, I do not... because there are many people who think extreme things I do not, and they think I am extreme in other ways... clearly a single entity would never work until you read rid of all the radicals in the world... so would that mean ridding the world of anyone who opposes this new authority? because it wouldn't represent people unless they were all free to think and feel how they want to, but not all people want others to think and feel how they want to, they seek to control and dominate those people who disagree with them... aka, Paris last night... there are people who will never conform, in fact their are entire countries filled with tens of millions of people like this...

    like I said, your utopia is a dream... otherwise surely someone in the entire history of the world, would have a single government example where this works... yet you couldn't name even ONE... you can't cover the world if you can't even find one to start with...
  17. lsz91

    lsz91 New Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Ofcourse there is no example out there... ofcourse, certainly, and there wouldn't be such an example... I agree with everything you said, except the utopia part.
    Yes I might be naive in this sense, yes I might dream to much, but it is achievable, I repeat it is achievable, and it is achievable not by the governments but by the people (taking into consideration opposing views and whatever not).

    Your idea of what I said goes along the lines of "creating a new world order" - thats not really the case. Rather create a body which can directly question leadership on an international level, and make the masses aware of underlining true intentions of governments...

    For instance, if we could have debated out or forced out the US from going into the middle-east, we wouldn't have ISIS now - fairly acceptable argument. In consequence we wouldn't have the refugee crisis, and the Paris attack, and let me say Paris is just the beginning thanks to overly-aggressive external politics of the west.

    People will never be the same again after the bombings in the middle-east, Europe and whatever other country of crisis, but they have a choice to make. The either keep reinforcing aggression, or they stand by, being the bigger man, and doing something to avoid these kinds of tragedies in the future.

    Think about, Im naive, but logically naive. PS: you don't believe it, because as I previously said, that's what they want us to believe...
  18. lsz91

    lsz91 New Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    I disagree, we all have 1 thing in common - survival and continuation of our kind, our basic instincts. We also have something else in common, we want to live in a safe place, generally speaking, a more transparent world, and that is our commonality.

    Our commonality is living in a transparent justice-oriented society (im not talking about criminals). So when you say there is no commonality, your wrong.
  19. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    We don't even agree on what makes us happy, we don't agree on what justice is. For some homosexual sex is more important than the continuation of the species. For some green weanies humanity is the worst thing that ever happened to the planet and the sooner we shuffle off this mortal coil the better.
  20. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    aren't your presumptions we wouldn't have ISIS if we never went to the middle east, just that, presumptions... you're essentially preaching the mantra of someone with a particular agenda themselves... so you literally just proved why your idea is awful... you listen to people who want to push a certain agenda, and once they get power to push it, they will force their beliefs upon others... see thats where your whole idea collapses... they won't be a neutral party with a neutral ruling... they will be a heavily biased group that uses their power to influence and force other countries to live how THEY think they should live, not how they WANT to live... thats DANGEROUS...

    sides... we already have something like you say, its called the united nations... look how awful thats turning out... either they have the power to compel and force nations and all its citizens to act and be a certain way, which they very well may disagree and resist, or they ultimately have no power to do anything and are an often and complete failure... welcome to reality versus fantasy... we have examples of what you want done, and they have all failed miserably because people have different wants and needs... and its impossible to impose a central group to oversee and push their morals and values upon others who may disagree with the very core of them...

    P.S. nothing you said was logical, it was all biased presumptions on how things would turn out, while I provide real world examples of how it DID turn out when tried... from the united nations to the euro... and we can go back in history to thousands of other examples... any body that is able to rule over all, will be biased and force its ideals upon others... otherwise if it can't force its ideals upon others, its meaningless and serves no purpose... so either you force others to comply, or they keep doing what they want... what happens in your scenario when one nation with a nuclear bomb says, you know what, we don't like your ruling, screw you, and invades another country, do other nations attack them now? how's that working out today with the UN and russia? etc etc etc... see real world versus fantasy utopia you want...
  21. lsz91

    lsz91 New Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    By the way, the first section - until DANGEROUS, I think you mixed this idea with the UN, I think we where outpaced... that is one.

    Only then I read the second section, and realized how you misunderstood the whole idea. The UN is a completely different argument, all that can be said is that the UN is ultimately a committee. What I was saying is that we take the committee part out... there is a technological way of creating a kick ass website of the 21st century that will be used to question leadership... - question it, for mass awareness.

    Furthermore, this entity would have to consider the most basic form of change, for regional stability. Example: we get 10 million people to vote up, maybe even sponsor a documentary/live debate/discussion group etc... with world leaders, discussing all most sensitive topics and directly telling the leaders what their country men and people of earth think and feel.... ITS A DIFFERENT TYPE OF VISION, IF YOU LIKE CAPS. Far from biased my friend, my intentions are transparent, its either starting change from somewhere, or eventually waiting for some militaristic-anarchic ending and that is where it is all headed, not now, but eventually, maybe post 2020 financial crisis, but that's a different story.

    I lived, and live in Europe for more than 18 years now, and i tell you EURO is flawed (on subject of level of integration and nonstrategic thinking, banking and more). Not every body will be biased, one will stand, eventually one will stand proud serving the interests of people (generally). Im not saying solving all problems on a national level, im saying to finally leave all bull(*)(*)(*)(*) behind finish of the middle-east manifestation that began among other crises and start living a transparent, questionable and accountable for world. This doesn't all happen in 1 day.

    You mentioned Russia. Russia is a very long topic of argument, and I bet if we Skype, you will understand all the deep underlining rational behind Russia's actions, that is why there was no counters except for dull one-sided totally inappropriate (proving weakness) sanctions which made Europe lose in trade and start printing euros among other things.... by the way BIG REFERENCE - if you go back before Maidan in Ukraine, you will see 2 set of documents which where proposed to Kiev before the government was overthrown (PS: Illegally overthrown, but its cool with the west, so thats cool i guess - double standards). So the docs, in brief with Russia Ukraine would continue growing economically in trade and keep benefiting from the cheap gas since Soviet times... with Europe they would lose half of their industries and be under strict laws which would destroy all their key sectors of the economy replacing with European imports....and there is more! just look at Greece, Spain, Cyprus... most peripheral countries (many studies about this, have a read) much more long argument. Just saying, Ukraine is a specific case and it is a bad example in your case (cheapish - with all openness).

    If the whole deal is about Russia (fundamentally if thats the deal) then my friend I dont care no more if you think of my utopia, for you live in your own utopia. If you seriously believe Russia is global threat, you my friend are a fool (not the classical fary tale wise fool), just a fool - this is unless you are taking part in the military oriented business which brings you millions, living of others fear - but since you are on the forums, you dont seem to be that guy. Continuing:

    Hypothetically lets assume that Russia is no threat, there is only 1 real threat which is ISIS which is allegedly funded by the west but nevertheless. This means:

    IF the framework i described where to exist it would use global public opinion to question global leadership primarily about Mid-East / Ukraine, this could suggest using a live political debate between country leaders on a network or whatever... in my world, this is achievable.

    Bring the president, some ministers, a general, few soldiers, 5 citizens of different origins and there you go (thats your format) during 1 hour ask the hell of what you need, and do so with every delegation (country). This is real life, it is possible with money obviously, which is the only utopia part of the argument that i may accept. So maybe it is not me who is dreaming...
  22. lsz91

    lsz91 New Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Friend, see it for yourself, in your speech. You start it off with we don't even agree... ofcourse...because everyone just suddenly started living that way, in the old days there was more pride and decency (nothing to do with you), now that has shifted to ignorance and not giving a... All i can say, any emotion you let out to the world, will reflect and reverberate through the world.

    Example: you walk by and see man beating a woman. You see the action, but if you stand and think about it you see the 'act' of aggression, this 'act' will leave a scar on someone somewhere and that 'aggression' in any form will continue to someone else...its long philosophical talk.

    All im trying to say is, we can all agree, if we where given a place and a chance I bet we would agree at least on this: I Insert name want to live in a generally safe environment, this would mean understanding what is going on and questioning it, so then some recommendations could be made publicly to those who would take action .

    Eventually everything that is going on can either lead us to the stone age, to anarchic/authoritarian-militaristic societies where capitalism is used as a slogan and has no more real value, in a world of power and authority (the new world order).
  23. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    As long as we were small groups of hunter gathers we did a bang up job of looking out for each other to the extent that technology permitted. Why? because losing even one individual from the clan could put you at a severe competitve disadvantage. Once you moved outside of your own group it tended to be katy-bar-the-door. People not of your tribe could be a ready source of fresh females and their men a ready source of food. Europe is quite literally littered with chunks of stone age man with flint arrows stuck in them. Ici is only rarity because of his state of preservation.
  24. lsz91

    lsz91 New Member

    Oct 23, 2015
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    May be mostly true, but that doesnt mean living in this truth. Games are over. Games where played for more than 10 years now, this is the result of those games, and if we dont want more games unity has to take place, we like it or not, we have to survive. The way we are going, we will eventually die by the hundreds daily and say but it is only natural (selection).

    If we could ignore everything before, it is because we had that comfort of living in a bubble, now that bubble burst we have to get moving, everyday we fail to accept unity, unity is when thousands of people like a video. Then the video maker gathers these people and in the sake of a general vision, something more than themselves, commit lightly by sharing the vision with others. Vision of creating a platform (website) which would be very interactive and pro-active, going forward in overall's favor. That is - cleaning up the mess in the middle-east and getting back to a stable world, which would be achieved through direct public questioning of leadership...

    we have to stop thinking - what was thought, if it was thought and led us to what we have today (war, terror etc.) then we have to start thinking differently. People havent learnt the lesson of unity yet, this is arguably because governing powers; throughout the years controlled (which they have to do) the masses but, they did it in pursue of self-interest and not the interest of the sovereign, which means their actions are lies, which means they are liars, which eventually means they have to be replaced (possibly tried) for their input into corrupt (hybrid-stealth) speculation (offence). This can only be done if 1 place, 1 magical place, a utopia land where people all consciously change and realize the need of participation in 1 entity, and entity that would only question as the people within that entity question. Not a committee like the UN, rather a gathering of planetary visionaries who all have 1 in common - stability and peace.

    I am naive and analytical when saying that people can change. Naive saying they will change now, analytical saying that they will change when a few more uncertainties interfere in their lives (bombings...). So there is capacity for change, but people dont feel it full cycle yet, they need time.

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