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Jan 18, 2016
May 22, 2010
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Far East TN Smokie Mnts.
Non profit owner and church owner

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New Member, from Far East TN Smokie Mnts.

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RevAnarchist was last seen:
Jan 18, 2016
    1. HillBilly
      Good Morning , or good night , it's after 3am , anyway , I see your up early , thought I'd say hello .

      hhaha , maybe posting your own vm's to yourself might be a good idea , after all :-D . :mrgreen:
    2. RevAnarchist
      Come to think of it, in a way its better to post it like that eh? I have went against the grain my whole life, not to be a smart butt, just because I think different than most normal folk! Ha ha thanks for the kind words bro!
    3. HillBilly
      LOL , done the same thing myself a few times , no worries :-)
    4. HillBilly
      RevA , you posted this to yourself , but I found it , hawhawhaw LOL :-)

      Thank you , old friend , for what you said ... it meant a lot to me .
    5. RevAnarchist
      Hi my friend! Yep another one down and more to come (I hope)! Its normal to be a bit down over the holidays as we get older, as you said unlike the young we have seen a lot of shat eh? Friends and pets fall by the wayside and we experience a temporary absence from their presence. But the pain is in us is not experienced by our beloved that are departed hillbilly. Remember this famous passage? ; O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?1 Corinthians 15:55.

      Ha~ ha! We should be joyous, even a bit envious because when friends and loved ones die, because they are already with our father, God. hey are receiving what a huge biker I just had met told me about my beloved third wife that passed away in her 30's just two years ago, he said she, Donna, received a promotion from God, he was saying that death was a step up. He was a monster kong of a man at least 6-7 and over 300 pounds, and was a patch-holder from a christian biker gang called the tribe of Judea. Anger flushed over me because I did not understand his words and I thought he was being a jerk, luckily I didn't jump on him, he would of smashed me up ha ha! Often times even now at a age I should know better, my temper makes me dumb dumb dumb! I would jump on a running circular saw if I got mad enough...He saw the anger in my eyes and said " whoa brother, think about what I said" , and he turned around to show that he was a christian biker. "Care to pray with me" I asked ~ You know brother hillbilly, his words were true!

      BTW hillbilly you are never the only one left, Jesus is always with us brother! Not only that I and wudge is your bud! So I cant let you get by with that one! On that note mom wudge and family are plugging along and for that I consider us blessed! Man I love you too, you have become my virtual brother. One day soon when I can get away (mom needs me nearly 24/7 now) or if you make it into my town we WILL meet for a coffee or three. If you want I will take you up to the crosses and we can talk about our future. I want to develop the mission and rejuvenate it again when I have the time and energy. Mom and domestic stuff are taking my time and energy now, and I wouldn't have it any other way! Hey brother God bless you and yours. If you like I will give you my Ph number via PM, even tho I am not much of a phone person, still we could stay in touch? Let me know?

      Your brothers and other family;

      Rev wudge moms and sis ~

    6. HillBilly
      well , RevA , the New Year is almost here , 2011 almost gone and 2012 awaits , my word , what a year ... sad & glad at the same time . whew , it's complicated , ya know ?

      I never fully understood the New Years song ' auld angzine' until now , when all have passed on , and I am the only one left ... it's hard to deal with . I've been having a rough time of it , my dear friend / neighbor / Reverand A

      I sure hope the new year brings renewed health to you and your Momma , and Bogie as well :-) , and I hope God blesses your ministry .

      I Love You , my brother , stay well , and Happy New Year 2012 .
    7. RevAnarchist
      Well God bless you Miss F, I am appalled by the modeling business these days anyway. I am a photographer (as a hobby) and know a bit about the business. You are correct in part, the agencies prefer emaciated, ribs showing, 12 year old looking girls. It’s horrible really as the young girls ruin their health in an attempt to get on the cover of Vogue. Nevertheless the trend is reversing and it can not happen too fast for the young hopefuls and the females that read and are influenced by a glossy magazine etc. Lastly your height which is an attribute in many cases is not important in all forms of modeling. But I don’t want you to think I am pushing you…
    8. MissFortune
      Thank you =) that is most certainly me lol, and I am only 5'3" so not sure I have much of a career in modelling. I appreciate the compliment though and look forward to getting to know everyone around the site.
    9. RevAnarchist
      Ha ha that is so good to hear! Yes I am not entirely anti social but I value my free alone time as much as greenbacks! What a paper dollar worth now 20 cents? Ha ha No really I do love down time spent with the bogie~
      Rev ~
    10. HillBilly
      Yep , we been good friends a long time , Flounder is doing ok , haven't spoken to him much lately , last I heard the back was on the mend , but this is a busy time of the year , and he has a huge family , so he's getting used to being 'staff' , but it's taking a lot of his time , and he's not liking that all that much , but he's ok , he's like me and you , he's too onry to stay down long . [IMG]
    11. RevAnarchist
      God bless you my friend, may God bless you and yours, really I mean it in very deep heartfelt way, god bless you, I love my friends here at PF but you are special. You were among the first people I met here and among the first that was of a like mind on many issues. Hey talking of special how is flounder doing?
    12. HillBilly
      Merry Christmas old buddy ... [IMG]
    13. RevAnarchist
      I do feel so blessed just about now. We all want things but most of us have things we need, food, shelter and friends and maybe even lovers! I love all of my virtual friends and count all of you as part of my blessings, God bless all of you ~ peace on earth ~
    14. RevAnarchist
      Is Santa going to bring you anything this Christmas Prospect? I am wishing for a band new Harley....but would be happy with a wall mart 10 speed! Take care my friend
    15. RevAnarchist
      Hi Sister Liebe, thanks for being you! Happy holidays and the very best wishes to you and your loved ones ~
    16. RevAnarchist
      Felicity, the same to you X zillion!
    17. prospect
      Merry Christmas Rev !!! Bless you and yours..
    18. Liebe
      Merry Christmas dear Rev!
    19. Felicity
      Merry Christmas! May the remainder of this year, and all of the new year be blessed!
    20. RevAnarchist
      Hello hillbilly my brother in spiritual arms, and all around pal ! How are you? You know you are welcome around my fire anytime. Or if you need me for a talking bud or otherwise you know where I live and my snail mail addy and e mail addy. I would be happy to see you anytime. Maybe when mom gets a little better we could meet in Boone or around those parts for a cuppa’ coffee. I may have business that way in a couple of weeks or so. Let me know brother Hillbilly eh? Oh sorry for the sporadic posting etc its been crazy around here! Both good and bad but not horrible! Rev A
    21. RevAnarchist
      Hi Felicity, I am a bit more careful around female members, you all' deserve a natural respect that men are not privy to, its the way I was brought up I suppose! So if you are happy that makes me smile.
    22. HillBilly
      Hey RevA , been meaning to stop by and have a cup of coffee with you. :-)
    23. Felicity
      Why on earth would you think you offended me? No...Just not around the same gin joints apparently. I hope all is well with you! Peace!
    24. RevAnarchist
      Hey MadConservative! Sorry I dropped the ball, if you still want to join the group I would be honored to invite you in. I feel guilty for not participating in the group having too many irons in the fire, so while I am a member and love the charter members I do not know the particulars! I will ask the founder how to go about inviting someone in. You are an intelligent and compassionate person and I thank you for your interest!
    25. RevAnarchist
      You are welcome Shangrila very welcome !
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    Far East TN Smokie Mnts.
    Non profit owner and church owner
    Marital Status:
    My beloved young wife died after five years of marriage...
    Real Name:
    One beloved old basset hound, Mr Bogie
    Hi come back soon!
    Country flag:
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    us tennessee
    I am a Christian minister and own a couple of start up non profits (humanitarian)

    God, Art, Science, outdoor activities, drinking parties, (jeeust kidding), more and many...
