80 percent of Canadians back Israel boycott

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by moon, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    More deluded dollop. Neither Haaretz nor Electronic Intifada are ' anti-Israel ' Both are anti-fascist, Israeli fascist in this instance - as you too should be.
    Haaretz is an Israeli newspaper which supports Israel by warning it of the rising tide of neoZionist fascism. It isn't racist by supporting ' Jews ' to the neglect of Israel, like you do.

    I guess you're a Geert Wilders fan-boy ?
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2017
  2. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Your opinion is on record, and is summarily dismissed. Begone, lassie :angered:
  3. moon

    moon Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    Dumb dollop.
  4. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Well obviously Israel would prefer for ISIS to remove Bashar al-Assad from Syria for them and so would the US, because that ways Israel and the US don't have to be held accountable for how ISIS does it. That's why when China, Iraq and Iran, and Russia welcomed the US on-board to fight ISIS, the US turned them down. Even Turkey wants Assad out with out having any blood on their hands. That's why Democrats were most concerned about Trump becoming President when he said he would "bomb the crap out of ISIS" while warming relations with Russia to get it done. Nations tied to the UN don't have the same flexibility that a non-sovereign group comprised of undocumented international volunteers does. ISIS/ISIL has already been condemned by the UN and it doesn't care because all any nation can do to it is war with it's volunteers, and then afterwards leave billions of dollar of free military hardware on the battlefield for the next group of volunteers that follow. The way ISIS, Israel and the US view the relationship is through different lenses. The US thinks that dealing with ISIS requires a lot less red-tape. They think they can secretly use ISIS as unofficial proxy warriors and then go after them in the end; they're wrong. They'll never be able to beat ISIS in Syria if Assad falls, and as soon as Israel attempts it (severing the secret relationship) they'll be next on ISIS hit-list. Israel will never be able to beat ISIS because ISIS is not a sovereign nation (it's an international group based on an idea similar in concept to the 1889 Zion agenda). That idea isn't going anywhere because it has limitless resources, and if you give them Syria as a fallen territory (governmentless) to operate in it's game over. ISIS is already well embedded in Iraq, once they get Syria they'll next move into Lebanon, then Jordan, then Israel, and very last Egypt. The US will have long since been bankrupted and toothless by that point, while ISIS receives Saudi funding, and the rest of the World will once again be counting on the Russians to save them (Just like they saved the Jews in Poland during WWII).
    Oh the irony of Russia and China becoming the next superpowers because of Israel and US poor gambling strategies. And nobody is going to come bail the US out. At least on the good-side Israel will be no more. The only remaining question is "how will the Palestinians fair in this disaster?" Probably not so well. Meanwhile, in other news North Korea is still poking it finger in the face of the US, South Korea and Japan, lets not forget about that. So what do you thinks going to happen once the US falls? Yet "might makes right" correct, so it is what it is "all-good"?
    Grau likes this.
  5. Dutch

    Dutch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Your inability to coherently reply to an inconvenient questions, is on the record :-D

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