Why are search engines manipulated to filter out "truth seekers"? As this link explains, it appears that they do exactly that. Even youtube censors the same sort of thing. Why is that? What are these entities afraid of? TRUTH? It's ridiculous how we're not 'allowed' to view certain things and then decide for ourselves. This 13 minute piece tries to show the truth, but youtube and search engines make it tougher to find. Look here and decide for yourself: http://www.911truth.org/search-engine-manipulation-google-youtube-suppress-controversial-911-truth/ I hope people wake up sooner, rather than later. What say you?
No idea what you're on about. All I have to do is go to google or youtube (same company) and type in '9/11' and thousands of conspiracy results come up. You're just being paranoid, as usual.
That particular clip is the premise of my post. Do you find that with the same 'ease'? - - - Updated - - - Attack! Attack! Insult! Insult! (dodge the topic, too).
Try clearing your cookies and deleting everything from your temp folder (go run, %temp%, permanently delete everything there). Google loves to priority searches based on past searches. Maybe you've just got too much **** in there.
I use a myriad of software applications to do that already, thank you. Oh, and I quit using google some time ago. Far too invasive for my tastes.
Your whole complaint is about a search engine you don't even use? - - - Updated - - - Praying for you isn't attacking. I hope you can stop being afraid soon.
Yep - just a did a search on Google, Bing and YouTube. The OP clip came up in the top three of all searches.
Meh, same old, same old. It's still running. Here's the direct link for those that are to ignorant to know how to use a search engine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6-LHtfodSg
The attack on Rachael Maddow is kind of harsh. Guess the OP is proven false, since this video was so easily found, eh?
Anybody who considers a psycho like Barret an "expert" on anything other than the lore of ear crickets is just too far down the rabbit hole to save.
McIlvane has no bloody clue. Screw him. His grief is not a reason to overthrow the government like the terrorists behind 9/11T want to do. MacQueen is a drooling religious whack job who cherry-picks the words of witnesses like Karen Deshore about bombs in the streets. He should go back to the monastery and contemplate his navel a little more before he opens his stupid pie hole and shows himself a complete ass. Griffin is a theologian, not a engineer. As for that smug little punk Cole. of course you can cut steel with a canister of ordinary thermite. I can do it with a cast charge of thermite myself, not canister needed. Unfortunately for idiot boy's crappolla theory, it would leave residues. Further, Jones and Harritt were playing with PAINT chips. The frumpy old biddy talking about peerreviewed articles seems to be under the mistaken impression that the two charlatan professors had actually done such a paper. Idiots, the lot of them.
I did enjoy those 13 minutes. The world is waking up. Rachel Maddow will be the last one to wake up. Her career is destroyed. No one can be that clueless on national TV in the 21st century and remain credible. Ridicule of Conspiracy Theories Focuses On Diffusing Criticism of the Powerful
Those folks were ahead of me. I woke up after the housing crash of 2007. I turned off my TV and started doing my own research. I give credit to those who woke up early.
I too was a Truther once. I watched the Truther movies and read some of their writings. I would tell friends and relatives all about this. And then, I just for the hell of it, read some websites that sought to debunk Truther videos. ....and I was blown away. I couldn't believe how easily I was fooled by their slight of hand, half-truths, cherry-picking, hand-waving, strawman arguments, and other tricks that snake-oil salesmen sell. I started to learn the REAL science behind strength of materials, how metal is affected by heat, the difference between static & dynamic forces, and learn the facts about what actually took place on 9-11. At most, I am willing to consider the possibility that Bush knews about upcoming attacks, and did nothing to stop it. but inside job? no planes? bombs in the buildings? the evidence says NO.
I am sorry you were fooled. I was fooled too by the official NIST report. Their claims are physically impossible. I was a building contractor for 20 years. I know what it takes to demolish buildings at or near freefall. Every core column must be taken out simultaneously. I realize that you do not understand basic physics or building construction. I do. Newton's Third Law of Motion: For the Twin Towers: What that means is if the upper portion came crashing down on the lower portion then the lower portion is going to push back in an equal and opposite reaction force. Whatever the upper portion is destroying on the lower portion the lower portion is destroying the upper portion. The upper portion is much smaller than the lower portion so the upper portion would disintegrate and stop crushing the lower portion far before it even came close to ground zero. It is physically impossible for the upper portions of those buildings to have crushed the lower portion. It violates Newton's Third Law of Motion. So the question becomes, if the official explanation is impossible, then how did it happen?
what are your qualifications? My boss sitting 13 feet away got his Masters in Civil Engineering from Cooper Union and he is a licensed Professional Engineer. My other bosses are an AIA licensed Architect and another who got his Masters in Civil Engineering from NYU Polytechnic University. Through my office are many AIA licensed architects and quite a few PEs. These are the men who advice me on all issues related to architecture & engineering. What are YOUR qualifications? what are the qualifications of your most immediate supervisors and co-workers?
You were a building contractor?,,,build anything that stood? besides.newtons first law wasn't violated
I worked 20 years as a building contractor. My qualifications are not important. I'm not the one going to prove anything to anybody. What I am telling you is that if your co-workers and supervisors believe that Newton's Third Law of Motion can be violated, then you should look for work elsewhere. They are getting egg on their face the longer they deny controlled demolition. Before long everyone is going to know it.
That is correct, and neither was Newton's Third Law of Motion. NIST is the one claiming Newton's Third Law of Motion was violated and it's impossible in our world.